== 1.2.1 2010-09-19 * Fix issue with outputting seed delimiter message when the class names are too long. * Add seeding start and end messages with contexts referenced. * Add total seeding time message. == 1.2.0 2010-09-19 * Make create_or_update_by_* methods able to convert AR objects to IDs if the attribute name includes '_id'. * Add contexts. == 1.1.0 2010-07-27 * Fixed issue with version attribute colliding with ActiveRecord's magic attribute name. == 1.0.0 2010-07-08 * Using the ActiveRecord#[] method to access the version attribute of the current version. * Made the generators Rails 3 compliant. == 0.0.3 2010-01-04 * Fixed a file include issue to make Genesis work with bundler gem. == 0.0.2 2009-12-15 * Fixed bug with camelcase vs camelize causing different results (ie. methodName vs MethodName) on linux systems == 0.0.1 2009-12-12 * Added prepare seeding generator * Added seed file generator * Added seed version task * Added seed task * Added mulligan task