require 'incline/version' require 'incline/log' require 'erb' ## # A Rails quick start library. module Incline ## # Allows the session store to be configured. # # Incline::session_store = :cookie_store mattr_accessor :session_store self.session_store = :cookie_store ## # Gets the automatic email configuration for the Incline application. # # The primary configuration should be stored in +config/email.yml+. # If this file is missing, automatic email configuration is skipped and must be manually specified in your # application's environment initializer (eg - config/environment/production.rb). # # test: # ... # development: # ... # production: # default_url: # default_recipient: # sender: # auth: :plain # start_tls: true # ssl: false # server: # port: 587 # # You shouldn't use an open relay, a warning will be thrown if you do. # But you don't want your login credentials stored in +config/email.yml+ either. # Instead, credentials (if any) should be stored in +config/secrets.yml+. # # test: # ... # development: # ... # production: # email: # user: # password: super-secret-password # secret_key_base: ... # def self.email_config @email_config ||= begin yaml = Rails.root.join('config', 'email.yml') if File.exist?(yaml) cfg = File.exist?(yaml) ? YAML.load( : { } cfg = (cfg[Rails.env] || {}).symbolize_keys cfg = { port: 25, auth: :plain, start_tls: true, ssl: false }.merge(cfg) Incline::Log::warn 'The email configuration is missing the "user" key.' if cfg[:user].blank? Incline::Log::warn 'The email configuration is missing the "password" key.' if cfg[:password].blank? Incline::Log::error 'The email configuration is missing the "server" key.' if cfg[:server].blank? Incline::Log::error 'The email configuration is missing the "sender" key.' if cfg[:sender].blank? Incline::Log::error 'The email configuration is missing the "default_url" key.' if cfg[:default_url].blank? Incline::Log::error 'The email configuration is missing the "default_recipient" key.' if cfg[:default_recipient].blank? def cfg.valid? return false if self[:sender].blank? || self[:server].blank? || self[:default_url].blank? || self[:default_recipient].blank? true end cfg.freeze else Incline::Log::info 'The configuration file "email.yml" does not exist, automatic email configuration disabled.' cfg = {} def cfg.valid? false end cfg.freeze end end end ## # Gets a list of key gems with their versions. # # This is useful for informational displays. # # Supply one or more patterns for gem names. # If you supply none, then the default pattern list is used. def self.gem_list(*patterns) patterns = if patterns.blank? default_gem_patterns elsif patterns.first.is_a?(::TrueClass) default_gem_patterns + patterns[1..-1] else patterns end patterns = patterns.flatten.inject([]) { |m,v| m << v unless m.include?(v); m } gems = Gem::Specification.to_a.sort{ |a,b| <=> } patterns.inject([]) do |ret,pat| gems .select { |g| (pat.is_a?(::String) && == pat) || (pat.is_a?(::Regexp) && =~ pat) } .each do |g| ret << [, g.version.to_s ] unless ret.find { |(name,_)| name == } end ret end end ## # Gets a list of routes for the current application. # # The returned list contains hashes with :engine, :controller, :action, :name, :verb, and :path keys. def self.route_list @route_list ||= begin require 'action_dispatch/routing/inspector' get_routes(Rails.application.routes.routes).sort do |a,b| if a[:engine] == b[:engine] if a[:controller] == b[:controller] a[:action] <=> b[:action] else a[:controller] <=> b[:controller] end else a[:engine] <=> b[:engine] end end end end ## # Performs a database migration against the configured database. def self.migrate! ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate File.expand_path('../../db/migrate', __FILE__), nil end ## # Locates and loads a controller's class definition. # # If found, returns the controller class, otherwise nil. def self.get_controller_class(controller_name) controller_name += '_controller' unless controller_name =~ /_controller$/ class_name = controller_name.classify klass = begin class_name.constantize rescue NameError nil end if klass unless klass <= ::ActionController::Base ::Incline::Log::warn "The '#{class_name}' class does not inherit from 'ActionController::Base'." return nil end end unless klass file_options = if controller_name.include?('/') ns,_,ctrl = controller_name.rpartition('/') [ "#{ns}/app/controllers/#{ns}/#{ctrl}_controller", "app/controllers/#{ns}/#{ctrl}_controller", "#{ns}/app/controllers/#{ctrl}_controller", "#{ns}/#{ctrl}_controller" ] else [ "app/controllers/#{controller_name}_controller", "#{controller_name}_controller" ] end while (file = file_options.shift) begin require file klass = class_name.constantize if klass <= ::ActionController::Base ::Incline::Log::debug "Found '#{class_name}' in '#{file}'." else ::Incline::Log::warn "Found '#{class_name}' in '#{file}', but it does not inherit from 'ActionController::Base'." klass = nil end break rescue LoadError, NameError # don't bubble up these errors. klass = nil end end end klass end private def self.default_gem_patterns @default_gem_patterns ||= [ Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore, 'rails', /\Aincline(?:-.*)\z/ ] end def self.get_routes(routes, engine_path = '', engines = []) result = [] routes = routes .collect{|r|} .reject{|r| r.internal?} routes.each do |r| if r.engine? eng_path = r.path unless engines.include?(eng_path) eng_routes = r.rack_app.routes if eng_routes.is_a?(ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet) engines << eng_path result += get_routes(eng_routes.routes, eng_path, engines) end end else result << { engine: engine_path, controller: r.controller, action: r.action, verb: r.verb, path: engine_path + r.path } end end result.inject([]) do |ret,item| existing = ret.find{|r| r[:engine] == item[:engine] && r[:controller] == item[:controller] && r[:action] == item[:action] && r[:path] == item[:path]} if existing verbs = existing[:verb].split('|') verbs << item[:verb] unless verbs.include?(item[:verb]) existing[:verb] += verbs.sort.join('|') else ret << item.dup end ret end end end # Include engine after defining base module. require 'incline/engine'