#!/usr/bin/env ruby # wxRuby2 Sample Code. Copyright (c) 2004-2008 wxRuby development team # Freely reusable code: see SAMPLES-LICENSE.TXT for details begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end require 'wx' include Wx Calendar_Cal_Monday = 200 Calendar_Cal_Holidays = 201 Calendar_Cal_Special = 202 Calendar_Cal_Month = 203 Calendar_Cal_Year = 204 Calendar_Cal_SeqMonth = 205 Calendar_Cal_SurroundWeeks = 206 class MyCalendar < CalendarCtrl def initialize(parent, display_frame, initial_date, calendar_flags) super( parent, :date => initial_date, :style => calendar_flags | RAISED_BORDER) @display = display_frame @date = initial_date @weekday_names = %w|Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat| evt_calendar self, :on_calendar evt_calendar_month self, :on_cal_month_change evt_calendar_year self, :on_cal_year_change evt_calendar_sel_changed self, :on_calendar_change evt_calendar_weekday_clicked self, :on_calendar_weekday_click end def on_calendar(event) @display.date = event.date end def on_calendar_change(event) @date = event.date log_status("Selected date: #{@date.strftime('%A %d %B %Y')}") end def on_cal_month_change log_status("Calendar month changed") end def on_cal_year_change log_status("Calendar year changed") end def on_calendar_weekday_click(event) wday = event.week_day log_status("Clicked on #{@weekday_names[wday]}") end attr_reader :date end class MyFrame < Frame def initialize(title) super(nil, -1, title) @panel = Wx::Panel.new(self) add_menu_bar add_status_bar @calendar_flags = CAL_MONDAY_FIRST | CAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS @calendar = MyCalendar.new(@panel, self, Time.now, @calendar_flags) @sizer = BoxSizer.new(VERTICAL) configure_window evt_menu Wx::ID_EXIT, :on_quit evt_menu Wx::ID_ABOUT, :on_about evt_menu Calendar_Cal_Monday, :on_cal_monday evt_menu Calendar_Cal_Holidays, :on_cal_holidays evt_menu Calendar_Cal_Special, :on_cal_special evt_menu Calendar_Cal_Month, :on_cal_allow_month evt_menu Calendar_Cal_Year, :on_cal_allow_year evt_menu Calendar_Cal_SeqMonth, :on_cal_seq_month evt_menu Calendar_Cal_SurroundWeeks, :on_cal_show_surrounding_weeks evt_update_ui Calendar_Cal_Year, :on_allow_year_update end def add_menu_bar # create a menu bar menu_file = Menu.new menu_file.append(Wx::ID_ABOUT, "&About...\tCtrl-A", "Show about dialog") menu_file.append_separator menu_file.append(Wx::ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit self program") menu_cal = Menu.new menu_cal.append(Calendar_Cal_Monday, "Monday &first weekday\tCtrl-F", "Toggle between Mon and Sun as the first week day", ITEM_CHECK) menu_cal.append(Calendar_Cal_Holidays, "Show &holidays\tCtrl-H", "Toggle highlighting the holidays", ITEM_CHECK) menu_cal.append(Calendar_Cal_Special, "Highlight &special dates\tCtrl-S", "Test custom highlighting", ITEM_CHECK) menu_cal.append(Calendar_Cal_SurroundWeeks, "Show s&urrounding weeks\tCtrl-W", "Show the neighbouring weeks in the prev/next month", ITEM_CHECK) menu_cal.append_separator menu_cal.append(Calendar_Cal_SeqMonth, "To&ggle month selector style\tCtrl-G", "Use another style for the calendar controls", ITEM_CHECK) menu_cal.append(Calendar_Cal_Month, "&Month can be changed\tCtrl-M", "Allow changing the month in the calendar", ITEM_CHECK) menu_cal.append(Calendar_Cal_Year, "&Year can be changed\tCtrl-Y", "Allow changing the year in the calendar", ITEM_CHECK) # now append the freshly created menu to the menu bar... menu_bar = MenuBar.new menu_bar.append(menu_file, "&File") menu_bar.append(menu_cal, "&Calendar") menu_bar.check(Calendar_Cal_Monday, TRUE) menu_bar.check(Calendar_Cal_Holidays, TRUE) menu_bar.check(Calendar_Cal_Month, TRUE) menu_bar.check(Calendar_Cal_Year, TRUE) # ... and attach self menu bar to the frame self.menu_bar = menu_bar end def add_status_bar # create a status bar just for fun (by default with 1 pane only) create_status_bar set_status_text("Welcome to Windows!") end def configure_window @sizer.add(@calendar, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) @sizer.size_hints = @panel layout @panel.sizer = @sizer end def on_quit # true is to force the frame to close close(true) end def on_about message_box("wxRuby CalendarCtrl sample\nby Kevin Smith\n" + "based on the wxWidgets version by Vadim Zeitlin", "About Calendar", OK | ICON_INFORMATION, self) end def on_cal_monday(event) enable = get_menu_bar().is_checked(event.get_id()) toggle_cal_style(enable, CAL_MONDAY_FIRST) end def on_cal_holidays(event) enable = get_menu_bar().is_checked(event.get_id()) @calendar.enable_holiday_display(enable) end def on_cal_special(event) highlight_special(get_menu_bar().is_checked(event.get_id())) end def on_cal_allow_month(event) allow = get_menu_bar().is_checked(event.get_id()) @calendar.enable_month_change(allow) end def on_cal_allow_year(event) allow = get_menu_bar().is_checked(event.get_id()) @calendar.enable_year_change(allow) end def on_cal_seq_month(event) allow = get_menu_bar().is_checked(event.get_id()) toggle_cal_style(allow, CAL_SEQUENTIAL_MONTH_SELECTION) end def on_cal_show_surrounding_weeks(event) allow = get_menu_bar().is_checked(event.get_id()) toggle_cal_style(allow, CAL_SHOW_SURROUNDING_WEEKS) end def on_allow_year_update(event) event.enable( get_menu_bar().is_checked(Calendar_Cal_Month)) end def toggle_cal_style(on,flag) style = @calendar.get_window_style_flag date = @calendar.date @sizer.detach(@calendar) @calendar.destroy if on style |= flag else style &= ~flag end @calendar = MyCalendar.new(@panel, self, date, style) @sizer.add(@calendar, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTRE|Wx::ALL, 5) @panel.layout end def highlight_special(on) if on attr_red_circle = CalendarDateAttr.new(CAL_BORDER_ROUND, RED) attr_green_square = CalendarDateAttr.new(CAL_BORDER_SQUARE, GREEN) # This wraps correctly, but causes problems because the colour is freed # when the attribute is reset. # # attr_header_like = CalendarDateAttr.new(BLUE, LIGHT_GREY) @calendar.set_attr(17, attr_red_circle) @calendar.set_attr(29, attr_green_square) # @calendar.set_attr(13, attr_header_like) else @calendar.reset_attr(17) @calendar.reset_attr(29) # @calendar.reset_attr(13) end @calendar.refresh() end def set_date(d) str = "%s-%s-%s" % [ d.year, d.mon, d.day ] Wx::MessageDialog.new( self, "The selected date is #{str}", "Date chosen" ).show_modal end end class RbApp < App def on_init() frame = MyFrame.new("Calendar Windows sample") frame.show(true) end end a = RbApp.new a.main_loop()