#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "fileutils"
require "rubygems"
require "thor"

class TextmateInstaller < Thor
  # CHANGED: renamed list to remote. Could there be a better name?
  desc "remote [SEARCH]", "Lists all the matching remote bundles"
  def remote(limit = "")
    limit = Regexp.new(".*#{limit}.*", "i")
    remote_bundle_locations.each do |name,location|
      puts "\n" << name.to_s << " Remote Bundles\n" << name.to_s.gsub(/./,'-') << '---------------'
      results = %x[svn list #{e_sh location[:url]}] if location[:scm]==:svn
      puts results.map {|x| x.split(".")[0]}.select {|x| x =~ limit}.join("\n") if results
      puts 'git remotes not implemented yet' if location[:scm]==:git
  desc "list", "lists all the bundles installed locally"
  def list()
    local_bundle_paths.each do |name,bundles_path|
      puts "\n" << name.to_s << " Bundles\n" << name.to_s.gsub(/./,'-') << '--------'
      puts Dir["#{e_sh bundles_path}/*.tmbundle"].map {|x| x.split("/").last.split(".").first}.join("\n")
  # TODO: Add a DESTINATION option to decide where to install. Maybe make some sort of ~/.textmate-cli config file?
  desc "install NAME [SOURCE]", "install a bundle"
  def install(bundle_name, remote_bundle_location_name=nil)
    # TODO: Add an option to remove all other versions of the same bundle
    FileUtils.mkdir_p install_bundles_path
    puts "Checking out #{bundle_name}..."
    # CHANGED: It's faster to just try and fail for each repo than to search them all first
    remote_bundle_locations.each do |remote_name,location|
      next unless remote_name.to_s.downcase.include? remote_bundle_location_name.to_s.downcase if remote_bundle_location_name
      cmd = 'echo "git remotes not implemented yet"' if location[:scm]==:git
      cmd = %[svn co #{e_sh location[:url]}/#{e_sh bundle_name}.tmbundle #{e_sh install_bundles_path}/#{e_sh bundle_name}.tmbundle 2>&1] if location[:scm]==:svn
      res = %x{#{cmd}}
      puts cmd, res.gsub(/^/,'    ') #if verbose # TODO: Implement a verbose mode to toggle showing all the gory details
      installed=true and break if res =~ /Checked out revision|Initialized empty Git repository/
    abort 'Not Installed' unless installed # TODO: Offer suggestions for alternate bundles with similar names. Maybe let them choose
    puts "Reloading Bundles..."
    puts "Done."

  desc "uninstall NAME", "uninstall a bundle"
  def uninstall(bundle_name)
    puts "Removing bundle..."
    # FIXME: Move deleted bundles to the trash instead of rm_rf-ing them?
    # When moving to the trash, maybe move the bundle into a trash/disabled_bundles subfolder 
    #   named as the bundles_path key. Just in case there are multiple versions of 
    #     the same bundle in multiple bundle paths
    local_bundle_paths.each do |name,bundles_path|
    puts "Reloading bundles..."
    puts "Done."
  def reload_textmate!
    %x[osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles']
  def remote_bundle_locations
    { :'Marcomates Trunk'  => {:scm => :svn, :url => 'http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles'},
      :'Marcomates Review' => {:scm => :svn, :url => 'http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles'},
      # TODO: Add Git support to remote_bundle_locations. Define some sort of standard way of listing git repos, checkout how rubygems does it
      # :'Bunch of Git Bundles' => {:scm => :git, :url => 'git://NotImplemented'},
      # TODO: Add GitHub support as a remote_bundle_location
      #   This will require fetching the html of the search page, scanning for urls and converting them to git urls
      # :'GitHub' => {:scm => :github, :url => 'http://github.com/search?q=tmbundle'},
    # TODO: Add some way to add more custom remotes
  def local_bundle_paths
    { :Application       => '/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles',
      :User              => "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles",
      :System            => '/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles',
      :'User Pristine'   => "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy",
      :'System Pristine' => '/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy',
  def install_bundles_path
    #TODO: Add some way for the user to configure where they'd prefer to install bundles
    local_bundle_paths[:'User Pristine']
  # Copied from http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Support/lib/escape.rb
  # escape text to make it useable in a shell script as one “word” (string)
  def e_sh(str)
  	str.to_s.gsub(/(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\/\-\x7F-\xFF\n])/, '\\').gsub(/\n/, "'\n'").sub(/^$/, "''")

# TODO: create a "monument to personal cleverness" by class-izing everything?
# class TextMateBundle
#   def self.find_local(bundle_name)
#   end
#   def self.find_remote(bundle_name)
#   end
#   attr_reader :name
#   attr_reader :location
#   attr_reader :scm
#   def initialize(name, location, scm)
#     @name     = name
#     @location = location
#     @scm      = scm
#   end
#   def install!
#   end
#   def uninstall!
#   end
#   def installed?
#     # List all the installed versions, and where they're at
#   end
#   # TODO: dirty? method to show if there are any deltas
# end
