Getting Started =============== [Sign up for a IronWorker account][1], it's free to try! [1]: Install IronWorker Gem ------------------------ gem install iron_worker Configure IronWorker ---------------------- You really just need your token, which you can get [here][2] [2]: IronWorker.configure do |config| config.token = TOKEN config.project_id = MY_PROJECT_ID end Write a Worker -------------- Here's an example worker that sends an email: require 'iron_worker' class HelloWorker < IronWorker::Base attr_accessor :name # This is the method that will be run def run puts "Hello #{name}!" end end Test It Locally --------------- Let's say someone does something in your app and you want to send an email about it. worker = = "Travis" worker.run_local Once you've got it working locally, the next step is to run it on the IronWorker cloud. Queue up your Worker on the IronWorker Cloud ---------------------------------------------- Let's say someone does something in your app and you want to send an email about it. worker = = "Travis" worker.queue This will send it off to the IronWorker cloud. Full Documentation ----------------- Now that you've got your first worker running, be sure to [check out the full documentation]( IronWorker can do so much more! Discussion Group ---------------------- Join the discussion group at:!forum/ironworker-users