# # test/unit/bio/db/test_medline.rb - Unit test for Bio::MEDLINE # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2008 Collaborative Drug Discovery, Inc. # License:: The Ruby License # # loading helper routine for testing bioruby require 'pathname' load Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 3, 'bioruby_test_helper.rb')).cleanpath.to_s # libraries needed for the tests require 'test/unit' require 'bio/reference' require 'bio/db/medline' module Bio class TestMEDLINE_20146148 < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup filename = File.join(BioRubyTestDataPath, 'medline', '20146148_modified.medline') @obj = Bio::MEDLINE.new(File.read(filename)) end def test_self_new assert_instance_of(Bio::MEDLINE, @obj) end def test_reference h = { 'authors' => ["Mattsson, M.", "Summala, H."], 'affiliations' => [ "Traffic Research Unit, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki, Finland. markus.mattsson@helsinki.fi" ], 'journal' => "Traffic Inj Prev", 'title' => "With power comes responsibility: motorcycle engine power and power-to-weight ratio in relation to accident risk.", 'pages' => '87-95', 'issue' => "1", 'volume' => "11", 'year' => "2010", 'pubmed' => "20146148", 'mesh' => [ "Accidents, Traffic/mortality/*statistics & numerical data", "Adult", "Age Distribution", "Body Weight", "Female", "Finland/epidemiology", "Humans", "Linear Models", "Male", "Motorcycles/classification/legislation & jurisprudence/*statistics & numerical data", "Questionnaires", "Risk", "Social Responsibility", "Young Adult" ], 'abstract' => "(The abstract is omitted to avoid copyright issues. Please find the abstract at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20146148. We believe that other information in this entry is within public domain, according to \"Copyright and Disclaimers\" in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/About/disclaimer.html.)" } expected = Bio::Reference.new(h) assert_equal(expected, @obj.reference) end def test_pmid assert_equal("20146148", @obj.pmid) end def test_ui assert_equal("", @obj.ui) end def test_ta assert_equal("Traffic Inj Prev", @obj.ta) end def test_vi assert_equal("11", @obj.vi) end def test_ip assert_equal("1", @obj.ip) end def test_pg assert_equal("87-95", @obj.pg) end def test_pages assert_equal("87-95", @obj.pages) end def test_dp assert_equal("2010 Feb", @obj.dp) end def test_year assert_equal("2010", @obj.year) end def test_ti expected = "With power comes responsibility: motorcycle engine power and power-to-weight ratio in relation to accident risk." assert_equal(expected, @obj.ti) end def test_ab expected = "(The abstract is omitted to avoid copyright issues. Please find the abstract at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20146148. We believe that other information in this entry is within public domain, according to \"Copyright and Disclaimers\" in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/About/disclaimer.html.)" assert_equal(expected, @obj.ab) end def test_au expected = "Mattsson M\nSummala H" assert_equal(expected, @obj.au) end def test_authors expected = ["Mattsson, M.", "Summala, H."] assert_equal(expected, @obj.authors) end def test_so expected = "Traffic Inj Prev. 2010 Feb;11(1):87-95." assert_equal(expected, @obj.so) end def test_mh expected = [ "Accidents, Traffic/mortality/*statistics & numerical data", "Adult", "Age Distribution", "Body Weight", "Female", "Finland/epidemiology", "Humans", "Linear Models", "Male", "Motorcycles/classification/legislation & jurisprudence/*statistics & numerical data", "Questionnaires", "Risk", "Social Responsibility", "Young Adult" ] assert_equal(expected, @obj.mh) end def test_ad expected = [ "Traffic Research Unit, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki, Finland. markus.mattsson@helsinki.fi" ] assert_equal(expected, @obj.ad) end def test_doi assert_equal("10.1080/15389580903471126", @obj.doi) end def test_pii assert_equal("919158438", @obj.pii) end def test_pt expected = [ "Journal Article", "Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't" ] assert_equal(expected, @obj.pt) end end #class TestMEDLINE_20146148 class TestMEDLINE < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_authors assert_equal(["Kane, D. W.", "Hohman, M. M.", "Cerami, E. G.", "McCormick, M. W.", "Kuhlmann, K. F.", "Byrd, J. A."], Bio::MEDLINE.new(AGILE).authors) end def test_authors_with_suffix assert_equal(["Jenkins, F. A. Jr"], Bio::MEDLINE.new("AU - Jenkins FA Jr").authors) end def test_authors_with_last_name_all_caps assert_equal(["GARTLER, S. M."], Bio::MEDLINE.new("AU - GARTLER SM").authors) end AGILE = <<-EOMED PMID- 16734914 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DA - 20060811 DCOM- 20060928 LR - 20081120 IS - 1471-2105 (Electronic) VI - 7 DP - 2006 TI - Agile methods in biomedical software development: a multi-site experience report. PG - 273 AB - BACKGROUND: Agile is an iterative approach to software development that relies on strong collaboration and automation to keep pace with dynamic environments. We have successfully used agile development approaches to create and maintain biomedical software, including software for bioinformatics. This paper reports on a qualitative study of our experiences using these methods. RESULTS: We have found that agile methods are well suited to the exploratory and iterative nature of scientific inquiry. They provide a robust framework for reproducing scientific results and for developing clinical support systems. The agile development approach also provides a model for collaboration between software engineers and researchers. We present our experience using agile methodologies in projects at six different biomedical software development organizations. The organizations include academic, commercial and government development teams, and included both bioinformatics and clinical support applications. We found that agile practices were a match for the needs of our biomedical projects and contributed to the success of our organizations. CONCLUSION: We found that the agile development approach was a good fit for our organizations, and that these practices should be applicable and valuable to other biomedical software development efforts. Although we found differences in how agile methods were used, we were also able to identify a set of core practices that were common to all of the groups, and that could be a focus for others seeking to adopt these methods. AD - SRA International, 4300 Fair Lakes Court, Fairfax, VA 22033, USA. david_kane@sra.com FAU - Kane, David W AU - Kane DW FAU - Hohman, Moses M AU - Hohman MM FAU - Cerami, Ethan G AU - Cerami EG FAU - McCormick, Michael W AU - McCormick MW FAU - Kuhlmann, Karl F AU - Kuhlmann KF FAU - Byrd, Jeff A AU - Byrd JA LA - eng GR - U01 MH061915-03/MH/NIMH NIH HHS/United States GR - U01 MH061915-04/MH/NIMH NIH HHS/United States GR - U01 MH61915/MH/NIMH NIH HHS/United States PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't DEP - 20060530 PL - England TA - BMC Bioinformatics JT - BMC bioinformatics JID - 100965194 SB - IM MH - Algorithms MH - Automation MH - Computational Biology/*methods MH - Computers MH - Database Management Systems MH - Databases, Genetic MH - Diffusion of Innovation MH - Hospital Information Systems MH - Hospitals MH - Humans MH - Medical Informatics MH - Multicenter Studies as Topic MH - Programming Languages MH - Software MH - *Software Design MH - Systems Integration PMC - PMC1539031 OID - NLM: PMC1539031 EDAT- 2006/06/01 09:00 MHDA- 2006/09/29 09:00 CRDT- 2006/06/01 09:00 PHST- 2005/11/17 [received] PHST- 2006/05/30 [accepted] PHST- 2006/05/30 [aheadofprint] AID - 1471-2105-7-273 [pii] AID - 10.1186/1471-2105-7-273 [doi] PST - epublish SO - BMC Bioinformatics. 2006 May 30;7:273. EOMED end end