require 'sinatra/base' module Sinatra module SwfDitty # Outputs javscript to embed your SWF. # The only required argument is the swf_file path, relative to the public directory. # swf_file can also of course be a full URL. # # swf 'foo.swf' # swf 'foo.swf', :height => 50, :flashvars => {:a => 1, :b => 'two'} # # By default, a DOM container is generated, but if you don't want that just pass in your # custom `dom_id` and set `create_dom_container` to false # swf 'swf/foo.swf', :dom_id => 'dombo', :create_dom_container => false) def swf(swf_file, *args) options = { :swf => swf_file, :dom_id => filename_to_dom_id(swf_file), :name => filename_to_dom_id(swf_file), :width => "100%", :height => "100%", :wmode => "opaque", :allowScriptAccess => "sameDomain", :create_dom_container => true, }.merge(args.extract_options!) out = [] # Yank dom_id out of the options hash dom_id = options.delete(:dom_id) # Yank create_dom_container option out of the hash, if it exists # Create DOM container if option is set to something other than false or nil if options.delete(:create_dom_container) # Set the div's dimensions right away so the page doesn't jolt into # the proper dimensions when the swf loads. w = options[:width].to_s h = options[:height].to_s w += "px" unless w.include? "%" h += "px" unless h.include? "%" style = "width:#{w};height:#{h}" out << content_tag(:div, "", :id => dom_id, :style => style) end # Turn flashvars hash into a flashvars-style formatted string options[:flashvars] = "{" + hash_to_key_value_string(options[:flashvars]) + "}" if options[:flashvars] # Format options hash (excluding flashvars) into a key:value string.. embed = hash_to_key_value_string(options) # Spit it out! out << content_tag(:script, "$(document).ready(function(){$('##{dom_id}').flash({#{embed}});});", :type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8") out.reverse.join("\n") end # Convert a string to dom-friendly format. # Adapted from permalink_fu def filename_to_dom_id(str) result = str.split("/").last.gsub(".", "_") # e.g. 'foo.swf' -> 'foo_swf' result.gsub!(/[^\x00-\x7F]+/, '') # Remove anything non-ASCII entirely (e.g. diacritics). result.gsub!(/[^\w \-]+/i, '') # Remove unwanted chars. result.gsub!(/[ \-]+/i, '-') # No more than one of the separator in a row. result.gsub!(/^\-|\-$/i, '') # Remove leading/trailing separator. result.downcase end # Convert a hash to a string of key:value pairs, delimited by commas # Wrap in quotes unless numeric or flashvars hash def hash_to_key_value_string(hash) pairs = [] hash.each_pair do |k,v| v = "'#{v}'" unless k.to_s=='flashvars' || !v.to_s.match(/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+$/).nil? pairs << "#{k}:#{v}" end pairs.sort.join(", ") end # Sinatra doesn't have this method, but Rails does.. # options are sorted alphabetically for predicatability unless method_defined?(:content_tag) def content_tag(name,content,options={}) options ={ |k,v| "#{k}='#{v}'" }.sort.join(" ") "<#{name} #{options}>#{content}" end end # Add these methods to Sinatra's helper methods.. helpers SwfDitty end end class Hash # Sinatra doesn't have this method, but Rails does.. unless method_defined?(:symbolize_keys) def symbolize_keys self.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k.to_sym] = v; h } end end end class Array # Sinatra doesn't have this method, but Rails does.. unless method_defined?('extract_options!') def extract_options! last.is_a?(::Hash) ? pop : {} end end end