# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- module ActiveShipping # After getting an API login from USPS (looks like '123YOURNAME456'), # run the following test: # # usps = USPS.new(:login => '123YOURNAME456', :test => true) # usps.valid_credentials? # # This will send a test request to the USPS test servers, which they ask you # to do before they put your API key in production mode. class USPS < Carrier EventDetails = Struct.new(:description, :time, :zoneless_time, :location, :event_code) ONLY_PREFIX_EVENTS = ['DELIVERED','OUT FOR DELIVERY'] self.retry_safe = true cattr_reader :name @@name = "USPS" LIVE_DOMAIN = 'production.shippingapis.com' LIVE_RESOURCE = 'ShippingAPI.dll' TEST_DOMAINS = { # indexed by security; e.g. TEST_DOMAINS[USE_SSL[:rates]] true => 'secure.shippingapis.com', false => 'stg-production.shippingapis.com' } API_CODES = { :us_rates => 'RateV4', :world_rates => 'IntlRateV2', :test => 'CarrierPickupAvailability', :track => 'TrackV2' } USE_SSL = { :us_rates => false, :world_rates => false, :test => true, :track => false } CONTAINERS = { rectangular: 'RECTANGULAR', variable: 'VARIABLE', box: 'FLAT RATE BOX', box_large: 'LG FLAT RATE BOX', box_medium: 'MD FLAT RATE BOX', box_small: 'SM FLAT RATE BOX', envelope: 'FLAT RATE ENVELOPE', envelope_legal: 'LEGAL FLAT RATE ENVELOPE', envelope_padded: 'PADDED FLAT RATE ENVELOPE', envelope_gift_card: 'GIFT CARD FLAT RATE ENVELOPE', envelope_window: 'WINDOW FLAT RATE ENVELOPE', envelope_small: 'SM FLAT RATE ENVELOPE', package_service: 'PACKAGE SERVICE' } MAIL_TYPES = { :package => 'Package', :postcard => 'Postcards or aerogrammes', :matter_for_the_blind => 'Matter for the blind', :envelope => 'Envelope' } PACKAGE_PROPERTIES = { 'ZipOrigination' => :origin_zip, 'ZipDestination' => :destination_zip, 'Pounds' => :pounds, 'Ounces' => :ounces, 'Container' => :container, 'Size' => :size, 'Machinable' => :machinable, 'Zone' => :zone, 'Postage' => :postage, 'Restrictions' => :restrictions } POSTAGE_PROPERTIES = { 'MailService' => :service, 'Rate' => :rate } US_SERVICES = { :first_class => 'FIRST CLASS', :priority => 'PRIORITY', :express => 'EXPRESS', :bpm => 'BPM', :parcel => 'PARCEL', :media => 'MEDIA', :library => 'LIBRARY', :online => 'ONLINE', :plus => 'PLUS', :all => 'ALL' } DEFAULT_SERVICE = Hash.new(:all).update( :base => :online, :plus => :plus ) DOMESTIC_RATE_FIELD = Hash.new('Rate').update( :base => 'CommercialRate', :plus => 'CommercialPlusRate' ) INTERNATIONAL_RATE_FIELD = Hash.new('Postage').update( :base => 'CommercialPostage', :plus => 'CommercialPlusPostage' ) COMMERCIAL_FLAG_NAME = { :base => 'CommercialFlag', :plus => 'CommercialPlusFlag' } FIRST_CLASS_MAIL_TYPES = { :letter => 'LETTER', :flat => 'FLAT', :parcel => 'PARCEL', :post_card => 'POSTCARD', :package_service => 'PACKAGESERVICE' } ATTEMPTED_DELIVERY_CODES = %w(02 53 54 55 56 H0) # Array of U.S. possessions according to USPS: https://www.usps.com/ship/official-abbreviations.htm US_POSSESSIONS = %w(AS FM GU MH MP PW PR VI) # TODO: figure out how USPS likes to say "Ivory Coast" # # Country names: # http://pe.usps.gov/text/Imm/immctry.htm COUNTRY_NAME_CONVERSIONS = { "BA" => "Bosnia-Herzegovina", "CD" => "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", "CG" => "Congo (Brazzaville),Republic of the", "CI" => "Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)", "CK" => "Cook Islands (New Zealand)", "FK" => "Falkland Islands", "GB" => "Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "GE" => "Georgia, Republic of", "IR" => "Iran", "KN" => "Saint Kitts (St. Christopher and Nevis)", "KP" => "North Korea (Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)", "KR" => "South Korea (Korea, Republic of)", "LA" => "Laos", "LY" => "Libya", "MC" => "Monaco (France)", "MD" => "Moldova", "MK" => "Macedonia, Republic of", "MM" => "Burma", "PN" => "Pitcairn Island", "RU" => "Russia", "SK" => "Slovak Republic", "TK" => "Tokelau (Union) Group (Western Samoa)", "TW" => "Taiwan", "TZ" => "Tanzania", "VA" => "Vatican City", "VG" => "British Virgin Islands", "VN" => "Vietnam", "WF" => "Wallis and Futuna Islands", "WS" => "Western Samoa" } TRACKING_ODD_COUNTRY_NAMES = { 'TAIWAN' => 'TW', 'MACEDONIA THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF'=> 'MK', 'MICRONESIA FEDERATED STATES OF' => 'FM', 'MOLDOVA REPUBLIC OF' => 'MD', } RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES = [ /There is no record of that mail item/, /This Information has not been included in this Test Server\./, /Delivery status information is not available/ ] ESCAPING_AND_SYMBOLS = /<\S*>/ LEADING_USPS = /^USPS / TRAILING_ASTERISKS = /\*+$/ SERVICE_NAME_SUBSTITUTIONS = /#{ESCAPING_AND_SYMBOLS}|#{LEADING_USPS}|#{TRAILING_ASTERISKS}/ def find_tracking_info(tracking_number, options = {}) options = @options.merge(options) tracking_request = build_tracking_request(tracking_number, options) response = commit(:track, tracking_request, options[:test] || false) parse_tracking_response(response).first end def batch_find_tracking_info(tracking_infos, options = {}) options = @options.update(options) tracking_request = build_tracking_batch_request(tracking_infos, options) response = commit(:track, tracking_request, options[:test] || false) parse_tracking_response(response, fault_tolerant: true) end def self.size_code_for(package) if package.inches(:max) <= 12 'REGULAR' else 'LARGE' end end # from info at http://www.usps.com/businessmail101/mailcharacteristics/parcels.htm # # package.options[:books] -- 25 lb. limit instead of 35 for books or other printed matter. # Defaults to false. def self.package_machinable?(package, options = {}) at_least_minimum = package.inches(:length) >= 6.0 && package.inches(:width) >= 3.0 && package.inches(:height) >= 0.25 && package.ounces >= 6.0 at_most_maximum = package.inches(:length) <= 34.0 && package.inches(:width) <= 17.0 && package.inches(:height) <= 17.0 && package.pounds <= (package.options[:books] ? 25.0 : 35.0) at_least_minimum && at_most_maximum end def requirements [:login] end def find_rates(origin, destination, packages, options = {}) options = @options.merge(options) origin = Location.from(origin) destination = Location.from(destination) packages = Array(packages) domestic_codes = US_POSSESSIONS + ['US', nil] if domestic_codes.include?(destination.country_code(:alpha2)) us_rates(origin, destination, packages, options) else world_rates(origin, destination, packages, options) end end def valid_credentials? # Cannot test with find_rates because USPS doesn't allow that in test mode test_mode? ? canned_address_verification_works? : super end def maximum_weight Mass.new(70, :pounds) end def extract_event_details(node) description = node.at('Event').text.upcase if prefix = ONLY_PREFIX_EVENTS.find { |p| description.start_with?(p) } description = prefix end time = if node.at('EventDate').text.present? timestamp = "#{node.at('EventDate').text}, #{node.at('EventTime').text}" Time.parse(timestamp) else # Epoch time, because we need to sort properly by time Time.at(0) end event_code = node.at('EventCode').text city = node.at('EventCity').try(:text) state = node.at('EventState').try(:text) zip_code = node.at('EventZIPCode').try(:text) country_node = node.at('EventCountry') country = country_node ? country_node.text : '' country = 'UNITED STATES' if country.empty? # USPS returns upcased country names which ActiveUtils doesn't recognize without translation country = find_country_code_case_insensitive(country) zoneless_time = Time.utc(time.year, time.month, time.mday, time.hour, time.min, time.sec) location = Location.new(city: city, state: state, postal_code: zip_code, country: country) EventDetails.new(description, time, zoneless_time, location, event_code) end def maximum_address_field_length # https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/address-information-api.pdf 38 end protected def build_tracking_request(tracking_number, options = {}) build_tracking_batch_request([{ number: tracking_number, destination_zip: options[:destination_zip], mailing_date: options[:mailing_date] }], options) end def build_tracking_batch_request(tracking_infos, options) xml_builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.TrackFieldRequest('USERID' => options[:login]) do xml.Revision { xml.text('1') } xml.ClientIp { xml.text(options[:client_ip] || '') } xml.SourceId { xml.text(options[:source_id] || 'active_shipping') } tracking_infos.each do |info| xml.TrackID('ID' => info[:number]) do xml.DestinationZipCode { xml.text(strip_zip(info[:destination_zip]))} if info[:destination_zip] if info[:mailing_date] formatted_date = info[:mailing_date].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') xml.MailingDate { xml.text(formatted_date)} end end end end end xml_builder.to_xml end def us_rates(origin, destination, packages, options = {}) request = build_us_rate_request(packages, origin.zip, destination.zip, options) # never use test mode; rate requests just won't work on test servers parse_rate_response(origin, destination, packages, commit(:us_rates, request, false), options) end def world_rates(origin, destination, packages, options = {}) request = build_world_rate_request(origin, packages, destination, options) # never use test mode; rate requests just won't work on test servers parse_rate_response(origin, destination, packages, commit(:world_rates, request, false), options) end # Once the address verification API is implemented, remove this and have valid_credentials? build the request using that instead. def canned_address_verification_works? return false unless @options[:login] request = <<-EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CarrierPickupAvailabilityRequest USERID="#{URI.encode(@options[:login])}"> <FirmName>Shopifolk</FirmName> <SuiteOrApt>Suite 0</SuiteOrApt> <Address2>18 Fair Ave</Address2> <Urbanization /> <City>San Francisco</City> <State>CA</State> <ZIP5>94110</ZIP5> <ZIP4>9411</ZIP4> </CarrierPickupAvailabilityRequest> EOF xml = Nokogiri.XML(commit(:test, request, true)) { |config| config.strict } xml.at('/CarrierPickupAvailabilityResponse/City').try(:text) == 'SAN FRANCISCO' && xml.at('/CarrierPickupAvailabilityResponse/Address2').try(:text) == '18 FAIR AVE' end # options[:service] -- One of [:first_class, :priority, :express, :bpm, :parcel, # :media, :library, :online, :plus, :all]. defaults to :all. # options[:books] -- Either true or false. Packages of books or other printed matter # have a lower weight limit to be considered machinable. # package.options[:container] -- Can be :rectangular, :variable, or a flat rate container # defined in CONTAINERS. # package.options[:machinable] -- Either true or false. Overrides the detection of # "machinability" entirely. def build_us_rate_request(packages, origin_zip, destination_zip, options = {}) xml_builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.RateV4Request('USERID' => @options[:login]) do Array(packages).each_with_index do |package, id| xml.Package('ID' => id) do commercial_type = commercial_type(options) default_service = DEFAULT_SERVICE[commercial_type] service = options.fetch(:service, default_service).to_sym if commercial_type && service != default_service raise ArgumentError, "Commercial #{commercial_type} rates are only provided with the #{default_service.inspect} service." end xml.Service(US_SERVICES[service]) xml.FirstClassMailType(FIRST_CLASS_MAIL_TYPES[options[:first_class_mail_type].try(:to_sym)]) xml.ZipOrigination(strip_zip(origin_zip)) xml.ZipDestination(strip_zip(destination_zip)) xml.Pounds(0) xml.Ounces("%0.1f" % [package.ounces, 1].max) size_code = USPS.size_code_for(package) container = CONTAINERS[package.options[:container]] container ||= (package.cylinder? ? 'NONRECTANGULAR' : 'RECTANGULAR') if size_code == 'LARGE' xml.Container(container) xml.Size(size_code) xml.Width("%0.2f" % package.inches(:width)) xml.Length("%0.2f" % package.inches(:length)) xml.Height("%0.2f" % package.inches(:height)) xml.Girth("%0.2f" % package.inches(:girth)) is_machinable = if package.options.has_key?(:machinable) package.options[:machinable] ? true : false else USPS.package_machinable?(package) end xml.Machinable(is_machinable.to_s.upcase) end end end end save_request(xml_builder.to_xml) end # important difference with international rate requests: # * services are not given in the request # * package sizes are not given in the request # * services are returned in the response along with restrictions of size # * the size restrictions are returned AS AN ENGLISH SENTENCE (!?) # # # package.options[:mail_type] -- one of [:package, :postcard, :matter_for_the_blind, :envelope]. # Defaults to :package. def build_world_rate_request(origin, packages, destination, options) country = COUNTRY_NAME_CONVERSIONS[destination.country.code(:alpha2).value] || destination.country.name xml_builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.IntlRateV2Request('USERID' => @options[:login]) do xml.Revision(2) Array(packages).each_with_index do |package, id| xml.Package('ID' => id) do xml.Pounds(0) xml.Ounces([package.ounces, 1].max.ceil) # takes an integer for some reason, must be rounded UP xml.MailType(MAIL_TYPES[package.options[:mail_type]] || 'Package') xml.GXG do xml.POBoxFlag(destination.po_box? ? 'Y' : 'N') xml.GiftFlag(package.gift? ? 'Y' : 'N') end value = if package.value && package.value > 0 && package.currency && package.currency != 'USD' 0.0 else (package.value || 0) / 100.0 end xml.ValueOfContents(value) xml.Country(country) xml.Container(package.cylinder? ? 'NONRECTANGULAR' : 'RECTANGULAR') xml.Size(USPS.size_code_for(package)) xml.Width("%0.2f" % [package.inches(:width), 0.01].max) xml.Length("%0.2f" % [package.inches(:length), 0.01].max) xml.Height("%0.2f" % [package.inches(:height), 0.01].max) xml.Girth("%0.2f" % [package.inches(:girth), 0.01].max) xml.OriginZip(origin.zip) if commercial_type = commercial_type(options) xml.public_send(COMMERCIAL_FLAG_NAME.fetch(commercial_type), 'Y') end if destination.zip.present? xml.AcceptanceDateTime((options[:acceptance_time] || Time.now.utc).iso8601) xml.DestinationPostalCode(destination.zip) end end end end end save_request(xml_builder.to_xml) end def parse_rate_response(origin, destination, packages, response, options = {}) success = true message = '' rate_hash = {} xml = Nokogiri.XML(response) if error = xml.at_xpath('/Error | //ServiceErrors/ServiceError') success = false message = error.at('Description').text else xml.root.xpath('Package').each do |package| if package.at('Error') success = false message = package.at('Error/Description').text break end end if success rate_hash = rates_from_response_node(xml, packages, options) unless rate_hash success = false message = "Unknown root node in XML response: '#{xml.root.name}'" end end end if success rate_estimates = rate_hash.keys.map do |service_name| RateEstimate.new(origin, destination, @@name, "USPS #{service_name}", :package_rates => rate_hash[service_name][:package_rates], :service_code => rate_hash[service_name][:service_code], :currency => 'USD') end rate_estimates.reject! { |e| e.package_count != packages.length } rate_estimates = rate_estimates.sort_by(&:total_price) end RateResponse.new(success, message, Hash.from_xml(response), :rates => rate_estimates, :xml => response, :request => last_request) end def rates_from_response_node(response_node, packages, options = {}) rate_hash = {} return false unless (root_node = response_node.at_xpath('/IntlRateV2Response | /RateV4Response')) commercial_type = commercial_type(options) service_node, service_code_node, service_name_node, rate_node = if root_node.name == 'RateV4Response' %w(Postage CLASSID MailService) << DOMESTIC_RATE_FIELD[commercial_type] else %w(Service ID SvcDescription) << INTERNATIONAL_RATE_FIELD[commercial_type] end root_node.xpath('Package').each do |package_node| this_package = packages[package_node['ID'].to_i] package_node.xpath(service_node).each do |service_response_node| service_name = service_response_node.at(service_name_node).text service_name.gsub!(SERVICE_NAME_SUBSTITUTIONS, '') # aggregate specific package rates into a service-centric RateEstimate # first package with a given service name will initialize these; # later packages with same service will add to them this_service = rate_hash[service_name] ||= {} this_service[:service_code] ||= service_response_node.attributes[service_code_node].value package_rates = this_service[:package_rates] ||= [] this_package_rate = {:package => this_package, :rate => Package.cents_from(rate_value(rate_node, service_response_node, commercial_type))} package_rates << this_package_rate if package_valid_for_service(this_package, service_response_node) end end rate_hash end def package_valid_for_service(package, service_node) return true if service_node.at('MaxWeight').nil? max_weight = service_node.at('MaxWeight').text.to_f name = service_node.at_xpath('SvcDescription | MailService').text.downcase if name =~ /flat.rate.box/ # domestic or international flat rate box # flat rate dimensions from http://www.usps.com/shipping/flatrate.htm return (package_valid_for_max_dimensions(package, :weight => max_weight, # domestic apparently has no weight restriction :length => 11.0, :width => 8.5, :height => 5.5) or package_valid_for_max_dimensions(package, :weight => max_weight, :length => 13.625, :width => 11.875, :height => 3.375)) elsif name =~ /flat.rate.envelope/ return package_valid_for_max_dimensions(package, :weight => max_weight, :length => 12.5, :width => 9.5, :height => 0.75) elsif service_node.at('MailService') # domestic non-flat rates return true else # international non-flat rates # Some sample english that this is required to parse: # # 'Max. length 46", width 35", height 46" and max. length plus girth 108"' # 'Max. length 24", Max. length, height, depth combined 36"' # sentence = CGI.unescapeHTML(service_node.at('MaxDimensions').text) tokens = sentence.downcase.split(/[^\d]*"/).reject(&:empty?) max_dimensions = {:weight => max_weight} single_axis_values = [] tokens.each do |token| axis_sum = [/length/, /width/, /height/, /depth/].sum { |regex| (token =~ regex) ? 1 : 0 } unless axis_sum == 0 value = token[/\d+$/].to_f if axis_sum == 3 max_dimensions[:length_plus_width_plus_height] = value elsif token =~ /girth/ and axis_sum == 1 max_dimensions[:length_plus_girth] = value else single_axis_values << value end end end single_axis_values.sort!.reverse! [:length, :width, :height].each_with_index do |axis, i| max_dimensions[axis] = single_axis_values[i] if single_axis_values[i] end package_valid_for_max_dimensions(package, max_dimensions) end end def package_valid_for_max_dimensions(package, dimensions) ((not ([:length, :width, :height].map { |dim| dimensions[dim].nil? || dimensions[dim].to_f >= package.inches(dim).to_f }.include?(false))) and (dimensions[:weight].nil? || dimensions[:weight] >= package.pounds) and (dimensions[:length_plus_girth].nil? or dimensions[:length_plus_girth].to_f >= package.inches(:length) + package.inches(:girth)) and (dimensions[:length_plus_width_plus_height].nil? or dimensions[:length_plus_width_plus_height].to_f >= package.inches(:length) + package.inches(:width) + package.inches(:height))) end def parse_tracking_response(response, options = {}) xml = Nokogiri.XML(response) if has_error?(xml) message = error_description_node(xml).text # actually raises instead of returning by nature of TrackingResponse#initialize return TrackingResponse.new(false, message, Hash.from_xml(response), carrier: @@name, xml: response, request: last_request) end # Responses are always returned in the order originally given. if options[:fault_tolerant] xml.root.xpath('TrackInfo').map do |info| # Don't let one failure wreck the whole batch begin parse_tracking_info(response, info) rescue ResponseError => e e.response end end else xml.root.xpath('TrackInfo').map { |info| parse_tracking_info(response, info) } end end def parse_tracking_info(response, node) success = !has_error?(node) message = response_message(node) if success destination = nil shipment_events = [] tracking_details = node.xpath('TrackDetail') tracking_details << node.at('TrackSummary') tracking_number = node.attributes['ID'].value prediction_node = node.at('PredictedDeliveryDate') || node.at('ExpectedDeliveryDate') scheduled_delivery = prediction_node ? Time.parse(prediction_node.text) : nil tracking_details.each do |event| details = extract_event_details(event) if details.location shipment_events << ShipmentEvent.new(details.description, details.zoneless_time, details.location, details.description, details.event_code) end end shipment_events = shipment_events.sort_by(&:time) attempted_delivery_date = shipment_events.detect{ |shipment_event| ATTEMPTED_DELIVERY_CODES.include?(shipment_event.type_code) }.try(:time) if last_shipment = shipment_events.last status = last_shipment.status actual_delivery_date = last_shipment.time if last_shipment.delivered? end end TrackingResponse.new(success, message, Hash.from_xml(response), :carrier => @@name, :xml => response, :request => last_request, :shipment_events => shipment_events, :destination => destination, :tracking_number => tracking_number, :status => status, :actual_delivery_date => actual_delivery_date, :attempted_delivery_date => attempted_delivery_date, :scheduled_delivery_date => scheduled_delivery ) end def error_description_node(node) node.xpath('Error/Description') end def response_status_node(node) node.at('StatusSummary') || error_description_node(node) end def has_error?(node) node.xpath('Error').length > 0 end def response_message(document) response_status_node(document).text end def find_country_code_case_insensitive(name) upcase_name = name.upcase.gsub(' ', ', ') if special = TRACKING_ODD_COUNTRY_NAMES[upcase_name] return special end country = ActiveUtils::Country::COUNTRIES.detect { |c| c[:name].upcase == upcase_name } raise ActiveShipping::Error, "No country found for #{name}" unless country country[:alpha2] end def commit(action, request, test = false) ssl_get(request_url(action, request, test)) end def request_url(action, request, test) scheme = USE_SSL[action] ? 'https://' : 'http://' host = test ? TEST_DOMAINS[USE_SSL[action]] : LIVE_DOMAIN "#{scheme}#{host}/#{LIVE_RESOURCE}?API=#{API_CODES[action]}&XML=#{URI.encode(request)}" end def strip_zip(zip) zip.to_s.scan(/\d{5}/).first || zip end private def rate_value(rate_node, service_response_node, commercial_type) service_response_node.at(rate_node).try(:text).to_f end def commercial_type(options) if options[:commercial_plus] == true :plus elsif options[:commercial_base] == true :base end end end end