#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # metrics-dns # # DESCRIPTION: # This plugin gathers some simple DNS # statistics, such as the amount of time taken # to resolve a name (response time). # # OUTPUT: # metric data # # PLATFORMS: # Linux, BSD # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: sensu-plugin # gem: dnsruby # # USAGE: # # LICENSE: # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'sensu-plugin/metric/cli' require 'dnsruby' require 'benchmark' class DNSGraphite < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite option :domain, description: 'Domain to resolve (or ip if type PTR)', short: '-d DOMAIN', long: '--domain DOMAIN' option :type, description: 'Record type to resolve (A, AAAA, TXT, etc) use PTR for reverse lookup', short: '-t RECORD', long: '--type RECORD', default: 'A' option :class, description: 'Record class to resolve (IN, CH, HS, ANY)', short: '-c CLASS', long: '--class CLASS', default: 'IN' option :server, description: 'Server to use for resolution', short: '-s SERVER', long: '--server SERVER' option :port, description: 'Port to use for resolution', short: '-p PORT', long: '--port PORT', proc: proc(&:to_i) option :scheme, description: 'Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to metric', short: '-S SCHEME', long: '--scheme SCHEME', default: "#{Socket.gethostname}.dns" def run unknown 'No domain specified' if config[:domain].nil? begin dnsruby_config = {} dnsruby_config[:nameserver] = [config[:server]] unless config[:server].nil? dnsruby_config[:port] = config[:port] unless config[:port].nil? resolver = Dnsruby::Resolver.new(dnsruby_config) result = Benchmark.realtime { resolver.query(config[:domain], config[:type], config[:class]) } key_name = config[:domain].to_s.tr('.', '_') # Response Time stat output "#{config[:scheme]}.#{config[:type]}.#{key_name}.response_time", result.to_f.round(8) rescue Dnsruby::NXDomain critical "Could not resolve #{config[:domain]} #{config[:type]} record" rescue => e unknown e end # and exit 'ok' ok end end