module Roroacms class Post < ActiveRecord::Base include GeneralHelper include MediaHelper ## misc ## has_ancestry :orphan_strategy => :adopt attr_accessor :skip_slug_uniqueness ## constants ## POST_STATUS = ["Published", "Draft", "Disabled"] ## associations ## belongs_to :admin has_many :post_abstractions has_many :attachments has_many :term_relationships, :dependent => :destroy has_many :terms, :through => :term_relationships ## validations ## validates :post_title, :post_slug, :presence => true validates_uniqueness_of :post_slug, :scope => [:post_type], unless: :skip_slug_uniqueness validates_format_of :post_slug, :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9-]*\z/ validates :sort_order, :numericality => true, :allow_blank => true ## named scopes ## scope :from_this_year, -> { where("post_date > ? AND post_date < ?",, } ## callbacks ## before_validation :deal_with_abnormalaties after_update :create_user_backup_record, on: :update before_save :deal_with_structured_url after_save :deal_with_slug_update, on: :update ## methods ## # get all the posts/pages in the system - however if there is a search parameter # search the necessary fields for the given value # Params: # +params+:: all parameters # +type+:: define a post type def self.setup_and_search_posts(params, type) type = type == 'page' ? 'page' : 'post' if type == 'page' posts = Post.where("disabled ='N' and post_type = ?", type).order("post_title").arrange else posts = Post.where("disabled ='N' and post_type = ?", type).order("post_title") end posts end # get all the tags/categories for the system # Params: # +type+:: define a term type # +id+:: ID of the term you want to retur def self.get_terms(type = 'category', id = nil) sql = Term.where(roroacms_term_anatomies: {taxonomy: type}) sql = sql.where(' != ?', id) if !id.blank? sql.order('name asc').includes(:term_anatomy) end # gets called when a post gets saved to add categories/tags against the post # Params: # +post+:: post ID # +cats+:: all the category params # +tags+:: all the tags params # +delete+:: boolean as to wether to remove the current relations to tag and categories def self.deal_with_categories(post, cats, tags, delete = false) @delcats = TermRelationship.where(:post_id => # if delete is true it will remove all relationships with that individual post if delete && !@delcats.blank? @delcats.each do |f| TermRelationship.where(:id => end end # if categories is not blank it will create a new relationship with that post if !cats.blank? cats.each do |val| TermRelationship.create(:term_id => val, :post_id => end end # if tags is not blank it will create a new relationship with that post if !tags.blank? tags.each do |val| TermRelationship.create(:term_id => val, :post_id => end end end def deal_with_structured_url path = self.path.pluck(:post_slug) path = path.push(self.post_slug) if self.structured_url = "/" + path.join('/') if !path.blank? end # disables the post essentially putting it into the trash area # Params: # +post_id+:: post ID def self.disable_post(post_id) post = Post.find(post_id) post.disabled = "Y" false) end # will make sure that specific data is correctly formatted for the database def deal_with_abnormalaties self.cover_image = upload_images(cover_image, post_type.to_s + '/' + id.to_s, 'posts') if cover_image.class != String && cover_image.class != NilClass # if the slug is empty it will take the title and create a slug self.post_slug = if post_slug.blank? post_title.gsub(' ', '-').downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-\s]/i, '') else post_slug.gsub(' ', '-').downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-\s]/i, '') end # if post status is left blank it will set the status to draft self.post_status = 'Draft' if post_status.blank? # if the post has a parent it will prefix the structured url with its parents url self.structured_url = if parent_id "#{parent.structured_url}/#{post_slug}" else "/#{post_slug}" end end # filter/format the additional fields and add the data to the post_additional_data field of the record. # Params: # +data+:: array of additional fields def additional_data(data = '') # abort data.inspect if !data.blank? data.each do |key, value| data[key.to_sym] = value[0] if value.size < 2 end self.post_additional_data = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(data) else self.post_additional_data = '' end end # creates a revision record of the post # Params: # +params+:: the parameters # +post+:: the post that you want to create an autosave for def self.do_autosave(params, post) parent = Post.find(params[:post][:id]) @autosave_records = Post.where("ancestry = '?' AND post_type = 'autosave' AND post_status = 'Autosave'","created_at DESC") if (remove_uncessary(post) != remove_uncessary(parent)) && (remove_uncessary(post) != remove_uncessary(@autosave_records.first)) # if the amount of records is equal to 10 remove the last one Post.destroy(@autosave_records.last[:id]) if @autosave_records.length > 9 # Do the autosave @cats = params[:category_ids] # create the settings for the revision record = nil post.parent_id = post.post_slug = post.post_title.gsub(' ', '-') if post.post_slug.empty? post.post_status = 'Autosave' post.post_type = 'autosave' # save the post and its categories/tags if => false) @delcats = TermRelationship.where(:post_id => if !@delcats.blank? @delcats.each do |f| @cat = TermRelationship.where(:id => end end if !@cats.blank? @cats.each do |val| TermRelationship.create(:term_id => val, :post_id => end end return "passed" else return "failed" end else return "nothing changed" end end def create_user_backup_record if self.post_slug_changed? || self.post_content_changed? || self.post_title_changed? post = self.attributes post['parent_id'] = post['id'] post['structured_url'] = nil post['updated_at'] = nil post['created_at'] = nil post['id'] = nil post.delete('ancestry') if post['post_slug'].blank? post['post_slug'] = post['post_title'].gsub(' ', '-') end post['post_status'] = 'User-Autosave' post['post_type'] = 'autosave' begin false) and return true rescue abort "Error #{$!}".inspect end end end def deal_with_slug_update if defined?(self.changes[:post_slug]) && !self.changes[:post_slug].blank? self.subtree.each do |f| self.structured_url = "/" + self.path.pluck(:post_slug).join('/') end end end # remove the unwanted keys from the hash to be able to successfully compare the hashes # Params: # +obj+:: the object to remove the keys from def self.remove_uncessary(obj) o = obj if !o.blank? # o.post_content = o.post_content.gsub("\n", ' ').gsub("\r", ' ').squeeze(' ') o.post_additional_data = "" if o.post_additional_data.blank? o.cover_image = "" if o.cover_image.blank? o = o.attributes o.delete('id') o.delete('created_at') o.delete('updated_at') o.delete('ancestry') o.delete('structured_url') o.delete('post_visible') o.delete('post_status') o.delete('post_type') o.delete('parent_id') end o end # restore the given post back to the revision record data # Params: # +post+:: the post autosave record that you want to restore the current post to def self.restore(post) parent = Post.find(post.parent_id) parent.post_content = post.post_content parent.post_date = post.post_date parent.post_slug = post.post_slug parent.post_title = post.post_title parent.disabled = post.disabled return parent end # is the bootstrap for the bulk update function. It takes in the call # and decides what function to call in order to get the correct output # Params: # +params+:: the parameters # +type+:: wether it is pages or posts you want to use def self.bulk_update(params, type) action = params[:to_do] action = action.gsub(' ', '_') act = if type == 'pages' params[:pages] else params[:posts] end action = "" if act.nil? case action.downcase when "publish" # update all of the given records to have a post_status of published Post.where(:id => act).update_all(:post_status => "Published", :post_date => return I18n.t("", type: type.capitalize) when "draft" # update all of the given records to have a post_status of draft Post.where(:id => act).update_all(:post_status => "Draft") return I18n.t("", type: type.capitalize) when "move_to_trash" # move all of the given records into the trash Post.where(:id => act).update_all(:disabled => "Y") return I18n.t("", type: type.capitalize) else respond_to do |format| return I18n.t("generic.nothing") end end end # If the has cover image has been removed this will be set to nothing and will update the cover image option agasint the admin # Params: # +has_cover+:: the has_cover parameter (string) def deal_with_cover(has_cover) self.cover_image = '' if defined?(has_cover) && has_cover.blank? end def self.parent_records(record) rec = Post.where("disabled ='N' and post_type = 'page'").order("post_title") rec = rec.where.not(id: record) if !record.blank? rec.arrange end end end