## # This module is included to allow for an ActiveFedora::Base object to be set as the class_name for a Resource. # Enables functionality like: # base = ActiveFedora::Base.new('oregondigital:1') # base.title = 'test' # base.save # subject.descMetadata.set = base # subject.descMetadata.set # => # subject.descMetadata.set.title # => 'test' module ActiveFedora::RDF::Identifiable extend ActiveSupport::Concern delegate :parent, :dump, :query, :rdf_type, :to => :resource ## # Defines which resource defines this ActiveFedora object. # This is required for ActiveFedora::Rdf::Resource#set_value to append graphs. # If there is no RdfResource, make a dummy one and freeze its graph. def resource return self.send(self.class.resource_datastream).resource unless self.class.resource_datastream.nil? klass = Class.new(ActiveTriples::Resource) klass.send(:include, ActiveFedora::RDF::Persistence) klass.new(ActiveFedora::RDF::Persistence::BASE_URI + self.pid).freeze end module ClassMethods ## # Returns the datastream whose ActiveFedora::Rdf::Resource is used # for the identifiable object. This supports delegating methods to # the Resource and #from_uri. Defaults to :descMetadata if it # responds to #rdf_subject, otherwise looks for the first # registered datastream that does. def resource_datastream(ds=nil) @resource_datastream ||= ds ? ds : nil return @resource_datastream unless @resource_datastream.nil? return :descMetadata if self.ds_specs['descMetadata'][:type].respond_to? :rdf_subject self.ds_specs.each do |dsid, conf| return dsid.to_sym if conf[:type].respond_to? :rdf_subject end nil end ## # Finds the appropriate ActiveFedora::Base object given a URI from a graph. # Expected by the API in ActiveFedora::Rdf::Resource # @TODO: Generalize this. # @see ActiveFedora::Rdf::Resource.from_uri # @param [RDF::URI] uri URI that is being looked up. def from_uri(uri,_) begin ActiveFedora::Base.find(pid_from_subject(uri)) rescue ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError self.ds_specs[resource_datastream.to_s][:type].resource_class.new(uri) end end ## # Finds the pid of an object from its RDF subject, override this # for URI configurations not of form base_uri + pid # @param [RDF::URI] uri URI to convert to pid def pid_from_subject(uri) base_uri = self.ds_specs[resource_datastream.to_s][:type].resource_class.base_uri if resource_datastream base_uri = base_uri || ActiveFedora::RDF::Persistence::BASE_URI uri.to_s.gsub(base_uri, "") end end end