= 0.3.7 - 15-Sep-2016 * Modified the private image listing code in the StorageAccountService class to skip over storage accounts when we cannot get a key. = 0.3.6 - 13-Sep-2016 * Added the poll and wait methods to the ArmrestService base class. These are meant for use with asynchronous operations, e.g. create and delete. * All methods that returned a plain array now return an ArmrestCollection object instead. This is a subclass of Array, but includes header and skip token information. * Added the ArmrestCollection.create_from_response method. This creates and returns a collection based on a JSON response and a model type. * Minor update to the ApiException#to_s method so that includes a bit more information. = 0.3.5 - 11-Aug-2016 * When we added subscription ID validation in 0.3.2 we forgot to set proxy information first. That has been fixed. = 0.3.4 - 9-Aug-2016 * Modified the StorageAccount#blobs and StorageAccount#containers method. Both now accept a hash of options that you can use to modify the results. Also, both now automatically handle continuation tokens to collect all results. * The ResourceGroupBasedService#delete method now returns a ResponseHeaders object instead of nil. Furthermore, it will raise an error on a 204 response which indicates that the resource wasn't actually found. * Added the Network::LoadBalancerService and Network::InboundNatService classes. * Added the Network::RouteService and Network::RouteTableService classes. = 0.3.3 - 1-Aug-2016 * Added the :max_threads configuration option. This is used internally wherever the Parallel gem is used. * The default number of threads when used with VCR is reduced to 1. = 0.3.2 - 21-Jul-2016 * The subscription ID is now automatically validated in the Azure::Armrest::Configuration constructor. * Added a Hakiri badge to the README. * There have been some minor updates to the dependencies to enforce more recent versions of external gems, as suggested by Hakiri, for security reasons. * The ResourceGroupBasedService#list_all method (and all subclasses) now supports an optional hash that can be used to automatically filter result sets. = 0.3.1 - 14-Jul-2016 * Now uses the parallel gem and thread pools for those few methods where we were using threaded methods internally in order to reduce errors caused by too many requests. * Updated the rest-client dependency to 2.0.0 now that it has been released. * Updated travis.yml to only test 2.2.5 and 2.3.1 for now. Partly due to a change in the activesupport gem. * One rspec fix for 2.3.x. = 0.3.0 - 28-Jun-2016 * The configuration handling has been moved into its own class called Azure::Armrest::Configuration. You can call this explicitly using :new, or you can still use ArmrestService.configure. * The :subscription_id option for configuration is no longer optional. The logic for automatically fetching the first active subscription ID that could be found has been dropped. * Added the Billing::UsageService class. * Added a TooManyRequests exception. * Added support for pretty_print. * Added the addressable gem as a dependency, as it internally replaces the uri standard library. Calls to rest-client are still encoded, but now using Addressable::URI. * StorageAccountService no longer does account type validation. * Added the StorageAccountService#list_all_private_images method. = 0.2.10 - 15-Sep-2016 * Backported PR #213 (skip over storage accounts that don't have keys). = 0.2.9 - 25-Aug-2016 * Backported PR #211 (exception class updates and specs). = 0.2.8 - 22-Jul-2016 * Backported PR #188 (add list_all_private_images method). * Backported PR #194 (updated .travis.yml). = 0.2.7 - 20-Jun-2016 * All internal calls to rest-client are now explicitly URI.encoded. = 0.2.6 - 9-May-2016 * If no subscription is provided, the internal method for fetching a default subscription ID will now skip over tenant/subscription mismatches. * Removed the hard-coded api-version string for both TemplateDeploymentService and StorageAccountService. * Because there was an underlying REST API change for storage account keys for api-version strings set at 2016-01-01 or later, the list_account_key_objects and regenerate_account_key_objects methods were added. These return model objects instead of plain hashes. The list_account_keys and regenerate_account_keys methods still behave as before. = 0.2.5 - 11-Apr-2016 * Fixed a bug in the custom exception handler where the error code and message were not set properly. = 0.2.4 - 4-Apr-2016 * The ArmrestCollection#skip_token method was renamed to "continuation_token". * Added the ArmrestService.log and ArmrestService.log= methods. These are just thin wrappers around RestClient.log and RestClient.log= methods. * Fixed the StorageAccount#table_data method, and added support for continuation tokens. * Fixed a bug in the BaseModel's method generation code where an all-caps key would create strange results. * Dealt with a bug in the StorageAccountService#create method caused by a potentially empty response. = 0.2.3 - 29-Mar-2016 * Fixed the VirtualMachineImageService class. * Added an Insights::MetricsService class and support models. * Added a singleton method to clear some internal class variable caches that we use. This is primarily meant for testing. * Added a customs collection class that will eventually be used for better handling of skip tokens (paging). * Updated the Insights::Event class, modifying the list method's prototype, and now it returns our custom collection class. = 0.2.2 - 16-Mar-2016 * Fixed a potential name collision issue for nested objects. = 0.2.1 - 15-Mar-2016 * The ssl_version and ssl_verify options are now supported by, and automatically passed on to, StorageAccount model objects. * Added the get_blob_raw method to get at raw blob data. Use wisely. * Nested model objects are now named based on the attribute name rather than anonymous. = 0.2.0 - 10-Mar-2016 * The Armrest.configure method now supports the :ssl_verify and :ssl_version options. By default, the ssl_version option is set to TLSv1 instead of using older defaults used by Ruby's net-http library. = 0.1.3 - 7-Mar-2016 * StorageAccount model objects now have their proxy value automatically set to whatever the proxy was set to in the configuration argument for StorageAccountService. = 0.1.2 - 2-Mar-2016 * When selecting the appropriate api version string, we now reject dates that are ahead of the current date. * Some minor rubocop cleanup. = 0.1.1 - 26-Feb-2016 * Added proxy support for both the storage model and main configure method. * Added the SqlDatabaseService and SqlServerService classes. * Added the ResourceGroupBaseedSubservice abstract base class. * When fetching a default subscription, enabled subscriptions are chosen before disabled subscriptions. If only a disabled subscription can be found then a warning is issued. * You can now create blobs and blob snapshots with the storage model. Thanks go to Alexandre Lamandé and Nguyễn Tấn Tài and for their patches. * Some internal refactoring to use our own helper methods for various RestClient methods, and other cleanup. = 0.1.0 - 26-Jan-2015 * Refactored the ArmrestService class api_version and provider handling. * The ArmrestService class no longer uses "preview" api versions by default. * Added RBAC service classes. = 0.0.9 - 17-Dec-2015 * Added AlertService and EventService classes. * Added tables, table_info and table_data methods to the StorageAccount model. * Updates to the README. = 0.0.8 - 10-Nov-2015 * Added the list_private_images method to the StorageAccountService class. * Added the list_all method to the ResourceGroupService class. * Removed the EventService class for now. It did not actually work, and will eventually be re-implemented as part of a group of Insights classes. * Added a .to_h and .to_hash method for the BaseModel class. = 0.0.7 - 5-Nov-2015 * Refactored our BaseModel class so that it no longer uses Delegate or OpenStruct. * Added more methods to the StorageAccount model, and modified methods so that any options are always the last argument. * Bug fix for the StorageAccount#all_blobs method. = 0.0.6 - 23-Oct-2015 * Defined a custom == method for the BaseModel class. * The TemplateDeployment#properties.outputs now returns a hash. * Temporarily use a BaseModel hash ref instead of a method name due to name collision with ManageIQ until a general solution is worked out. = 0.0.5 - 21-Oct-2015 * The VirtualMachineService#series method now returns VirtualMachineSize objects instead of a raw hash. * Fixed a bug in the Network::IpAddress::Service class. * Cleaned up some spec warnings. = 0.0.4 - 19-Oct-2015 * All get/list/list_all methods now return wrapper class instances, e.g. a call to VirtualMachineService#get will return a VirtualMachine instance. These provide a nice OpenStruct wrapper so you can use methods instead of hash references if desired. * A custom StorageAccount class was added that implements methods for gathering blob information. * Most service classes now inherit from ResourceGroupBasedService, which provides a common set of methods typically used for various services. * Now re-raises RestClient exceptions as exceptions that we have defined. * The VirtualMachineImage class was overhauled and is now working properly. * The azure-signature, nokogiri and activesupport dependencies were added. = 0.0.3 - 13-Oct-2015 * Bug fixes for VirtualMachineImageService class. * Reorganized and updated SubnetService class. * Some updates to the BaseModel in prep for JSON wrapper classes. * Added NetworkSecurityGroupService and IpAddressService classes. = 0.0.2 - 23-Sep-2015 * Revamped class names. Now use "Service" instead of "Manager". * Several new service classes added, updated, and refactored. * All service classes now take and store configuration information as the first argument to ensure distinct credentials. * Added Bill Wei as author. = 0.0.1 - 13-Aug-2015 * Initial release