TORK-MASTER 1 2014-03-04 19.6.1


tork-master - absorbs overhead and runs tests


tork-master [OPTION]...


This program absorbs your Ruby application's test execution overhead once and simply fork(3)s worker processses to run your tests thereafter. As a result, your tests run faster because they no longer spend any time absorbing the test execution overhead: worker processes simply inherit the overhead when forked.

This program can be controlled remotely by multiple tork-remote(1) instances.


This program reads the following commands, which are single-line JSON arrays, from stdin and then performs the associated actions. For lines read from stdin that are single-line JSON arrays, it splits each of them into an array of words, using the same word-splitting algorithm as sh(1), before processing them. For example, the line a "b c" is split into the ["a", "b c"] array.

["test", test_file, line_numbers]
Forks a worker process to run tests that correspond to the given line_numbers in the given test_file. If line_numbers is empty, then the entire test_file will be run.
["stop", signal]
Stops all tests that are currently running by sending the given signal (optional; defaults to "SIGTERM") to their respective worker processes.
Stops all tests that are currently running and exits.


This program prints the following messages, which are single-line JSON arrays, to stdout.

Test execution overhead has been absorbed. We are ready for testing!
["test", test_file, line_numbers, log_file, worker_number]
Test has begun running. Its output (both stdout and stderr) is being captured into log_file in real time, so you can watch it with tail -f.
["pass", test_file, line_numbers, log_file, worker_number, exit_code, exit_info]
Test has passed.
["fail", test_file, line_numbers, log_file, worker_number, exit_code, exit_info]
Test has failed.


-h, --help
Show this help manual.


Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside the driver process on startup. It can read and change the ENV['TORK_CONFIGS'] environment variable.
Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside the master process on startup. It can read and change the following variables.
Maximum number of worker processes that are allowed to be running simultaneously at any given time. The default value is either the number of processors detected on your system or 1 if detection failed.
Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside the master process just before a worker process is forked. It can read and change the following variables.
Path of the test file that will be run by the worker process.
Array of line numbers in the test file that were requested to be run.
Path of the log file that will hold the output of the worker process.
Sequence number of the worker process that will be forked shortly.
Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside a worker process just after it is forked. It can read and change the following variables.
Path of the test file that will be run by this worker process.
Array of line numbers in the test file that were requested to be run.
Path of the log file that will hold the output of this worker process.
Sequence number of this worker process.


See tork(1).


tork(1), tork-remote(1)