$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib") require 'webrick' require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' require 'test_includes' class FormsMechTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestMethods def setup @agent = WWW::Mechanize.new end def test_no_form_action page = @agent.get('http://localhost:2000/form_no_action.html') page.forms.first.fields.first.value = 'Aaron' page = @agent.submit(page.forms.first) assert_match('/form_no_action.html?first=Aaron', page.uri.to_s) end # Test submitting form with two fields of the same name def test_post_multival page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_multival.html") form = page.forms.name('post_form').first assert_not_nil(form) assert_equal(2, form.fields.name('first').length) form.fields.name('first')[0].value = 'Aaron' form.fields.name('first')[1].value = 'Patterson' page = @agent.submit(form) assert_not_nil(page) assert_equal(2, page.links.length) assert_not_nil(page.links.text('first:Aaron').first) assert_not_nil(page.links.text('first:Patterson').first) end # Test calling submit on the form object def test_submit_on_form page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_multival.html") form = page.forms.name('post_form').first assert_not_nil(form) assert_equal(2, form.fields.name('first').length) form.fields.name('first')[0].value = 'Aaron' form.fields.name('first')[1].value = 'Patterson' page = form.submit assert_not_nil(page) assert_equal(2, page.links.length) assert_not_nil(page.links.text('first:Aaron').first) assert_not_nil(page.links.text('first:Patterson').first) end # Test submitting form with two fields of the same name def test_get_multival page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_multival.html") form = page.forms.name('get_form').first assert_not_nil(form) assert_equal(2, form.fields.name('first').length) form.fields.name('first')[0].value = 'Aaron' form.fields.name('first')[1].value = 'Patterson' page = @agent.submit(form) assert_not_nil(page) assert_equal(2, page.links.length) assert_not_nil(page.links.text('first:Aaron').first) assert_not_nil(page.links.text('first:Patterson').first) end def test_post page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_test.html") post_form = page.forms.find { |f| f.name == "post_form1" } assert_not_nil(post_form, "Post form is null") assert_equal("post", post_form.method.downcase) assert_equal("/form_post", post_form.action) assert_equal(3, post_form.fields.size) assert_equal(1, post_form.buttons.size) assert_equal(2, post_form.radiobuttons.size) assert_equal(3, post_form.checkboxes.size) assert_not_nil(post_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }, "First name field was nil" ) assert_not_nil(post_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "country" }, "Country field was nil" ) assert_not_nil( post_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male"}, "Gender male button was nil" ) assert_not_nil( post_form.radiobuttons.find {|f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "female"}, "Gender female button was nil" ) assert_not_nil(post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "cool person" }, "couldn't find cool person checkbox") assert_not_nil(post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }, "couldn't find likes ham checkbox") assert_not_nil(post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "green[eggs]" }, "couldn't find green[eggs] checkbox") # Find the select list s = post_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "country" } assert_equal(2, s.options.length) assert_equal("USA", s.value) assert_equal("USA", s.options.first.value) assert_equal("USA", s.options.first.text) assert_equal("CANADA", s.options[1].value) assert_equal("CANADA", s.options[1].text) # Now set all the fields post_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }.value = "Aaron" post_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male" }.checked = true post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }.checked = true post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "green[eggs]" }.checked = true page = @agent.submit(post_form, post_form.buttons.first) # Check that the submitted fields exist assert_equal(5, page.links.size, "Not enough links") assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "likes ham:on" }, "likes ham check box missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "green[eggs]:on" }, "green[eggs] check box missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "first_name:Aaron" }, "first_name field missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "gender:male" }, "gender field missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "country:USA" }, "select box not submitted" ) end def test_select_box page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_test.html") post_form = page.forms.find { |f| f.name == "post_form1" } assert_not_nil(post_form, "Post form is null") assert_not_nil(page.header) assert_not_nil(page.root) assert_equal(0, page.iframes.length) assert_equal("post", post_form.method.downcase) assert_equal("/form_post", post_form.action) # Find the select list s = post_form.fields.name(/country/).first assert_not_nil(s, "Couldn't find country select list") assert_equal(2, s.options.length) assert_equal("USA", s.value) assert_equal("USA", s.options.first.value) assert_equal("USA", s.options.first.text) assert_equal("CANADA", s.options[1].value) assert_equal("CANADA", s.options[1].text) # Now set all the fields post_form.fields.name(/country/).value = s.options[1] assert_equal('CANADA', post_form.country) page = @agent.submit(post_form, post_form.buttons.first) # Check that the submitted fields exist assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "country:CANADA" }, "select box not submitted" ) end def test_get page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_test.html") get_form = page.forms.find { |f| f.name == "get_form1" } assert_not_nil(get_form, "Get form is null") assert_equal("get", get_form.method.downcase) assert_equal("/form_post", get_form.action) assert_equal(1, get_form.fields.size) assert_equal(2, get_form.buttons.size) assert_equal(2, get_form.radiobuttons.size) assert_equal(3, get_form.checkboxes.size) assert_not_nil(get_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }, "First name field was nil" ) assert_not_nil( get_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male"}, "Gender male button was nil" ) assert_not_nil( get_form.radiobuttons.find {|f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "female"}, "Gender female button was nil" ) assert_not_nil(get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "cool person" }, "couldn't find cool person checkbox") assert_not_nil(get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }, "couldn't find likes ham checkbox") assert_not_nil(get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "green[eggs]" }, "couldn't find green[eggs] checkbox") # Set up the image button img = get_form.buttons.find { |f| f.name == "button" } img.x = "9" img.y = "10" # Now set all the fields get_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }.value = "Aaron" get_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male" }.checked = true get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }.checked = true get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "green[eggs]" }.checked = true page = @agent.submit(get_form, get_form.buttons.first) # Check that the submitted fields exist assert_equal(7, page.links.size, "Not enough links") assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "likes ham:on" }, "likes ham check box missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "green[eggs]:on" }, "green[eggs] check box missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "first_name:Aaron" }, "first_name field missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "gender:male" }, "gender field missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "button.y:10" }, "Image button missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "button.x:9" }, "Image button missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "button:button" }, "Image button missing" ) end def test_post_with_space_in_action page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_test.html") post_form = page.forms.find { |f| f.name == "post_form2" } assert_not_nil(post_form, "Post form is null") assert_equal("post", post_form.method.downcase) assert_equal("/form post", post_form.action) assert_equal(1, post_form.fields.size) assert_equal(1, post_form.buttons.size) assert_equal(2, post_form.radiobuttons.size) assert_equal(2, post_form.checkboxes.size) assert_not_nil(post_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }, "First name field was nil" ) assert_not_nil( post_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male"}, "Gender male button was nil" ) assert_not_nil( post_form.radiobuttons.find {|f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "female"}, "Gender female button was nil" ) assert_not_nil(post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "cool person" }, "couldn't find cool person checkbox") assert_not_nil(post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }, "couldn't find likes ham checkbox") # Now set all the fields post_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }.value = "Aaron" post_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male" }.checked = true post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }.checked = true page = @agent.submit(post_form, post_form.buttons.first) # Check that the submitted fields exist assert_equal(3, page.links.size, "Not enough links") assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "likes ham:on" }, "likes ham check box missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "first_name:Aaron" }, "first_name field missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "gender:male" }, "gender field missing" ) end def test_get_with_space_in_action page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_test.html") get_form = page.forms.find { |f| f.name == "get_form2" } assert_not_nil(get_form, "Get form is null") assert_equal("get", get_form.method.downcase) assert_equal("/form post", get_form.action) assert_equal(1, get_form.fields.size) assert_equal(1, get_form.buttons.size) assert_equal(2, get_form.radiobuttons.size) assert_equal(2, get_form.checkboxes.size) assert_not_nil(get_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }, "First name field was nil" ) assert_not_nil( get_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male"}, "Gender male button was nil" ) assert_not_nil( get_form.radiobuttons.find {|f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "female"}, "Gender female button was nil" ) assert_not_nil(get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "cool person" }, "couldn't find cool person checkbox") assert_not_nil(get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }, "couldn't find likes ham checkbox") # Now set all the fields get_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }.value = "Aaron" get_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male" }.checked = true get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }.checked = true page = @agent.submit(get_form, get_form.buttons.first) # Check that the submitted fields exist assert_equal(3, page.links.size, "Not enough links") assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "likes ham:on" }, "likes ham check box missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "first_name:Aaron" }, "first_name field missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "gender:male" }, "gender field missing" ) end def test_post_with_param_in_action page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_test.html") post_form = page.forms.find { |f| f.name == "post_form3" } assert_not_nil(post_form, "Post form is null") assert_equal("post", post_form.method.downcase) assert_equal("/form_post?great day=yes&one=two", post_form.action) assert_equal(1, post_form.fields.size) assert_equal(1, post_form.buttons.size) assert_equal(2, post_form.radiobuttons.size) assert_equal(2, post_form.checkboxes.size) assert_not_nil(post_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }, "First name field was nil" ) assert_not_nil( post_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male"}, "Gender male button was nil" ) assert_not_nil( post_form.radiobuttons.find {|f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "female"}, "Gender female button was nil" ) assert_not_nil(post_form.checkboxes.name("cool person").first, "couldn't find cool person checkbox") assert_not_nil(post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }, "couldn't find likes ham checkbox") # Now set all the fields post_form.fields.name('first_name').value = "Aaron" post_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male" }.checked = true post_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }.checked = true page = @agent.submit(post_form, post_form.buttons.first) # Check that the submitted fields exist assert_equal(3, page.links.size, "Not enough links") assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "likes ham:on" }, "likes ham check box missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "first_name:Aaron" }, "first_name field missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "gender:male" }, "gender field missing" ) end def test_get_with_param_in_action page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_test.html") get_form = page.forms.find { |f| f.name == "get_form3" } assert_not_nil(get_form, "Get form is null") assert_equal("get", get_form.method.downcase) assert_equal("/form_post?great day=yes&one=two", get_form.action) assert_equal(1, get_form.fields.size) assert_equal(1, get_form.buttons.size) assert_equal(2, get_form.radiobuttons.size) assert_equal(2, get_form.checkboxes.size) assert_not_nil(get_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }, "First name field was nil" ) assert_not_nil( get_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male"}, "Gender male button was nil" ) assert_not_nil( get_form.radiobuttons.find {|f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "female"}, "Gender female button was nil" ) assert_not_nil(get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "cool person" }, "couldn't find cool person checkbox") assert_not_nil(get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }, "couldn't find likes ham checkbox") # Now set all the fields get_form.fields.find { |f| f.name == "first_name" }.value = "Aaron" get_form.radiobuttons.find { |f| f.name == "gender" && f.value == "male" }.checked = true get_form.checkboxes.find { |f| f.name == "likes ham" }.checked = true page = @agent.submit(get_form, get_form.buttons.first) # Check that the submitted fields exist assert_equal(3, page.links.size, "Not enough links") assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "likes ham:on" }, "likes ham check box missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "first_name:Aaron" }, "first_name field missing" ) assert_not_nil( page.links.find { |l| l.text == "gender:male" }, "gender field missing" ) end def test_field_addition page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_test.html") get_form = page.forms.find { |f| f.name == "get_form1" } get_form.field("first_name").value = "Gregory" assert_equal( "Gregory", get_form.field("first_name").value ) end def test_fields_as_accessors page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_multival.html") form = page.forms.name('post_form').first assert_not_nil(form) assert_equal(2, form.fields.name('first').length) form.first = 'Aaron' assert_equal('Aaron', form.first) end def test_add_field page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_multival.html") form = page.forms.name('post_form').first assert_not_nil(form) number_of_fields = form.fields.length f = form.add_field!('intarweb') assert_not_nil(f) assert_equal(number_of_fields + 1, form.fields.length) end def test_has_field page = @agent.get("http://localhost:#{PORT}/form_multival.html") form = page.forms.name('post_form').first assert_not_nil(form) assert_equal(false, form.has_field?('intarweb')) f = form.add_field!('intarweb') assert_not_nil(f) assert_equal(true, form.has_field?('intarweb')) end def test_field_error @page = @agent.get('http://localhost/empty_form.html') form = @page.forms.first assert_raise(NoMethodError) { form.foo = 'asdfasdf' } assert_raise(NoMethodError) { form.foo } end end