#Git Pivotal ##Prelude You might want to have [this song](http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9vzh0_olivia-newton-john-lets-get-physica_music) running in the background while you read this. ##Let's Git Pivotal Inspired by [Hashrocket's blend of git and Pivotal Tracker](http://reinh.com/blog/2009/03/02/a-git-workflow-for-agile-teams.html) and [a popular article on effective git workflows](http://nvie.com/archives/323), I set off to create a set of utilities to simplify the workflow between the two. ###Git Feature/Bug/Chore The Git Pivotal utility provides three tools to integrate with your Pivotal Tracker project -- `git feature`, `git bug` and `git chore`. These commands collect the top-most available feature, bug or chore (respectively) from your Pivotal Tracker and creates a unique feature branch for it. 1 git-pivotal:master % git feature Collecting latest stories from Pivotal Tracker... Story: Test git pivotal URL: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/1234567 Updating story status in Pivotal Tracker... Enter branch name (will be prepended by 1234567) [feature]: testing Creating 1234567-testing branch... 2 git-pivotal:1234567-testing % ###Git Finish When on a feature branch, this command will close the associated story in Pivotal Tracker, merge the branch into your integration branch (`master` by default) and remove the feature branch. 3 git-pivotal:1234567-testing % git finish Marking Story 1234567 as finished... Merging 1234567-testing into master Removing 1234567-testing branch 4 git-pivotal:master % ##Installation To install git-pivotal, simply run [sudo] gem install git-pivotal