Feature: Query Image Link In order to get a link to an image of a product A user of razsell Will query a product image link Scenario: Querying the keyword Rockstar for the artist Kung Fu Tees returns an image url Given a desire to query the artist "KungFuTees" on Zazzle When I query "rockstar" Then there should be "3" items And the items should have the keyword "Rockstar" And the items should have a link to an image Scenario: Querying the keyword Rockstar for the artist Kung Fu Tees returns a thumbnail url Given a desire to query the artist "KungFuTees" on Zazzle When I query "rockstar" Then there should be "3" items And the items should have the keyword "Rockstar" And the items should have a link to a thumbnail Scenario: Querying item information from an item url Given a desire to query a "rockstar_mug" item on Zazzle When I query the link "http://www.zazzle.com/rockstar_coder_mug-168427986526885635" Then there should be "1" items And the items should have the keyword "Rockstar" And the items should have the keyword "Coder" And the items should have the keyword "Mug" And the items should have a link to a thumbnail