module Volt class CLI desc 'precompile', 'precompile all application assets' def precompile compile end private def compile puts 'compiling project...' require 'fileutils' ENV['SERVER'] = 'true' require 'opal' require 'rack' require 'volt' require 'volt/volt/core' require 'volt/boot' @root_path ||= Dir.pwd Volt.root = @root_path volt_app = Volt.boot(@root_path) require 'volt/server/rack/component_paths' require 'volt/server/rack/component_code' require 'volt/server/component_handler' @app_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, 'app')) @component_paths = @app = @opal_files =, @app_path, @component_paths) @index_files =, volt_app, @component_paths, @opal_files) @component_handler = puts 'Compile Opal for components' write_component_js puts 'Copy assets' write_sprockets puts 'Compile JS/CSS' write_js_and_css puts 'Write index files' write_index puts "compiled" end def logical_paths_and_full_paths @opal_files.environment.each_file do |full_path| logical_path = @opal_files.environment.send(:logical_path_for_filename, full_path, []).to_s yield(logical_path, full_path.to_s) end end def write_sprockets # Serve the opal files logical_paths_and_full_paths do |logical_path, full_path| # Only include files that aren't compiled elsewhere, like fonts if !logical_path[/[.](y|css|js|html|erb)$/] && File.extname(logical_path) != '' && # opal includes some node modules in the standard lib that we don't need to compile in (full_path !~ /\/opal/ && full_path !~ /\/stdlib\// && logical_path !~ /^node_js\//) write_sprocket_file(logical_path) end end end def write_js_and_css (@index_files.javascript_files + @index_files.css_files).each do |logical_path| if logical_path =~ /^\/assets\// logical_path = logical_path.gsub(/^\/assets\//, '') write_sprocket_file(logical_path) end end end def write_sprocket_file(logical_path) path = "#{@root_path}/public/assets/#{logical_path}" begin # Only write out the assets # if logical_path =~ /\/assets\// content = @opal_files.environment[logical_path].to_s write_file(path, content) # end rescue Sprockets::FileNotFound, SyntaxError => e # ignore end end def write_component_js javascript_code = @component_handler.compile_for_component('main', true) path = File.join(Volt.root, '/public/components/main.js') write_file(path, javascript_code) end def write_index path = "#{@root_path}/public/index.html" write_file(path, @index_files.html) end def write_file(path, data) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)), 'wb') do |file| file.write(data) end end end end