module Apify module Core class Fetcher attr_accessor :sources attr_accessor :result def initialize( pages, processes=2, delay=0 ) @pages = pages @processes = processes @delay = delay end def prepare @pages.each do |key, value| value[:url] = Filter.apply(value[:url], ['map_urlencode']) self.class.send(:attr_reader, key.to_sym) js = value[:js] || false pattern = value[:pattern] host = value[:host] if value[:from] v = value instance_variable_set("@#{key}".to_sym, v) next end url = self.class.base_url_for(value[:url], value[:host]) if value[:paginate] pages = self.class.paginate(url: url, to_replace: value[:paginate][0], pagination: value[:paginate][1]) result = { pages: pages } else url = (url.respond_to?(:each) ? url : url.to_s) result = { pages: [url] } end result[:js] = js result[:pattern] = pattern result[:host] = host instance_variable_set("@#{key}".to_sym, result) end self.sources = @pages.keys end def perform parenthesis_args = /\([\"\'](.*?)[\"\']\)/ self.sources.each do |source| if @pages[source].key?(:from) expression = @pages[source][:from] statement = { select: expression.match(/select#{parenthesis_args}/)[1], from: expression.match(/from#{parenthesis_args}/)[1], filters: (expression.match(/filter#{parenthesis_args}/)[1].split('|').map(&:strip) rescue nil), } statement[:filters] = ['mapattr_href', 'map_urlencode'] unless statement[:filters].present? urls = Filter.apply(Parser.fetch(statement[:select], self.send(statement[:from])[:pages]), statement[:filters]) @pages[source][:pages] = self.class.base_url_for(urls, @pages[source][:host]) end src = self.send(source) method = src[:js] ? :js : :normal processes_number = (method == :js ? 1 : @processes ) src[:pages] =[:pages], in_processes: processes_number) do |url_or_array| if url_or_array.respond_to?(:each) res = [] url_or_array.each do |url| res << url, method ) end res else url_or_array, method ) end end.flatten end result = {} self.sources.each do |source| src = self.send(source) pattern = src[:pattern] ? src[:pattern].dup : false elem = if src[:pattern] src[:pages].map{ |html|, src[:pattern]).perform } else src[:pages] end result[source] = elem if pattern instance_variable_set("@#{source}".to_sym, elem ) end @result = result @json = result end def to_json (@json || perform).to_json end class << self # Fetcher::Fetcher.paginate(url: '', to_replace: '(\/?)$', pagination: '?page=<% 1,5,1 %>') def paginate( opts={} ) pagination = opts[:pagination] || '?page=<% 1,5,1 %>' to_replace = opts[:to_replace] || '(\/?)\Z' url_or_array_of_urls = opts[:url] raise ArgumentError, "URL parameter missing" if url_or_array_of_urls.nil? regexp = /<%\s?+(\d+,\d+,\d+)\s?+%>/ pattern = pagination.scan(regexp) return [opts[:url]] if pattern.count == 0 raise ArgumentError, "Only one pagination pattern allowed." if pattern.count > 1 result = [] pager_args = pattern.first.first.split(',').map(&:strip).map(&:to_i) range = (pager_args[0]..pager_args[1]) range.step(pager_args[2]).each do |page| to_append = pagination.gsub(regexp, page.to_s) if url_or_array_of_urls.respond_to?(:each) url_or_array_of_urls.each do |url| result << url.to_s.chomp('/').gsub(, to_append) end else result << url_or_array_of_urls.to_s.chomp('/').gsub(, to_append) end end result end def download( url, method=:normal ) sleep @delay if @delay.to_i > 0 result = case method when :js headless = headless.start browser = browser.goto url html = browser.html headless.destroy print "+" html when :normal begin html = RestClient.get(url, 'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language' => 'ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4', 'Connection' => 'keep-alive', 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/39.0.2171.65 Chrome/39.0.2171.65 Safari/537.36') d = Nokogiri::HTML(html) charset ='meta[@http-equiv="content-type"]').last['content'].match(/charset=(.+)/)[1].downcase rescue nil if charset.present? and charset != 'utf-8' html = html.force_encoding(charset).encode("utf-8", undef: :replace) end print "+" html rescue RestClient::RequestTimeout, RestClient::ResourceNotFound, RestClient::InternalServerError, URI::InvalidURIError, RestClient::Forbidden,RestClient::BadGateway, RestClient print "-" return end end result end def base_url_for(url_or_array, base_url) if url_or_array.respond_to?(:each) result = [] url_or_array.each do |url| #url = URI(URI.encode(url)) url = URI(url) raise ArgumentError, "No host provided." if and base_url.nil? result << ( ? url.to_s : "#{base_url}#{url}") end result else #url = URI(URI.encode(url_or_array)) url = URI(url_or_array) raise ArgumentError, "No host provided." if and base_url.nil? ( ? url : "#{base_url}#{url}") end end end end end end