require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Panda do before(:each) do end describe "when not connected" do ["get", "post", "put", "delete"].each do |method| it "should raise error for #{method}" do lambda { Panda.send(method, nil, nil) }.should raise_error("Not connected. Please connect! first.") end end end describe "Connected", :shared => true do it "should make get request with signed request to panda server" do stub_http_request(:get, "myapihost:85/v2/videos?timestamp=2009-11-04T17%3A54%3A11%2B00%3A00&signature=CxSYPM65SeeWH4CE%2FLcq7Ny2NtwxlpS8QOXG2BKe4p8%3D&access_key=my_access_key&cloud_id=my_cloud_id").to_return(:body => "abc") @panda.get("/videos").should == "abc" end it "should create a signed version of the parameters" do signed_params = @panda.signed_params('POST', '/videos.json', {"param1" => 'one', "param2" => 'two'} ) signed_params.should == { 'access_key' => "my_access_key", 'timestamp' => "2009-11-04T17:54:11+00:00", 'cloud_id' => 'my_cloud_id', 'signature' => 'w66goW6Ve5CT9Ibbx3ryvq4XM8OfIfSZe5oapgZBaUs=', 'param1' => 'one', 'param2' => 'two' } end it "should create a signed version of the parameters without additional arguments" do @panda.signed_params('POST', '/videos.json').should == { 'access_key' => "my_access_key", 'timestamp' => "2009-11-04T17:54:11+00:00", 'cloud_id' => 'my_cloud_id', 'signature' => 'TI2n/dsSllxFhxcEShRGKWtDSqxu+kuJUPs335NavMo=' } end it "should create a signed version of the parameters and difficult characters" do signed_params = @panda.signed_params('POST', '/videos.json', {"tilde" => '~', "space" => ' '} ) signed_params.should == { 'access_key' => "my_access_key", 'timestamp' => "2009-11-04T17:54:11+00:00", 'cloud_id' => 'my_cloud_id', 'signature' => 'w5P9+xPpQpRlweTh0guFYqQOmF+ZuTKXCmaKpUP3sH0=', 'tilde' => '~', 'space' => ' ' } end it "should not include file inside the signature" do @panda.signed_params('POST', '/videos.json', { "file" => "my_file" }).should == { 'access_key' => "my_access_key", 'timestamp' => "2009-11-04T17:54:11+00:00", 'cloud_id' => 'my_cloud_id', 'signature' => 'TI2n/dsSllxFhxcEShRGKWtDSqxu+kuJUPs335NavMo=', 'file' => "my_file" } end it "should stringify keys" do @panda.signed_params('POST', '/videos.json', { :file => "symbol_key" }).should == { 'access_key' => "my_access_key", 'timestamp' => "2009-11-04T17:54:11+00:00", 'cloud_id' => 'my_cloud_id', 'signature' => 'TI2n/dsSllxFhxcEShRGKWtDSqxu+kuJUPs335NavMo=', 'file' => "symbol_key" } end it "should return a json file for every http code" do stub_http_request(:get, "http://myapihost:85/v2/videos?timestamp=2009-11-04T17%3A54%3A11%2B00%3A00&signature=CxSYPM65SeeWH4CE%2FLcq7Ny2NtwxlpS8QOXG2BKe4p8%3D&access_key=my_access_key&cloud_id=my_cloud_id").to_return(:body => "abc") resource ="http://myapihost:85/v2") RestClient::Resource.stub!(:new).and_return(resource) e ={:body => "abc", :code => 400}) e.stub!(:http_body).and_return("abc") resource.stub!(:get).and_raise(e) panda ={"access_key" => "my_access_key", "secret_key" => "my_secret_key", "api_host" => "myapihost", "api_port" => 85, "cloud_id" => 'my_cloud_id', "format" => "json" }) panda.get("/videos").should == "abc" end end describe "Connected with a string url" do before(:each) do @panda ='http://my_access_key:my_secret_key@myapihost:85/my_cloud_id', "format" => "json") end it_should_behave_like "Connected" end describe "Panda.connect " do before(:each) do @panda = Panda.connect!({"access_key" => "my_access_key", "secret_key" => "my_secret_key", "api_host" => "myapihost", "api_port" => 85, "cloud_id" => 'my_cloud_id', "format" => "json" }) end it_should_behave_like "Connected" end describe "Panda.connect with symbols" do before(:each) do @panda = Panda.connect!({:access_key => "my_access_key", :secret_key => "my_secret_key", :api_host => "myapihost", :api_port => 85, :cloud_id => 'my_cloud_id', :format => "json" }) end it_should_behave_like "Connected" end describe "Panda.connect with PANDASTREAM_URL" do before(:each) do @panda = Panda.connect!('http://my_access_key:my_secret_key@myapihost:85/my_cloud_id', "format" => "json") end it_should_behave_like "Connected" end describe "" do before(:each) do @panda ={"access_key" => "my_access_key", "secret_key" => "my_secret_key", "api_host" => "myapihost", "api_port" => 85, "cloud_id" => 'my_cloud_id', "format" => "json" }) end it_should_behave_like "Connected" end describe "Using hash as a return format" do before(:each) do @panda ={"access_key" => "my_access_key", "secret_key" => "my_secret_key", "api_host" => "myapihost", "api_port" => 85, "cloud_id" => 'my_cloud_id' }) end it "should make get request" do stub_http_request(:get, "myapihost:85/v2/videos?timestamp=2009-11-04T17%3A54%3A11%2B00%3A00&signature=CxSYPM65SeeWH4CE%2FLcq7Ny2NtwxlpS8QOXG2BKe4p8%3D&access_key=my_access_key&cloud_id=my_cloud_id").to_return(:body => "{\"key\":\"value\"}") @panda.get("/videos").should == {'key' => 'value'} end end describe "ActiveSupport::JSON parsing" do it "should use active support if it has been defined" do @panda ='http://my_access_key:my_secret_key@myapihost:85/my_cloud_id') stub_http_request(:get, "myapihost:85/v2/videos?timestamp=2009-11-04T17%3A54%3A11%2B00%3A00&signature=CxSYPM65SeeWH4CE%2FLcq7Ny2NtwxlpS8QOXG2BKe4p8%3D&access_key=my_access_key&cloud_id=my_cloud_id").to_return(:body => "abc") module ActiveSupport class JSON; end end ActiveSupport::JSON.should_receive(:decode).with("abc").and_return("blah") @panda.get("/videos").should == "blah" Object.send :remove_const, :ActiveSupport end end describe "parsing" do it "should raise an error if the response is not JSON parsable" do @connection ={"access_key" => "my_access_key", "secret_key" => "my_secret_key", "api_host" => "myapihost", "api_port" => 85, "cloud_id" => 'my_cloud_id' }) @connection.raise_error=true stub_http_request(:get, //).to_return(:body => "blahblah") lambda { @connection.get("/fake") }.should raise_error(Panda::ServiceNotAvailable) end end end