require_relative 'elasticsearch_constants' class Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchErrorHandler include Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchConstants attr_accessor :records, :bulk_message_count class BulkIndexQueueFull < StandardError; end class ElasticsearchOutOfMemory < StandardError; end class ElasticsearchVersionMismatch < StandardError; end class UnrecognizedElasticsearchError < StandardError; end class ElasticsearchError < StandardError; end def initialize(plugin, records = 0, bulk_message_count = 0) @plugin = plugin @records = records @bulk_message_count = bulk_message_count end def handle_error(response) stats = response['items'].each do |item| if item.has_key?(@plugin.write_operation) write_operation = @plugin.write_operation elsif INDEX_OP == @plugin.write_operation && item.has_key?(CREATE_OP) write_operation = CREATE_OP else # When we don't have an expected ops field, something changed in the API # expected return values (ES 2.x) stats[:errors_bad_resp] += 1 next end if item[write_operation].has_key?('status') status = item[write_operation]['status'] else # When we don't have a status field, something changed in the API # expected return values (ES 2.x) stats[:errors_bad_resp] += 1 next end case when [200, 201].include?(status) stats[:successes] += 1 when CREATE_OP == write_operation && 409 == status stats[:duplicates] += 1 else if item[write_operation].has_key?('error') && item[write_operation]['error'].has_key?('type') type = item[write_operation]['error']['type'] else # When we don't have a type field, something changed in the API # expected return values (ES 2.x) stats[:errors_bad_resp] += 1 next end stats[type] += 1 end end if stats[:errors_bad_resp] > 0 @plugin.log.on_debug { @plugin.log.debug("Unable to parse response from elasticsearch, likely an API version mismatch: #{response}") } raise ElasticsearchVersionMismatch, "Unable to parse error response from Elasticsearch, likely an API version mismatch. Add '@log_level debug' to your config to see the full response" end @plugin.log.on_debug do msg = ["Indexed (op = #{@plugin.write_operation})"] stats.each_pair { |key, value| msg << "#{value} #{key}" } @plugin.log.debug msg.join(', ') end if stats[:successes] + stats[:duplicates] == bulk_message_count @plugin.log.debug("retry succeeded - all #{bulk_message_count} records were successfully sent") return end stats.each_key do |key| case key when 'out_of_memory_error' raise ElasticsearchOutOfMemory, 'Elasticsearch has exhausted its heap, retrying' when 'es_rejected_execution_exception' raise BulkIndexQueueFull, 'Bulk index queue is full, retrying' else @plugin.log.on_debug { @plugin.log.debug("Elasticsearch errors returned, retrying: #{response}") } raise ElasticsearchError, "Elasticsearch returned errors, retrying. Add '@log_level debug' to your config to see the full response" end end end end