require 'active-fedora' require 'uri' module Cul::Hydra::Models::Common extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do extend ActiveModel::Callbacks define_model_callbacks :create has_metadata :name => "DC", :type=>Cul::Hydra::Datastreams::DCMetadata, :versionable => true has_metadata :name => "descMetadata", :type=>Cul::Hydra::Datastreams::ModsDocument, :versionable => true has_many :publishers, :property => :publisher, :class_name=>'ActiveFedora::Base' after_create :rdf_types! end module ClassMethods def pid_namespace 'ldpd' end def rdf_types(type=nil) @rdf_types ||= [] if type @rdf_types << type unless @rdf_types.include? type end @rdf_types end def singular_rel_validator(symbols = []) r = do def self.symbols=(symbols) @symbols = symbols end def self.symbols @symbols ||= [] end def validate(record) self.class.symbols.each do |rel| record.errors[rel] << "#{rel} must have 0 or 1 values" unless record.relationships(rel).length < 2 end end end r.symbols = symbols r end end def rdf_types! self.class.rdf_types.each do |type| add_relationship(:rdf_type, type.to_s) end @metadata_is_dirty = true end # A Fedora object label can only contain a string value of up to 255 characters. If we try to # set a longer value, it causes errors upon object save. Truncate labels to 255 characters. # Note: this method maps to a method_missing hanlder that converts input into a String, so # we use the super method first, and then post-process the output of that super method call. def label=(new_label) super(new_label) super(self.label[0,255]) end def rdf_type relationships[:rdf_type] end def initialize(attrs = nil) attrs = {} if attrs.nil? attrs[:namespace] = self.class.pid_namespace unless attrs[:namespace] super end def cmodel_pid(klass) klass.pid_namespace + ":" +"::")[-1] end def datastreams_in_fedora mds = {} self.datastreams_xml['datastream'].each do |ds| dsid = ds["dsid"] ds.merge!({:pid =>, :dsID => dsid, :dsLabel => ds["label"]}) if dsid == "RELS-EXT" mds.merge!({dsid =>}) else if self.class.ds_specs.has_key? dsid mds.merge!({dsid => self.class.ds_specs[dsid][0].new(ds)}) else mds.merge!({dsid =>}) end end mds[dsid].new_object = false end mds end def route_as "default" end def has_desc? has_desc = false begin has_desc = self.datastreams.include? "descMetadata" has_desc = has_desc and self.inner_object.datastreams["descMetadata"].content.length > 0 has_desc = has_desc and self.datastreams["descMetadata"].term_values(:identifier).length > 0 rescue has_desc = false end has_desc end # set the index type label and any RI-based fields def set_size_labels(solr_doc={}) solr_doc["index_type_label_ssi"] = [self.index_type_label] end def to_solr(solr_doc =, opts={}) solr_doc = super(solr_doc, opts) if has_desc? solr_doc["descriptor_ssi"] = ["mods"] else solr_doc["descriptor_ssi"] = ["dublin core"] end # if no mods, pull some values from DC if (solr_doc["title_display_ssm"].nil? or solr_doc["title_display_ssm"].length == 0) if self.datastreams["DC"].term_values(:dc_title).first solr_doc["title_display_ssm"] = self.datastreams["DC"].term_values(:dc_title) else solr_doc["title_display_ssm"] = self.datastreams["DC"].term_values(:dc_identifier).reject {|dcid| dcid.eql?} end solr_doc["title_si"] = self.datastreams["DC"].term_values(:dc_title).first if self.datastreams["DC"].term_values(:dc_relation).first self.datastreams["DC"].term_values(:dc_relation).each {|val| if val =~ /clio:/ solr_doc["clio_ssim"] ||= [] solr_doc["clio_ssim"] << val.split(':')[-1] end } end end if (solr_doc["identifier_ssim"].nil? or solr_doc["identifier_ssim"].length == 0) solr_doc["identifier_ssim"] = self.datastreams["DC"].term_values(:dc_identifier).reject {|dcid| dcid.eql?} end if (solr_doc["title_display_ssm"].length > 1) solr_doc["title_display_ssm"].uniq! end if solr_doc["contributor_ssim"].present? if solr_doc["contributor_ssim"].is_a?(Array) solr_doc["contributor_first_si"] = solr_doc["contributor_ssim"].first else solr_doc["contributor_first_si"] = solr_doc["contributor_ssim"] end end solr_doc["format_ssi"] = [self.route_as] set_size_labels(solr_doc) solr_doc.each_pair {|key, value| if value.is_a? Array value.each {|v| v.strip! unless v.nil? } elsif value.is_a? String value.strip! end } solr_doc[:structured_bsi] = 'false' unless solr_doc.has_key? :structured_bsi representative_child = get_representative_generic_resource solr_doc['representative_generic_resource_pid_ssi'] = unless representative_child.nil? # Index URI form of pid to facilitate solr joins solr_doc['fedora_pid_uri_ssi'] = 'info:fedora/' + if solr_doc['datastreams_ssim'] = {|k| k.to_s }.sort solr_doc end # Return a representative file resource for the object # @param force_use_of_non_pid_identifier [Boolean] switch to require use of application id in struct map parsing # @return [GenericResource] a representative file resource # This method generally shouldn't be called with any parameters (unless we're doing testing) def get_representative_generic_resource(force_use_of_non_pid_identifier=false) return self if self.is_a?(GenericResource) # if there's an explicit assignment of representative image, return it assigned_image = get_singular_rel(:schema_image) return ActiveFedora::Base.find(assigned_image.split('/')[-1]) if assigned_image return nil unless self.is_a?(Cul::Hydra::Models::Aggregator) # Only Aggregators have struct metadata # If we're here, then the object was not a Generic resource. # Try to get child info from a structMat datastream, and fall back to # the first :cul_member_of child if a structMap isn't present # Check for the presence of a structMap and get first GenericResource in that structMap if self.has_struct_metadata? begin struct = Cul::Hydra::Datastreams::StructMetadata.from_xml(self.datastreams['structMetadata'].content) rescue Rubydora::FedoraInvalidRequest => e Rails.logger.error "Error: Problem accessing struct datastream data in #{}" # More specific error notice raise e end ng_div = struct.first_ordered_content_div #Nokogiri node response found_struct_div = (! ng_div.nil?) else found_struct_div = false end if found_struct_div content_ids = ng_div.attr('CONTENTIDS').split(' ') # Get all space-delimited content ids child_obj = nil # Try to do a PID lookup first unless force_use_of_non_pid_identifier content_ids.each do |content_id| next unless content_id.match(/^([A-Za-z0-9]|-|\.)+:(([A-Za-z0-9])|-|\.|~|_|(%[0-9A-F]{2}))+$/) # Don't do a lookup on identifiers that can't possibly be valid PID (otherwise we'd encounter an error) child_obj ||= ActiveFedora::Base.exists?(content_id) ? ActiveFedora::Base.find(content_id) : nil end end # Then fall back to identifier lookup if child_obj.nil? child_pid = nil content_ids.each do |content_id| child_pid ||= Cul::Hydra::RisearchMembers.get_pid_for_identifier(content_id) if force_use_of_non_pid_identifier && child_pid && content_id == child_pid # This really only runs when we're doing testing, if we want to specifically ensure that we're searching by a non-pid identifier child_pid = nil end end if child_pid child_obj = ActiveFedora::Base.find(child_pid) end end if child_obj # Recursion! Woo! return child_obj.get_representative_generic_resource(force_use_of_non_pid_identifier) else #Rails.logger.error "No object for dc:identifier in #{content_ids.inspect}" return nil end else # If there isn't a structMap, just get the first child member_pids = Cul::Hydra::RisearchMembers.get_direct_member_pids(, true) Rails.logger.warn "Warning: #{} is a member of itself!" if member_pids.include?( if member_pids.first child_obj = ActiveFedora::Base.find(member_pids.first) return child_obj.get_representative_generic_resource else #Rails.logger.error "No child objects or resources for #{}" return nil end end rescue ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError Rails.logger.warn "#{get_singular_rel(:schema_image)} not found in repository for #{}" return nil end def update_datastream_attributes(params={}, opts={}) Rails.logger.debug "Common.update_datastream_attributes" result = params.dup params.each_pair do |dsid, ds_params| if datastreams.include?(dsid) verify_params = ds_params.dup changed = false verify_params.each { |pointer, values| changed ||= value_changed?(datastreams[dsid],pointer,values) } if changed Rails.logger.debug "Common.update_datastream_attributes calling update_indexed_attributes" result[dsid] = datastreams[dsid].update_indexed_attributes(ds_params) else result[dsid] = no_update(ds_params) end Rails.logger.debug "change detected? #{changed} digital_object? #{datastreams[dsid].changed?}" else result.delete(dsid) end end return result end def thumbnail_info {:asset=>("cul_hydra/crystal/kmultiple.png"),:mime_type=>"image/png"} end def get_singular_rel(predicate) property = relationships(predicate).first return nil unless property return (property.kind_of? RDF::Literal) ? property.value : property end def set_singular_rel(predicate, value, literal=false) raise "#{predicate} is a singular property" if value.respond_to? :each clear_relationship(predicate) add_relationship(predicate, value, literal) unless value.nil? || value.empty? end private def value_changed?(ds,pointer,values) if values.is_a? Hash values = values.dup else values = {"0"=>values} end Rails.logger.debug "submitted values for #{pointer.inspect} : #{values.inspect}" return true if values["-1"] changed = false old_values = ds.get_values(pointer) indexed_values = {} old_values.each_index {|ix| indexed_values[ix.to_s] = old_values[ix] } indexed_values.each {|k,v| new_val = values.delete(k) Rails.logger.debug "old: #{v} new: #{new_val} changed? #{!(v.eql? new_val)}" changed ||= !(v.eql? new_val) } Rails.logger.debug "remaining values! #{values.inspect}" if values.length > 0 changed || (values.length > 0) end def no_update(ds_params) response = {} ds_params.each{|pointer, values| returned = [] if values.is_a? Hash keys = values.keys.sort {|x,y| x.to_i <=> y.to_i} keys.each {|key| returned << values[key]} else returned << values end response[OM::XML::Terminology.term_hierarchical_name(pointer)] = returned } end def legacy_content_path(ds, ds_root=ActiveFedora.config.credentials[:datastreams_root]) unless ds.controlGroup == 'M' return ds.dsLocation end cd = ds.dsCreateDate tz = ActiveFedora.config.credentials[:time_zone] tzi = ActiveSupport::TimeZone.find_tzinfo(tz) ld = tzi.utc_to_local(cd) month = (ld.month < 10) ? "0#{ld.month}" : ld.month.to_s day = ( < 10) ? "0#{}" : hour = (ld.hour < 10) ? "0#{ld.hour}" : ld.hour.to_s min = (ld.min < 10) ? "0#{ld.min}" : ld.min.to_s return File.join(ds_root,"#{ld.year}/#{month}#{day}/#{hour}/#{min}", ds.dsLocation.sub(':','_')) end end