module Katello module Glue::Candlepin::Consumer SYSTEM = "system" HYPERVISOR = "hypervisor" CANDLEPIN = "candlepin" CP_TYPES = [SYSTEM, HYPERVISOR, CANDLEPIN] # TODO: break up method def self.included(base) # rubocop:disable MethodLength base.send :include, LazyAccessor base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.send :extend, ClassMethods base.class_eval do lazy_accessor :href, :facts, :cp_type, :idCert, :owner, :lastCheckin, :created, :guestIds, :installedProducts, :autoheal, :releaseVer, :serviceLevel, :capabilities, :entitlementStatus, :initializer => :candlepin_consumer_info lazy_accessor :candlepin_consumer_info, :initializer => (lambda do |_s| if uuid consumer_json = Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(uuid) convert_from_cp_fields(consumer_json) end end) lazy_accessor :entitlements, :initializer => lambda { |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.entitlements(uuid) } lazy_accessor :pools, :initializer => lambda { |_s| entitlements.collect { |ent| Resources::Candlepin::Pool.find ent["pool"]["id"] } } lazy_accessor :virtual_host, :initializer => (lambda do |_s| host_attributes = Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.virtual_host(self.uuid) (System.find_by(:uuid => host_attributes['uuid']) || if host_attributes end) lazy_accessor :virtual_guests, :initializer => (lambda do |_s| guests_attributes = Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.virtual_guests(self.uuid) do |attr| System.find_by(:uuid => attr['uuid']) || end end) lazy_accessor :compliance, :initializer => lambda { |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.compliance(uuid) } lazy_accessor :events, :initializer => lambda { |_s| } validates :cp_type, :inclusion => {:in => CP_TYPES}, :if => :new_record? validates :facts, :presence => true, :if => :new_record? end end module InstanceMethods def initialize(attrs = nil, options = {}) if attrs.nil? super else type_key = attrs.key?('type') ? 'type' : :type #rename "type" to "cp_type" (activerecord and candlepin variable name conflict) if attrs.key?(type_key) && !(attrs.key?(:cp_type) || attrs.key?('cp_type')) attrs[:cp_type] = attrs[type_key] end attrs_used_by_model = attrs.reject do |k, _v| !self.class.column_defaults.keys.member?(k.to_s) && (!respond_to?(:"#{k.to_s}=") rescue true) end if attrs_used_by_model["environment"].is_a? Hash attrs_used_by_model.delete("environment") end super(attrs_used_by_model, options) end end def load_from_cp(consumer_json) self.uuid = consumer_json[:uuid] consumer_json[:facts] ||= {'sockets' => 0} convert_from_cp_fields(consumer_json).each do |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=") end end def checkin(checkin_time) Rails.logger.debug "Updating consumer check-in time: #{name}" Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.checkin(self.uuid, checkin_time) rescue => e Rails.logger.error "Failed to update consumer check-in time in candlepin for #{name}: #{e}, #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" raise e end def regenerate_identity_certificates Rails.logger.debug "Regenerating consumer identity certificates: #{name}" Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.regenerate_identity_certificates(self.uuid) rescue => e Rails.logger.debug e.backtrace.join("\n\t") raise e end def get_pool(id) Resources::Candlepin::Pool.find id rescue => e Rails.logger.debug e.backtrace.join("\n\t") raise e end def subscribe(pool, quantity = nil) quantity = quantity.to_i unless quantity.nil? Rails.logger.debug "Subscribing to pool '#{pool}' for : #{name}" Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.consume_entitlement self.uuid, pool, quantity rescue => e Rails.logger.debug e.backtrace.join("\n\t") raise e end def export Rails.logger.debug "Exporting manifest" Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.export self.uuid rescue => e Rails.logger.debug e.backtrace.join("\n\t") raise e end def to_json(options = {}) super(options.merge(:methods => [:href, :facts, :idCert, :owner, :autoheal, :release, :releaseVer, :checkin_time, :installedProducts, :capabilities])) end def convert_from_cp_fields(cp_json) cp_json.merge!(:cp_type => cp_json.delete(:type)[:label]) if cp_json.key?(:type) cp_json = reject_db_columns(cp_json) cp_json[:guestIds] = remove_hibernate_fields(cp_json[:guestIds]) if cp_json.key?(:guestIds) cp_json[:installedProducts] = remove_hibernate_fields(cp_json[:installedProducts]) if cp_json.key?(:installedProducts) cp_json end # Candlepin sends back its internal hibernate fields in the json. However it does not accept them in return # when updating (PUT) objects. def remove_hibernate_fields(elements) return nil unless elements elements.collect { |e| e.except(:id, :created, :updated) } end def reject_db_columns(cp_json) cp_json.reject { |k, _v| self.class.column_defaults.keys.member?(k.to_s) } end def cp_environment_id if self.content_view self.content_view.cp_environment_id(self.environment) else self.environment_id end end def hostname facts["network.hostname"] end def interfaces Katello::System.interfaces(facts) end def ip facts['network.ipv4_address'] end def kernel facts["uname.release"] end def arch facts["uname.machine"] if @facts end def arch=(arch) facts["uname.machine"] = arch if @facts end # Sockets are required to have a value in katello for searching as well as for checking subscription limits # Force always to an integer value for consistency def sockets @facts ? Integer(facts["cpu.cpu_socket(s)"]) : 0 rescue 0 end def sockets=(sock) s = Integer(sock) rescue 0 facts["cpu.cpu_socket(s)"] = s if @facts end def virtual_guest ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(facts["virt.is_guest"]) end def virtual_guest=(val) facts["virt.is_guest"] = val if @facts end def name=(val) super(val) facts["network.hostname"] = val if @facts end def distribution_name facts[""] end def distribution_version facts["distribution.version"] end def distribution "#{distribution_name} #{distribution_version}" end def memory if facts mem = facts["memory.memtotal"] # dmi.memory.size is on older clients mem ||= facts["dmi.memory.size"] else mem = '0' end memory_in_gigabytes(mem.to_s) end def memory=(mem) mem = "#{mem.to_i} MB" facts["memory.memtotal"] = mem end def entitlements_valid? "true" == facts["system.entitlements_valid"] end def checkin_time if lastCheckin convert_time(lastCheckin) end end def created_time if created convert_time(created) end end def convert_time(item) Time.parse(item) end def release if self.releaseVer.is_a? Hash self.releaseVer["releaseVer"] else self.releaseVer end end def memory_in_gigabytes(mem_str) # convert total memory into gigabytes return 0 if mem_str.nil? mem, unit = mem_str.split total_mem = mem.to_f case unit when 'B' then total_mem = 0 when 'kB' then total_mem = 0 when 'MB' then total_mem /= 1024 when 'GB' then total_mem *= 1 when 'TB' then total_mem *= 1024 # default memtotal is in kB else total_mem = (total_mem / (1024 * 1024)) end total_mem.round(2) end def set_content_override(content_label, name, value = nil) Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.update_content_override(self.uuid, content_label, name, value) end def content_overrides Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.content_overrides(self.uuid) end def compliant? self.compliance['compliant'] end # As a convenience and common terminology def compliance_color return 'green' if self.compliance['status'] == 'valid' return 'red' if self.compliance['status'] == 'invalid' return 'yellow' if self.compliance['status'] == 'partial' return 'red' end def compliant_until if self.compliance['compliantUntil'] Date.parse(self.compliance['compliantUntil']) end end def product_compliance_color(product_id) return 'green' if self.compliance['compliantProducts'].include? product_id return 'yellow' if self.compliance['partiallyCompliantProducts'].include? product_id return 'red' end def import_candlepin_tasks do |event| event_status = {:task_id => event[:id], :state => event[:type], :start_time => event[:timestamp], :finish_time => event[:timestamp], :progress => "100", :result => event[:messageText]} unless self.task_statuses.where('katello_task_statuses.uuid' => event_status[:task_id]).exists? TaskStatus.make(self, event_status, :candlepin_event, :event => event) end end end def populate_from(candlepin_systems) found = candlepin_systems.find { |system| system['uuid'] == self.uuid } prepopulate(found.with_indifferent_access) if found !found.nil? end def products pool_ids = { |entitlement| entitlement['pool']['id'] } Katello::Product.joins(:subscriptions => :pools).where("#{Katello::Pool.table_name}.cp_id" => pool_ids).enabled.uniq end def find_entitlement(pool_id) entitlements = self.entitlements.collect { |ent| ent['id'] if ent["pool"]["id"] == pool_id } entitlements.compact! entitlements.first end end module ClassMethods def prepopulate!(systems) uuids = systems.collect { |system| [:uuid, system.uuid] } items = Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(uuids) systems.each { |system| system.populate_from(items) } end def all_by_pool(pool_id) entitlements = Resources::Candlepin::Entitlement.get system_uuids = entitlements.delete_if { |ent| ent["pool"]["id"] != pool_id }.map { |ent| ent["consumer"]["uuid"] } return where(:uuid => system_uuids) end def all_by_pool_uuid(pool_id) entitlements = Resources::Candlepin::Entitlement.get system_uuids = entitlements.delete_if { |ent| ent["pool"]["id"] != pool_id }.map { |ent| ent["consumer"]["uuid"] } return system_uuids end # interface listings come in the form of # # net.interface.em1.ipv4_address # net.interface.eth0.ipv4_broadcast # # there are multiple entries for each interface, but # we only need the ipv4 and mac addresses def interfaces(facts) interfaces = [] facts.keys.each do |key| match = /net\.interface\.([^\.]*)/.match(key) if !match.nil? && !match[1].nil? interfaces << match[1] end end interface_set = [] interfaces.uniq.each do |interface| addr = facts["net.interface.#{interface}.ipv4_address"] # older subman versions report .ipaddr addr ||= facts["net.interface.#{interface}.ipaddr"] mac = facts["net.interface.#{interface}.mac_address"] interface_set << { :name => interface, :addr => addr, :mac => mac } if !addr.nil? || !mac.nil? end interface_set end end end end