# This is extended as class level into Datatable module Effective module EffectiveDatatable module Rendering def finalize(collection) # Override me if you like collection end protected # So the idea here is that we want to do as much as possible on the database in ActiveRecord # And then run any array_columns through in post-processed results def table_data col = collection if active_record_collection? col = table_tool.order(col) col = table_tool.search(col) if table_tool.search_terms.present? && array_tool.search_terms.blank? if collection_class.connection.respond_to?(:unprepared_statement) # https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/15331 col_sql = collection_class.connection.unprepared_statement { col.to_sql } self.display_records = (collection_class.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{col_sql}) AS datatables_filtered_count").first['count'] rescue 1).to_i else self.display_records = (collection_class.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{col.to_sql}) AS datatables_filtered_count").first['count'] rescue 1).to_i end end end if array_tool.search_terms.present? col = self.arrayize(col) col = array_tool.search(col) self.display_records = col.size end if array_tool.order_column.present? col = self.arrayize(col) col = array_tool.order(col) end self.display_records ||= total_records if col.kind_of?(Array) col = array_tool.paginate(col) else col = table_tool.paginate(col) col = self.arrayize(col) end col = self.finalize(col) end def arrayize(collection) return collection if @arrayized # Prevent the collection from being arrayized more than once @arrayized = true # We want to use the render :collection for each column that renders partials rendered = {} (display_table_columns || table_columns).each do |name, opts| if opts[:partial] && opts[:visible] locals = { datatable: self, table_column: table_columns[name], controller_namespace: view.controller_path.split('/')[0...-1].map { |path| path.downcase.to_sym if path.present? }.compact, show_action: (opts[:partial_locals] || {})[:show_action], edit_action: (opts[:partial_locals] || {})[:edit_action], destroy_action: (opts[:partial_locals] || {})[:destroy_action], unarchive_action: (opts[:partial_locals] || {})[:unarchive_action] } locals.merge!(opts[:partial_locals]) if opts[:partial_locals] if active_record_collection? if locals[:show_action] == :authorize locals[:show_action] = (EffectiveDatatables.authorized?(controller, :show, collection_class) rescue false) end if locals[:edit_action] == :authorize locals[:edit_action] = (EffectiveDatatables.authorized?(controller, :edit, collection_class) rescue false) end if locals[:destroy_action] == :authorize locals[:destroy_action] = (EffectiveDatatables.authorized?(controller, :destroy, collection_class) rescue false) end if locals[:unarchive_action] == :authorize locals[:unarchive_action] = (EffectiveDatatables.authorized?(controller, :unarchive, collection_class) rescue false) end end rendered[name] = (render( :partial => opts[:partial], :as => opts[:partial_local], :collection => collection, :formats => :html, :locals => locals, :spacer_template => '/effective/datatables/spacer_template', ) || '').split('EFFECTIVEDATATABLESSPACER') end end collection.each_with_index.map do |obj, index| (display_table_columns || table_columns).map do |name, opts| if opts[:visible] == false '' elsif opts[:partial] rendered[name][index] elsif opts[:block] view.instance_exec(obj, collection, self, &opts[:block]) elsif opts[:proc] view.instance_exec(obj, collection, self, &opts[:proc]) elsif opts[:type] == :belongs_to (obj.send(name) rescue nil).to_s elsif opts[:type] == :has_many objs = (obj.send(name).map { |x| x.to_s }.sort rescue []) objs.length == 1 ? objs.first : (opts[:sentence] ? objs.to_sentence : objs.join('
')) elsif opts[:type] == :obfuscated_id (obj.send(:to_param) rescue nil).to_s elsif opts[:type] == :effective_roles (obj.send(:roles) rescue []).join(', ') else # Normal value, but we still may want to format it value = (obj.send(name) rescue (obj[name] rescue (obj[opts[:array_index]] rescue nil))) case opts[:type] when :datetime value.strftime(EffectiveDatatables.datetime_format) rescue nil when :date value.strftime(EffectiveDatatables.date_format) rescue nil when :price # This is an integer value, "number of cents" value ||= 0 raise 'column type: price expects an Integer representing the number of cents' unless value.kind_of?(Integer) number_to_currency(value / 100.0) when :currency number_to_currency(value || 0) when :integer if EffectiveDatatables.integer_format.kind_of?(Symbol) view.instance_exec { public_send(EffectiveDatatables.integer_format, value) } elsif EffectiveDatatables.integer_format.respond_to?(:call) view.instance_exec { EffectiveDatatables.integer_format.call(value) } else value end when :boolean if EffectiveDatatables.boolean_format == :yes_no && value == true 'Yes' elsif EffectiveDatatables.boolean_format == :yes_no && value == false 'No' else value end else value end end end end end end # / Rendering end end