class @SharingTags.FacebookShare extends @SharingTags.Share # available providers: sharer, fb_ui, dialog @default_provider: "fb_ui" app_id: null return_url: null provider: null constructor: ({@app_id, @caption, @return_url, @provider})-> @provider = @detect_provider() if !@provider || @provider == "auto" # todo: throw error for invalid provider @constructor.init() if @provider is 'fb_ui' and not FB? super # facebook locales support ( # @init: (locale="en_US")-> return if FB? sdk_url = locale + (if @debug then "/sdk/debug.js" else "/all.js") jQuery.ajax( url: "//{sdk_url}" dataType: "script" cache: true ) share: (provider = @provider)-> @callback.before_share(provider) @["_#{provider}"]() @ detect_provider: -> provider = if @_user_agent().match('CriOS') "sharer" else if @app_id if @return_url then "dialog" else "fb_ui_feed" else "sharer" @constructor._debug("Facebook#detect_provider", provider) provider _sharer: -> @_assert_vars "url" @open_popup("", u: @url) # _fb_ui: => @_assert_vars "url", "app_id" FB.ui( method: 'share', href: @url, @_fb_ui_callback ) _dialog: (display = 'page')-> @_assert_vars 'url', 'return_url' @open_popup("", href: @url, redirect_uri: @return_url, app_id: @app_id, display: display) # @note: mobile chrome and android browsers after sharing redirect to created post on Facebook # @note: iphone facebook browser: after sharing redirected to shared post _stream_share: -> @_assert_vars 'url' FB.ui( method: 'stream.share', u: @url @_fb_ui_callback ) # @note: iphone facebook browser - doesn't redirect to page after sharing # @note: android browser - Ok # return post_id # _fb_ui_feed: => FB.ui( @_prepare_params( method: 'feed' link: @url name: @title # The name of the link attachment. caption: @caption # The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name). If not specified, this field is automatically populated with the URL of the link. description: @description # The description of the link (appears beneath the link caption). If not specified, this field is automatically populated by information scraped from the link, typically the title of the page. picture: @image redirect_uri: @return_url ), @_fb_ui_callback ) _fb_ui_callback: (response)=> @callback.after_share(response) if response && !response.error_code @callback.success_share(response) else @callback.cancel_share(response)