module Dpl module Providers class Elasticbeanstalk < Provider register :elasticbeanstalk status :stable full_name 'AWS Elastic Beanstalk' description sq(<<-str) Deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk: This provider: * Creates a zip file (or uses one you provide) * Uploads it to your EB application * Optionally deploys to a specific EB environment * Optionally waits until the deployment finishes str gem 'aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk', '~> 1.0' gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1.0' gem 'rubyzip', '~> 1.2.2', require: 'zip' gem 'pathspec', '~> 0.2.1', require: 'pathspec' env :aws, :elastic_beanstalk config '~/.aws/credentials', '~/.aws/config', prefix: 'aws' opt '--access_key_id ID', 'AWS Access Key ID', required: true, secret: true opt '--secret_access_key KEY', 'AWS Secret Key', required: true, secret: true opt '--region REGION', 'AWS Region the Elastic Beanstalk app is running in', default: 'us-east-1' opt '--app NAME', 'Elastic Beanstalk application name', default: :repo_name opt '--env NAME', 'Elastic Beanstalk environment name to be updated.' opt '--bucket NAME', 'Bucket name to upload app to', required: true, alias: :bucket_name opt '--bucket_path PATH', 'Location within Bucket to upload app to' opt '--description DESC', 'Description for the application version' opt '--label LABEL', 'Label for the application version' opt '--zip_file PATH', 'The zip file that you want to deploy. If not given, a zipfile will be created from the current directory, honoring .ebignore and .gitignore.' opt '--wait_until_deployed', 'Wait until the deployment has finished', requires: :env opt '--wait_until_deployed_timeout SEC', 'How many seconds to wait for Elastic Beanstalk deployment update.', type: :integer, default: 600 opt '--debug', internal: true msgs login: 'Using Access Key: %{access_key_id}', zip_add: 'Adding %s' msgs clean_description: 'Removed non-printable characters from the version description' attr_reader :started, :object, :version def login info :login end def setup info :login Aws.config.update(credentials: credentials, region: region) end def deploy @started = bucket.create unless bucket.exists? create_zip unless zip_exists? upload create_version update_app if env? end def zip_file zip_file? ? expand(super) : archive_name end def archive_name "#{label}.zip" end def label @label ||= super || "travis-#{git_sha}-#{}" end def description super || git_commit_msg end def bucket_path bucket_path? ? "#{super.gsub(/\/*$/, '')}/#{archive_name}" : archive_name end def cwd @cwd ||= "#{Dir.pwd}/" end def zip_exists? File.exists?(zip_file) end def create_zip, ::Zip::File::CREATE) do |zip| files.each do |path| debug :zip_add, path zip.add(path.sub(cwd, ''), path) end end end def upload @object = bucket.object(bucket_path) object.put(body: sleep 5 # s3 eventual consistency end def create_version @version = eb.create_application_version( application_name: app, version_label: label, description: clean(description[0, 200]), source_bundle: { s3_bucket:, s3_key: object.key }, auto_create_application: false ) end def update_app eb.update_environment( environment_name: env, version_label: version[:application_version][:version_label] ) wait_until_deployed if wait_until_deployed? end def wait_until_deployed msgs = [] 1.upto(wait_until_deployed_timeout / 5) { return if check_deployment(msgs) } error 'Deploy status unknown due to timeout. Increase the wait_until_deployed_timeout option' end def check_deployment(msgs) sleep 5 events.each do |event| msg = "#{event.event_date} [#{event.severity}] #{event.message}" error "Deployment failed: #{msg}" if event.severity == 'ERROR' info msg unless msgs.include?(msg) msgs << msg end environment[:status] == 'Ready' rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e info "Caught #{e}: #{e.message}. Retrying ..." end def files files = Dir.glob('**/*', File::FNM_DOTMATCH) ignore = %w(.ebignore .gitignore).detect { |file| file?(file) } files = filter(files, ignore) if ignore files end def filter(files, spec) spec = PathSpec.from_filename(spec) files.reject { |file| spec.match(file) } end def events args = { environment_name: env, start_time: started.utc.iso8601 } eb.describe_events(args)[:events].reverse end def environment args = { application_name: app, environment_names: [env] } eb.describe_environments(args)[:environments].first end def credentials, secret_access_key) end def s3 @s3 ||= end def bucket @bucket ||= s3.bucket(super) end def eb @eb ||= 10) end # We do not actually know what characters are valid on AWS EB's side, # see: # # Reference: NON_PRINTABLE_CHARS = "\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u10000-\u10FFFF" def clean(str) str.gsub!(/[^#{NON_PRINTABLE_CHARS}]/, '') && info(:clean_description) str end def debug(*args) info *args if debug? end end end end