import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; import CableReady from "cable_ready"; import { createConsumer } from "@rails/actioncable"; const defaultSchema = { reflexAttribute: "data-reflex", reflexPermanentAttribute: "data-reflex-permanent", reflexRootAttribute: "data-reflex-root", reflexSuppressLoggingAttribute: "data-reflex-suppress-logging", reflexDatasetAttribute: "data-reflex-dataset", reflexDatasetAllAttribute: "data-reflex-dataset-all", reflexSerializeFormAttribute: "data-reflex-serialize-form", reflexFormSelectorAttribute: "data-reflex-form-selector", reflexIncludeInnerHtmlAttribute: "data-reflex-include-inner-html", reflexIncludeTextContentAttribute: "data-reflex-include-text-content" }; let schema = {}; var Schema = { set(application) { schema = { ...defaultSchema, ...application.schema }; for (const attribute in schema) { Object.defineProperty(this, attribute.slice(0, -9), { get: () => schema[attribute] }); } } }; let debugging = false; var Debug$1 = { get enabled() { return debugging; }, get disabled() { return !debugging; }, get value() { return debugging; }, set(value) { debugging = !!value; }, set debug(value) { debugging = !!value; } }; const reflexes = {}; const request = (reflexId, target, args, controller, element, controllerElement) => { const reflex = reflexes[reflexId]; if (Debug$1.disabled || return; reflex.timestamp = new Date; console.log(`↑ stimulus ↑ ${target}`, { reflexId: reflexId, args: args, controller: controller, element: element, controllerElement: controllerElement }); }; const success = (event, halted) => { const {detail: detail} = event || {}; const {selector: selector, payload: payload} = detail || {}; const {reflexId: reflexId, target: target, morph: morph} = detail.stimulusReflex || {}; const reflex = reflexes[reflexId]; if (Debug$1.disabled || return; const progress = reflex.totalOperations > 1 ? ` ${reflex.completedOperations}/${reflex.totalOperations}` : ""; const duration = reflex.timestamp ? `in ${new Date - reflex.timestamp}ms` : "CLONED"; const operation = event.type.split(":")[1].split("-").slice(1).join("_"); console.log(`↓ reflex ↓ ${target} → ${selector || "∞"}${progress} ${duration}`, { reflexId: reflexId, morph: morph, operation: operation, halted: halted, payload: payload }); }; const error$1 = event => { const {detail: detail} = event || {}; const {reflexId: reflexId, target: target, payload: payload} = detail.stimulusReflex || {}; const reflex = reflexes[reflexId]; if (Debug$1.disabled || return; const duration = reflex.timestamp ? `in ${new Date - reflex.timestamp}ms` : "CLONED"; console.log(`↓ reflex ↓ ${target} ${duration} %cERROR: ${event.detail.body}`, "color: #f00;", { reflexId: reflexId, payload: payload }); }; var Log = { request: request, success: success, error: error$1 }; let deprecationWarnings = true; var Deprecate = { get enabled() { return deprecationWarnings; }, get disabled() { return !deprecationWarnings; }, get value() { return deprecationWarnings; }, set(value) { deprecationWarnings = !!value; }, set deprecate(value) { deprecationWarnings = !!value; } }; const uuidv4 = () => { const crypto = window.crypto || window.msCrypto; return ([ 1e7 ] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, (c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16))); }; const serializeForm = (form, options = {}) => { if (!form) return ""; const w = options.w || window; const {element: element} = options; const formData = new w.FormData(form); const data = Array.from(formData, (e =>"="))); const submitButton = form.querySelector("input[type=submit]"); if (element && && element.nodeName === "INPUT" && element.type === "submit") { data.push(`${encodeURIComponent(}=${encodeURIComponent(element.value)}`); } else if (submitButton && { data.push(`${encodeURIComponent(}=${encodeURIComponent(submitButton.value)}`); } return Array.from(data).join("&"); }; const camelize = (value, uppercaseFirstLetter = true) => { if (typeof value !== "string") return ""; value = value.replace(/[\s_](.)/g, ($1 => $1.toUpperCase())).replace(/[\s_]/g, "").replace(/^(.)/, ($1 => $1.toLowerCase())); if (uppercaseFirstLetter) value = value.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + value.substr(1); return value; }; const debounce = (callback, delay = 250) => { let timeoutId; return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout((() => { timeoutId = null; callback(...args); }), delay); }; }; const extractReflexName = reflexString => { const match = reflexString.match(/(?:.*->)?(.*?)(?:Reflex)?#/); return match ? match[1] : ""; }; const emitEvent = (event, detail) => { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(event, { bubbles: true, cancelable: false, detail: detail })); if (window.jQuery) window.jQuery(document).trigger(event, detail); }; const elementToXPath = element => { if ( !== "") return "//*[@id='" + + "']"; if (element === document.body) return "/html/body"; let ix = 0; const siblings = element?.parentNode ? element.parentNode.childNodes : []; for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) { const sibling = siblings[i]; if (sibling === element) { const computedPath = elementToXPath(element.parentNode); const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); const ixInc = ix + 1; return `${computedPath}/${tagName}[${ixInc}]`; } if (sibling.nodeType === 1 && sibling.tagName === element.tagName) { ix++; } } }; const XPathToElement = xpath => document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; const XPathToArray = (xpath, reverse = false) => { const snapshotList = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); const snapshots = []; for (let i = 0; i < snapshotList.snapshotLength; i++) { snapshots.push(snapshotList.snapshotItem(i)); } return reverse ? snapshots.reverse() : snapshots; }; const multipleInstances = element => { if ([ "checkbox", "radio" ].includes(element.type)) { return document.querySelectorAll(`input[type="${element.type}"][name="${}"]`).length > 1; } return false; }; const collectCheckedOptions = element => Array.from(element.querySelectorAll("option:checked")).concat(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`input[type="${element.type}"][name="${}"]`)).filter((elem => elem.checked))).map((o => o.value)); const attributeValue = (values = []) => { const value = values.filter((v => v && String(v).length)).map((v => v.trim())).join(" ").trim(); return value.length ? value : null; }; const attributeValues = value => { if (!value) return []; if (!value.length) return []; return value.split(" ").filter((v => v.trim().length)); }; const extractElementAttributes = element => { let attrs = Array.from(element.attributes).reduce(((memo, attr) => { memo[] = attr.value; return memo; }), {}); attrs.checked = !!element.checked; attrs.selected = !!element.selected; attrs.tag_name = element.tagName; if (element.tagName.match(/select/i) || multipleInstances(element)) { const collectedOptions = collectCheckedOptions(element); attrs.values = collectedOptions; attrs.value = collectedOptions.join(","); } else { attrs.value = element.value; } return attrs; }; const getElementsFromTokens = (element, tokens) => { if (!tokens || tokens.length === 0) return []; let elements = [ element ]; const xPath = elementToXPath(element); tokens.forEach((token => { try { switch (token) { case "combined": if (Deprecate.enabled) console.warn("In the next version of StimulusReflex, the 'combined' option to data-reflex-dataset will become 'ancestors'."); elements = [ ...elements, ...XPathToArray(`${xPath}/ancestor::*`, true) ]; break; case "ancestors": elements = [ ...elements, ...XPathToArray(`${xPath}/ancestor::*`, true) ]; break; case "parent": elements = [ ...elements, ...XPathToArray(`${xPath}/parent::*`) ]; break; case "siblings": elements = [ ...elements, ...XPathToArray(`${xPath}/preceding-sibling::*|${xPath}/following-sibling::*`) ]; break; case "children": elements = [ ...elements, ...XPathToArray(`${xPath}/child::*`) ]; break; case "descendants": elements = [ ...elements, ...XPathToArray(`${xPath}/descendant::*`) ]; break; default: elements = [ ...elements, ...document.querySelectorAll(token) ]; } } catch (error) { if (Debug$1.enabled) console.error(error); } })); return elements; }; const extractElementDataset = element => { const dataset = element.attributes[Schema.reflexDataset]; const allDataset = element.attributes[Schema.reflexDatasetAll]; const tokens = dataset && dataset.value.split(" ") || []; const allTokens = allDataset && allDataset.value.split(" ") || []; const datasetElements = getElementsFromTokens(element, tokens); const datasetAllElements = getElementsFromTokens(element, allTokens); const datasetAttributes = datasetElements.reduce(((acc, ele) => ({ ...extractDataAttributes(ele), ...acc })), {}); const reflexElementAttributes = extractDataAttributes(element); const elementDataset = { dataset: { ...reflexElementAttributes, ...datasetAttributes }, datasetAll: {} }; datasetAllElements.forEach((element => { const elementAttributes = extractDataAttributes(element); Object.keys(elementAttributes).forEach((key => { const value = elementAttributes[key]; if (elementDataset.datasetAll[key] && Array.isArray(elementDataset.datasetAll[key])) { elementDataset.datasetAll[key].push(value); } else { elementDataset.datasetAll[key] = [ value ]; } })); })); return elementDataset; }; const extractDataAttributes = element => { let attrs = {}; if (element && element.attributes) { Array.from(element.attributes).forEach((attr => { if ("data-")) { attrs[] = attr.value; } })); } return attrs; }; let isolationMode = false; var IsolationMode = { get disabled() { return !isolationMode; }, set(value) { isolationMode = value; } }; const invokeLifecycleMethod = (stage, reflexElement, controllerElement, reflexId, payload) => { if (!controllerElement || !controllerElement.reflexData[reflexId]) return; const controller = controllerElement.reflexController[reflexId]; const reflex = controllerElement.reflexData[reflexId].target; const reflexMethodName = reflex.split("#")[1]; const specificLifecycleMethodName = [ "before", "after", "finalize" ].includes(stage) ? `${stage}${camelize(reflexMethodName)}` : `${camelize(reflexMethodName, false)}${camelize(stage)}`; const specificLifecycleMethod = controller[specificLifecycleMethodName]; const genericLifecycleMethodName = [ "before", "after", "finalize" ].includes(stage) ? `${stage}Reflex` : `reflex${camelize(stage)}`; const genericLifecycleMethod = controller[genericLifecycleMethodName]; if (typeof specificLifecycleMethod === "function") {, reflexElement, reflex, controllerElement.reflexError[reflexId], reflexId, payload); } if (typeof genericLifecycleMethod === "function") {, reflexElement, reflex, controllerElement.reflexError[reflexId], reflexId, payload); } if (reflexes[reflexId] && stage === reflexes[reflexId].finalStage) { Reflect.deleteProperty(controllerElement.reflexController, reflexId); Reflect.deleteProperty(controllerElement.reflexData, reflexId); Reflect.deleteProperty(controllerElement.reflexError, reflexId); } }; document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:before", (event => invokeLifecycleMethod("before", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload)), true); document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:success", (event => { invokeLifecycleMethod("success", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload); dispatchLifecycleEvent("after", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload); }), true); document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:nothing", (event => { dispatchLifecycleEvent("success", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload); }), true); document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:error", (event => { invokeLifecycleMethod("error", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload); dispatchLifecycleEvent("after", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload); }), true); document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:halted", (event => invokeLifecycleMethod("halted", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload)), true); document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:after", (event => invokeLifecycleMethod("after", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload)), true); document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:finalize", (event => invokeLifecycleMethod("finalize", event.detail.element, event.detail.controller.element, event.detail.reflexId, event.detail.payload)), true); const dispatchLifecycleEvent = (stage, reflexElement, controllerElement, reflexId, payload) => { if (!controllerElement) { if (Debug$1.enabled && !reflexes[reflexId].warned) { console.warn(`StimulusReflex was not able execute callbacks or emit events for "${stage}" or later life-cycle stages for this Reflex. The StimulusReflex Controller Element is no longer present in the DOM. Could you move the StimulusReflex Controller to an element higher in your DOM?`); reflexes[reflexId].warned = true; } return; } if (!controllerElement.reflexController || controllerElement.reflexController && !controllerElement.reflexController[reflexId]) { if (Debug$1.enabled && !reflexes[reflexId].warned) { console.warn(`StimulusReflex detected that the StimulusReflex Controller responsible for this Reflex has been replaced with a new instance. Callbacks and events for "${stage}" or later life-cycle stages cannot be executed.`); reflexes[reflexId].warned = true; } return; } const {target: target} = controllerElement.reflexData[reflexId] || {}; const controller = controllerElement.reflexController[reflexId] || {}; const event = `stimulus-reflex:${stage}`; const action = `${event}:${target.split("#")[1]}`; const detail = { reflex: target, controller: controller, reflexId: reflexId, element: reflexElement, payload: payload }; const options = { bubbles: true, cancelable: false, detail: detail }; controllerElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(event, options)); controllerElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(action, options)); if (window.jQuery) { window.jQuery(controllerElement).trigger(event, detail); window.jQuery(controllerElement).trigger(action, detail); } }; const localReflexControllers = (app, element) => attributeValues(element.getAttribute(Schema.controller)).reduce(((memo, name) => { const controller = app.getControllerForElementAndIdentifier(element, name); if (controller && controller.StimulusReflex) memo.push(controller); return memo; }), []); const allReflexControllers = (app, element) => { let controllers = []; while (element) { controllers = controllers.concat(localReflexControllers(app, element)); element = element.parentElement; } return controllers; }; const findControllerByReflexName = (reflexName, controllers) => { const controller = controllers.find((controller => { if (!controller.identifier) return; return extractReflexName(reflexName).replace(/([a-z0–9])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/(::)/g, "--").toLowerCase() === controller.identifier; })); return controller || controllers[0]; }; const received = data => { if (!data.cableReady) return; if (data.version.replace(".pre", "-pre") !== CableReady.version) { if (Debug$1.enabled) console.error(`Reflex failed due to cable_ready gem/NPM package version mismatch. Package versions must match exactly.\nNote that if you are using pre-release builds, gems use the "x.y.z.preN" version format, while NPM packages use "x.y.z-preN".\n\ncable_ready gem: ${data.version}\ncable_ready NPM: ${CableReady.version}`); return; } let reflexOperations = []; for (let i = data.operations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (data.operations[i].stimulusReflex) { reflexOperations.push(data.operations[i]); data.operations.splice(i, 1); } } if (reflexOperations.some((operation => operation.stimulusReflex.url !== location.href))) { return; } let reflexData; if (reflexOperations.length) { reflexData = reflexOperations[0].stimulusReflex; reflexData.payload = reflexOperations[0].payload; } if (reflexData) { const {reflexId: reflexId, payload: payload} = reflexData; if (!reflexes[reflexId] && IsolationMode.disabled) { const controllerElement = XPathToElement(reflexData.xpathController); const reflexElement = XPathToElement(reflexData.xpathElement); controllerElement.reflexController = controllerElement.reflexController || {}; controllerElement.reflexData = controllerElement.reflexData || {}; controllerElement.reflexError = controllerElement.reflexError || {}; controllerElement.reflexController[reflexId] =, reflexData.reflexController); controllerElement.reflexData[reflexId] = reflexData; dispatchLifecycleEvent("before", reflexElement, controllerElement, reflexId, payload); registerReflex(reflexData); } if (reflexes[reflexId]) { reflexes[reflexId].totalOperations = reflexOperations.length; reflexes[reflexId].pendingOperations = reflexOperations.length; reflexes[reflexId].completedOperations = 0; reflexes[reflexId].piggybackOperations = data.operations; CableReady.perform(reflexOperations); } } else { if (data.operations.length && reflexes[data.operations[0].reflexId]) { CableReady.perform(data.operations); } } }; const registerReflex = data => { const {reflexId: reflexId} = data; reflexes[reflexId] = { finalStage: "finalize" }; const promise = new Promise(((resolve, reject) => { reflexes[reflexId].promise = { resolve: resolve, reject: reject, data: data }; })); promise.reflexId = reflexId; if (Debug$1.enabled) promise.catch((() => {})); return promise; }; const getReflexRoots = element => { let list = []; while (list.length === 0 && element) { let reflexRoot = element.getAttribute(Schema.reflexRoot); if (reflexRoot) { if (reflexRoot.length === 0 && reflexRoot = `#${}`; const selectors = reflexRoot.split(",").filter((s => s.trim().length)); if (Debug$1.enabled && selectors.length === 0) { console.error(`No value found for ${Schema.reflexRoot}. Add an #id to the element or provide a value for ${Schema.reflexRoot}.`, element); } list = list.concat(selectors.filter((s => document.querySelector(s)))); } element = element.parentElement ? element.parentElement.closest(`[${Schema.reflexRoot}]`) : null; } return list; }; const setupDeclarativeReflexes = debounce((() => { document.querySelectorAll(`[${Schema.reflex}]`).forEach((element => { const controllers = attributeValues(element.getAttribute(Schema.controller)); const reflexAttributeNames = attributeValues(element.getAttribute(Schema.reflex)); const actions = attributeValues(element.getAttribute(Schema.action)); reflexAttributeNames.forEach((reflexName => { const controller = findControllerByReflexName(reflexName, allReflexControllers(, element)); let action; if (controller) { action = `${reflexName.split("->")[0]}->${controller.identifier}#__perform`; if (!actions.includes(action)) actions.push(action); } else { action = `${reflexName.split("->")[0]}->stimulus-reflex#__perform`; if (!controllers.includes("stimulus-reflex")) { controllers.push("stimulus-reflex"); } if (!actions.includes(action)) actions.push(action); } })); const controllerValue = attributeValue(controllers); const actionValue = attributeValue(actions); if (controllerValue && element.getAttribute(Schema.controller) != controllerValue) { element.setAttribute(Schema.controller, controllerValue); } if (actionValue && element.getAttribute(Schema.action) != actionValue) element.setAttribute(Schema.action, actionValue); })); emitEvent("stimulus-reflex:ready"); }), 20); var version = "3.5.0-pre9"; class ReflexData { constructor(options, reflexElement, controllerElement, reflexController, permanentAttributeName, target, args, url, tabId) { this.options = options; this.reflexElement = reflexElement; this.controllerElement = controllerElement; this.reflexController = reflexController; this.permanentAttributeName = permanentAttributeName; = target; this.args = args; this.url = url; this.tabId = tabId; } get attrs() { this._attrs = this._attrs || this.options["attrs"] || extractElementAttributes(this.reflexElement); return this._attrs; } get reflexId() { this._reflexId = this._reflexId || this.options["reflexId"] || uuidv4(); return this._reflexId; } get selectors() { this._selectors = this._selectors || this.options["selectors"] || getReflexRoots(this.reflexElement); return typeof this._selectors === "string" ? [ this._selectors ] : this._selectors; } get resolveLate() { return this.options["resolveLate"] || false; } get dataset() { this._dataset = this._dataset || extractElementDataset(this.reflexElement); return this._dataset; } get innerHTML() { return this.includeInnerHtml ? this.reflexElement.innerHTML : ""; } get textContent() { return this.includeTextContent ? this.reflexElement.textContent : ""; } get xpathController() { return elementToXPath(this.controllerElement); } get xpathElement() { return elementToXPath(this.reflexElement); } get formSelector() { const attr = this.reflexElement.attributes[Schema.reflexFormSelector] ? this.reflexElement.attributes[Schema.reflexFormSelector].value : undefined; return this.options["formSelector"] || attr; } get includeInnerHtml() { const attr = this.reflexElement.attributes[Schema.reflexIncludeInnerHtml] || false; return this.options["includeInnerHTML"] || attr ? attr.value !== "false" : false; } get includeTextContent() { const attr = this.reflexElement.attributes[Schema.reflexIncludeTextContent] || false; return this.options["includeTextContent"] || attr ? attr.value !== "false" : false; } get suppressLogging() { return this.options["suppressLogging"] || this.reflexElement.attributes[Schema.reflexSuppressLogging] || false; } valueOf() { return { attrs: this.attrs, dataset: this.dataset, selectors: this.selectors, reflexId: this.reflexId, resolveLate: this.resolveLate, suppressLogging: this.suppressLogging, xpathController: this.xpathController, xpathElement: this.xpathElement, inner_html: this.innerHTML, text_content: this.textContent, formSelector: this.formSelector, reflexController: this.reflexController, permanentAttributeName: this.permanentAttributeName, target:, args: this.args, url: this.url, tabId: this.tabId, version: version }; } } let consumer; let params; let subscriptionActive; const createSubscription = controller => { consumer = consumer || controller.application.consumer || createConsumer(); const {channel: channel} = controller.StimulusReflex; const subscription = { channel: channel, ...params }; const identifier = JSON.stringify(subscription); controller.StimulusReflex.subscription = consumer.subscriptions.findAll(identifier)[0] || consumer.subscriptions.create(subscription, { received: received, connected: connected, rejected: rejected, disconnected: disconnected }); }; const connected = () => { subscriptionActive = true; document.body.classList.replace("stimulus-reflex-disconnected", "stimulus-reflex-connected"); emitEvent("stimulus-reflex:connected"); emitEvent("stimulus-reflex:action-cable:connected"); }; const rejected = () => { subscriptionActive = false; document.body.classList.replace("stimulus-reflex-connected", "stimulus-reflex-disconnected"); emitEvent("stimulus-reflex:rejected"); emitEvent("stimulus-reflex:action-cable:rejected"); if (Debug.enabled) console.warn("Channel subscription was rejected."); }; const disconnected = willAttemptReconnect => { subscriptionActive = false; document.body.classList.replace("stimulus-reflex-connected", "stimulus-reflex-disconnected"); emitEvent("stimulus-reflex:disconnected", willAttemptReconnect); emitEvent("stimulus-reflex:action-cable:disconnected", willAttemptReconnect); }; var ActionCableTransport = { consumer: consumer, params: params, get subscriptionActive() { return subscriptionActive; }, createSubscription: createSubscription, connected: connected, rejected: rejected, disconnected: disconnected, set(consumerValue, paramsValue) { consumer = consumerValue; params = paramsValue; } }; const beforeDOMUpdate = event => { const {stimulusReflex: stimulusReflex, payload: payload} = event.detail || {}; if (!stimulusReflex) return; const {reflexId: reflexId, xpathElement: xpathElement, xpathController: xpathController} = stimulusReflex; const controllerElement = XPathToElement(xpathController); const reflexElement = XPathToElement(xpathElement); const reflex = reflexes[reflexId]; const {promise: promise} = reflex; reflex.pendingOperations--; if (reflex.pendingOperations > 0) return; if (!stimulusReflex.resolveLate) setTimeout((() => promise.resolve({ element: reflexElement, event: event, data:, payload: payload, reflexId: reflexId, toString: () => "" }))); setTimeout((() => dispatchLifecycleEvent("success", reflexElement, controllerElement, reflexId, payload))); }; const afterDOMUpdate = event => { const {stimulusReflex: stimulusReflex, payload: payload} = event.detail || {}; if (!stimulusReflex) return; const {reflexId: reflexId, xpathElement: xpathElement, xpathController: xpathController} = stimulusReflex; const controllerElement = XPathToElement(xpathController); const reflexElement = XPathToElement(xpathElement); const reflex = reflexes[reflexId]; const {promise: promise} = reflex; reflex.completedOperations++; Log.success(event, false); if (reflex.completedOperations < reflex.totalOperations) return; if (stimulusReflex.resolveLate) setTimeout((() => promise.resolve({ element: reflexElement, event: event, data:, payload: payload, reflexId: reflexId, toString: () => "" }))); setTimeout((() => dispatchLifecycleEvent("finalize", reflexElement, controllerElement, reflexId, payload))); if (reflex.piggybackOperations.length) CableReady.perform(reflex.piggybackOperations); }; const routeReflexEvent = event => { const {stimulusReflex: stimulusReflex, payload: payload, name: name, body: body} = event.detail || {}; const eventType = name.split("-")[2]; if (!stimulusReflex || ![ "nothing", "halted", "error" ].includes(eventType)) return; const {reflexId: reflexId, xpathElement: xpathElement, xpathController: xpathController} = stimulusReflex; const reflexElement = XPathToElement(xpathElement); const controllerElement = XPathToElement(xpathController); const reflex = reflexes[reflexId]; const {promise: promise} = reflex; if (controllerElement) { controllerElement.reflexError = controllerElement.reflexError || {}; if (eventType === "error") controllerElement.reflexError[reflexId] = body; } switch (eventType) { case "nothing": nothing(event, payload, promise, reflex, reflexElement); break; case "error": error(event, payload, promise, reflex, reflexElement); break; case "halted": halted(event, payload, promise, reflex, reflexElement); break; } setTimeout((() => dispatchLifecycleEvent(eventType, reflexElement, controllerElement, reflexId, payload))); if (reflex.piggybackOperations.length) CableReady.perform(reflex.piggybackOperations); }; const nothing = (event, payload, promise, reflex, reflexElement) => { reflex.finalStage = "after"; Log.success(event, false); setTimeout((() => promise.resolve({ data:, element: reflexElement, event: event, payload: payload, reflexId:, toString: () => "" }))); }; const halted = (event, payload, promise, reflex, reflexElement) => { reflex.finalStage = "halted"; Log.success(event, true); setTimeout((() => promise.resolve({ data:, element: reflexElement, event: event, payload: payload, reflexId:, toString: () => "" }))); }; const error = (event, payload, promise, reflex, reflexElement) => { reflex.finalStage = "after"; Log.error(event); setTimeout((() => promise.reject({ data:, element: reflexElement, event: event, payload: payload, reflexId:, error: event.detail.body, toString: () => event.detail.body }))); }; class StimulusReflexController extends Controller { constructor(...args) { super(...args); register(this); } } const initialize = (application, {controller: controller, consumer: consumer, debug: debug, params: params, isolate: isolate, deprecate: deprecate} = {}) => { ActionCableTransport.set(consumer, params); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (() => { document.body.classList.remove("stimulus-reflex-connected"); document.body.classList.add("stimulus-reflex-disconnected"); if (Deprecate.enabled && consumer) console.warn("Deprecation warning: the next version of StimulusReflex will obtain a reference to consumer via the Stimulus application object.\nPlease add 'application.consumer = consumer' to your index.js after your Stimulus application has been established, and remove the consumer key from your StimulusReflex initialize() options object."); if (Deprecate.enabled && IsolationMode.disabled) console.warn("Deprecation warning: the next version of StimulusReflex will standardize isolation mode, and the isolate option will be removed.\nPlease update your applications to assume that every tab will be isolated."); }), { once: true }); IsolationMode.set(!!isolate); = application; Schema.set(application);"stimulus-reflex", controller || StimulusReflexController); Debug$1.set(!!debug); if (typeof deprecate !== "undefined") Deprecate.set(deprecate); const observer = new MutationObserver(setupDeclarativeReflexes); observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributeFilter: [ Schema.reflex, Schema.action ], childList: true, subtree: true }); }; const register = (controller, options = {}) => { const channel = "StimulusReflex::Channel"; controller.StimulusReflex = { ...options, channel: channel }; ActionCableTransport.createSubscription(controller); Object.assign(controller, { isActionCableConnectionOpen() { return this.StimulusReflex.subscription.consumer.connection.isOpen(); }, stimulate() { const url = location.href; const args = Array.from(arguments); const target = args.shift() || "StimulusReflex::Reflex#default_reflex"; const controllerElement = this.element; const reflexElement = args[0] && args[0].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? args.shift() : controllerElement; if (reflexElement.type === "number" && reflexElement.validity && reflexElement.validity.badInput) { if (Debug$1.enabled) console.warn("Reflex aborted: invalid numeric input"); return; } const options = {}; if (args[0] && typeof args[0] === "object" && Object.keys(args[0]).filter((key => [ "attrs", "selectors", "reflexId", "resolveLate", "serializeForm", "suppressLogging", "includeInnerHTML", "includeTextContent" ].includes(key))).length) { const opts = args.shift(); Object.keys(opts).forEach((o => options[o] = opts[o])); } const reflexData = new ReflexData(options, reflexElement, controllerElement, this.identifier, Schema.reflexPermanent, target, args, url, tabId); const reflexId = reflexData.reflexId; if (!this.isActionCableConnectionOpen()) throw "The ActionCable connection is not open! `this.isActionCableConnectionOpen()` must return true before calling `this.stimulate()`"; if (!ActionCableTransport.subscriptionActive) throw "The ActionCable channel subscription for StimulusReflex was rejected."; controllerElement.reflexController = controllerElement.reflexController || {}; controllerElement.reflexData = controllerElement.reflexData || {}; controllerElement.reflexError = controllerElement.reflexError || {}; controllerElement.reflexController[reflexId] = this; controllerElement.reflexData[reflexId] = reflexData.valueOf(); dispatchLifecycleEvent("before", reflexElement, controllerElement, reflexId); setTimeout((() => { const {params: params} = controllerElement.reflexData[reflexId] || {}; const check = reflexElement.attributes[Schema.reflexSerializeForm]; if (check) { options["serializeForm"] = check.value !== "false"; } const form = reflexElement.closest(reflexData.formSelector) || document.querySelector(reflexData.formSelector) || reflexElement.closest("form"); if (Deprecate.enabled && options["serializeForm"] === undefined && form) console.warn(`Deprecation warning: the next version of StimulusReflex will not serialize forms by default.\nPlease set ${Schema.reflexSerializeForm}="true" on your Reflex Controller Element or pass { serializeForm: true } as an option to stimulate.`); const formData = options["serializeForm"] === false ? "" : serializeForm(form, { element: reflexElement }); controllerElement.reflexData[reflexId] = { ...reflexData.valueOf(), params: params, formData: formData }; this.StimulusReflex.subscription.send(controllerElement.reflexData[reflexId]); })); const promise = registerReflex(reflexData.valueOf()); Log.request(reflexId, target, args, this.context.scope.identifier, reflexElement, controllerElement); return promise; }, __perform(event) { let element =; let reflex; while (element && !reflex) { reflex = element.getAttribute(Schema.reflex); if (!reflex || !reflex.trim().length) element = element.parentElement; } const match = attributeValues(reflex).find((reflex => reflex.split("->")[0] === event.type)); if (match) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.stimulate(match.split("->")[1], element); } } }); }; const tabId = uuidv4(); const useReflex = (controller, options = {}) => { register(controller, options); }; document.addEventListener("cable-ready:after-dispatch-event", routeReflexEvent); document.addEventListener("cable-ready:before-inner-html", beforeDOMUpdate); document.addEventListener("cable-ready:before-morph", beforeDOMUpdate); document.addEventListener("cable-ready:after-inner-html", afterDOMUpdate); document.addEventListener("cable-ready:after-morph", afterDOMUpdate); window.addEventListener("load", setupDeclarativeReflexes); var StimulusReflex = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, initialize: initialize, register: register, useReflex: useReflex }); const global = { ...StimulusReflex, get debug() { return Debug$1.value; }, set debug(value) { Debug$1.set(!!value); }, get deprecate() { return Deprecate.value; }, set deprecate(value) { Deprecate.set(!!value); } }; window.StimulusReflex = global; export { global as default, initialize, register, useReflex };