= New in 0.3, 2006-02-25: This release is a minor which provides also some interesting improvements: * Compatibility: Uttk is now fully compatible with Ruby 1.8.4. Backward compatibility with older version of Ruby is no longer maintained. * Templates: They are now managed by the Rails generator. So, you need Rails installed to use them. * Select your test from the command line: Use the --rpath option to select the tests you want to run. * Logger/Dumpers/Filters: Bunch all together in a powerful back-end set. Filters are reloaded! * Distributed mode: Not included in this release. Will be back soon! * Uttk binary: Clean the help option, split in two --help and --long-help. * Loaders: * Ruby: You can use the Ruby's syntax (and power) to write your test suite. * Strategies: * Strategy: Provides benchmark measurement. * Assert: This new strategy based on the strategy S::Block provides to the user many assertions methods to easily define Ruby verifications. The strategy S::Assert mixes-in Test::Unit::Assertions to do this job. * Iterate: This new strategy aims to provide a generic way to iterate over objects to factor your test suite. It's based on ruby's `each'. * CmdBase: The command can now support a special argument %i, which is replaced by the name of the input file. * Miscellaneous: * Ruby is now in the symbol table: In your tests you now must use <> instead of just ruby. This will permit to easily control and change the running ruby. = New in 0.2, 2005-05-06: This release is mainly a BugFix release but it provides also some improvements: * Add templates to easily create your own loaders, dumpers, strategies...: * new_strategy.rb * new_dumper.rb * new_loader.rb * new_runit_test.rb * Strategies: * RUnit: Add an option to make the core_ex require optional. Add an `args' attribute. * PackageCollection: Add a documentation. * SubCmd: Use the new D::Notif output stream. * CmdBase: Declare a father hook. * Authors: Fix the regexp. * Composite: Update to the new testify. * Collection: Update testify, and log. * Checkout: Set :checkout_dir like :extract_dir. * RemoteCmd: Include its HostDispatcher. * Dumpers: * Notif: Output is now a Yaml stream. * Any dumpers can now easily support flushable outputs. * Logger: * Improve the Logger adding sugars. * Skip the message when the block returns nil. * LoggerFactory: Make section_tree available, and clean create_section_tree. = New in 0.1, 2005-04-12: * Strategies: Many strategies are already available. * Concrete strategies - Suite strategies: Suite, Pool, Glob - Command based strategies: Cmd, SubCmd, SignalCmd - Unit test strategies: RUnit, JUnit - Packaging strategies: Package, Checkout, Make, PackageCollection, Bootstrap, Authors, Configure, Compile, Clean - Distributed mode strategies: - unstable/testing: DistDuplicate, DistDelegate, Distribute - stable: Tester, Fetch, Fetcher - Basic and useful strategies: Sleep, Block, KillAll, Import - Elementary strategies: Pass, Abort, Error, Fail, Stub - Test strategies: Test, ProbabilityThreshold - Database strategies: SqlQuery * Abstract strategies: - Strategy - Composite - Collection - Proxy - IOBased - CmdBase - DistStrategy * Loaders: A YAML loader is provided to easily write the test suite. * Dumper: A YAML dumper which follow the same format than the YAML loader provides a human/script readable way to dump the suite result. An XML dumper is also available to easily put online the suite result. * Logger: A specific Logger which manage a severity level, a verbosity level and a section tree. Dumpers and/or Filters can be plugged to it. * Filters: Only two basic filters: Saver and BasicLogger. The filtering system is not yet very developed. * Statistics computation system: Uttk computes a weighted average of the succeed test of the test suite. This system is extensible to allow other kinds of computation. * A functional environment which handle shared values between strategies. * Distributed mode: This feature of Uttk is still unstable but already provides some interesting result. It is based on a specific daemon running on remote machine. * Cache system: Uttk remembers the successful test across session. Not yet fully tested, but already usable. -- Uttk's Maintainers