=== 0.3.9 2011-09-24 * Spec suite now running on Rails 3.1 * Fixed naming issue with ActiveRecord::Relation (Ticket #35) === 0.3.8 2011-06-21 * Fixed Rails 3.1 deprecation warning === 0.3.7 2011-06-13 * Added before/around/after callbacks === 0.3.6 2011-05-13 * Finally added Mongoid Support out of the box * Support for Rails 3 Responders === 0.3.4 2011-04-26 * Fixed a bug concerning the inheritance of sub templates/additional options === 0.3.3 2011-04-24 * Added support for :if and :unless options === 0.3.2 2011-04-20 * Raise an exception if a specified api template is not found === 0.3.1 2011-04-08 * Added the :template option to specify sub templates * Fixed a bug concerning extended api templates === 0.3.0 2011-02-22 * Added bundler support * Added mongoid support * Removed lots of unnecessary dependencies esp. ActiveRecord === 0.2.2 2010-10-21 * Version bump only for changing the github account in the docs. === 0.2.1 2010-09-20 * Updated to work with Rails 3.0.0 * Added support for multiple renderings of the same model (e.g. useful for versioning). Note that the interface of acts as api changed, soyou have to update your code. * Updated dependecies to user Rails 3.0.0 libs instead of beta. === 0.1.10 2010-07-23 * More Bugfixes. When you want to render an Array of records (e.g. from MyRecord.all) make sure you pass the :root options to render_as_api - in case it will return an empty array === 0.1.7 2010-07-05 * Fixed bug with multi-word models. === 0.1.4 2010-07-04 * Added better documentation. === 0.1.3 2010-07-04 * Support for including methods of associated models. * Better root name determination for arrays. === 0.0.3 2010-07-01 * 1 small bugfix === 0.0.2 2010-07-01 * 1 major enhancement: * Added a wrapping root node for JSON responses by default. === 0.0.1 2010-06-27 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release