;(function(globals) { var TYPE_PERCENTAGE = 'percentage'; var TYPE_ABSOLUTE = 'absolute'; var cohortDefaults = { monthNames: [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ], shortMonthNames: [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ], repeatLevels: { 'extra-low': [0, 1], 'low': [1, 10], 'medium-low': [10, 20], 'medium': [20, 30], 'medium-high': [30, 40], 'high': [40, 60], 'hot': [60, 70], 'extra-hot': [70, 100] }, labels: { time: 'Time', total: 'Total', weekOf: 'Week' }, emptyPlaceholder: '---', timeInterval: 'monthly', drawEmptyCells: true, rawNumberOnHover: true, initialIntervalNumber: 1, percentagePercision: 0, classPrefix: 'cohort-', useShortMonthNames: true, formatHeaderLabel: function(i) { return (this.initialIntervalNumber - 1 + i).toString(); }, formatDailyLabel: function(date, i) { var name; date.setDate(date.getDate() + i); if (this.useShortMonthNames === true) { name = this.shortMonthNames[date.getMonth()]; } else { name = this.monthNames[date.getMonth()]; } return name + ' ' + date.getDate(); }, formatWeeklyLabel: function(date, i) { date.setDate(date.getDate() + i * 7); return this.shortMonthNames[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + this.labels.weekOf + ' ' + i; }, formatMonthlyLabel: function(date, i) { var name; date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + i); if (this.useShortMonthNames === true) { name = this.shortMonthNames[date.getMonth()]; } else { name = this.monthNames[date.getMonth()]; } return name; }, formatYearlyLabel: function(date, i) { return date.getYear() + 1900 + i; } }, defaults = cohortDefaults; function extend() { var target = arguments[0]; if (arguments.length === 1) return target; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var prop in source) target[prop] = source[prop]; } return target; } function isNumber(val) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Number]'; } function isEmpty(val) { return val === null || val === undefined || val === ''; } function getYear(date) { return date.getFullYear ? date.getFullYear() : date.getYear() + 1900; } function formatValue(value, base, valueType) { if (valueType === TYPE_ABSOLUTE) { return value; } else if (isNumber(value) && base > 0) { return (value / base * 100).toFixed(cohortDefaults.percentagePercision); } else if (isNumber(value)) { return '0'; } } function setText(element, text) { if (document.all) { element.innerText = text; } else { element.textContent = text; } } function setTitle(element, text, type) { if (type === TYPE_ABSOLUTE) { element.dataset.originalTitle = text; } else { element.dataset.originalTitle = text + '%'; } } function addClass(element, className) { if (!new RegExp(className).test(element.className)) { element.className += ' ' + className; } } function removeClass(element, className) { element.className = element.className.replace(className, ''); } function prefixClass(className, classPrefix) { var prefixedClass = [], classes = className.split(/\s+/); for (var i in classes) { prefixedClass.push(classPrefix + classes[i]); } return prefixedClass.join(' '); } var draw = function(cohort, values, container) { if (!values) throw new Error ('Please provide the values data'); if (!container) throw new Error ('Please provide the values container'); var config = cohort.config, initialDate = cohort.initialDate; function create(el, options) { options = options || {}; el = document.createElement(el); if ((className = options.className)) { delete options.className; el.className = prefixClass(className, config.classPrefix); } if (!isEmpty(options.text)) { var text = options.text.toString(); setText(el, text); delete options.text; } if (options.tooltip) { el.dataset.hover = 'tooltip'; el.dataset.container = 'body'; delete options.tooltip; } for (var option in options) { if ((opt = options[option])) el[option] = opt; } return el; } function drawHeader(data) { var th = create('tr'), monthLength = data[0].length; th.appendChild(create('th', { text: config.labels.time, className: 'time' })); for (var i = 0; i < monthLength; i++) { if (i > config.maxColumns) break; var text = i === 0 ? config.labels.total : config.formatHeaderLabel(i); th.appendChild(create('th', { text: text, className: 'total' })); } return th; } function formatTimeLabel(initial, timeInterval, i) { var date = new Date(initial.getTime()), formatFn = null; if (timeInterval === 'daily') { formatFn = 'formatDailyLabel'; } else if (timeInterval === 'weekly') { formatFn = 'formatWeeklyLabel'; } else if (timeInterval === 'monthly') { formatFn = 'formatMonthlyLabel'; } else if (timeInterval === 'yearly') { formatFn = 'formatYearlyLabel'; } else { throw new Error('Interval not supported'); } return config[formatFn].call(config, date, i); } function drawCells(data) { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), startMonth = config.maxRows ? data.length - config.maxRows : 0, classNameFor = function(value) { var levels = config.repeatLevels, floatValue = value && parseFloat(value), highestLevel = null, classNames = ['percentage']; for (var level in levels) { if (floatValue >= levels[level][0] && floatValue < levels[level][1]) { classNames.push(level); return classNames.join(' '); } highestLevel = level; } classNames.push(highestLevel); return classNames.join(' '); }; for (var i = startMonth; i < data.length; i++) { var tr = create('tr'), row = data[i], baseValue = row[0]; tr.appendChild(create('td', { className: 'label', text: formatTimeLabel(initialDate, config.timeInterval, i) })); for (var j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) { if (j > config.maxColumns) break; var value = row[j], cellValue = j === 0 ? value : formatValue(value, baseValue, TYPE_PERCENTAGE), opts = {}; if (!isEmpty(cellValue)) { var title = j > 0 && config.rawNumberOnHover ? value : null; opts = { text: cellValue, title: title, className: j === 0 ? 'total' : classNameFor(cellValue), tooltip: title !== null }; } else if (config.drawEmptyCells) { opts = { text: config.emptyPlaceholder, className: 'empty' }; } tr.appendChild(create('td', opts)); } fragment.appendChild(tr); } return fragment; } var mainContainer = create('div', { className: 'container' }), table = create('table', { className: 'table' }); table.appendChild(drawHeader(values)); table.appendChild(drawCells(values)); if ((title = config.title)) { mainContainer.appendChild(create('div', { text: title, className: 'title' })); } mainContainer.appendChild(table); container.innerHTML = ''; container.appendChild(mainContainer); }; var Cohort = function(opts) { if (!(initialDate = opts.initialDate)) throw new Error('The initialDate is a required argument'); delete opts.initialDate; this.initialDate = initialDate; this.valueType = TYPE_PERCENTAGE; this.config = extend({}, Cohort.getDefaults(), opts || {}); this.toggleValues = function() { this.valueType = this.valueType === TYPE_PERCENTAGE ? TYPE_ABSOLUTE : TYPE_PERCENTAGE; var table = opts.container.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < opts.values.length; rowIndex++) { var tr = table.children[rowIndex + 1]; for (var cellIndex = 1; cellIndex < opts.values[rowIndex].length; cellIndex++) { var td = tr.children[cellIndex + 1]; var absValue = formatValue(opts.values[rowIndex][cellIndex], opts.values[rowIndex][0], TYPE_ABSOLUTE); var perValue = formatValue(opts.values[rowIndex][cellIndex], opts.values[rowIndex][0], TYPE_PERCENTAGE); if (this.valueType === TYPE_ABSOLUTE) { setText(td, absValue); setTitle(td, perValue, TYPE_PERCENTAGE); removeClass(td, prefixClass('percentage', this.config.classPrefix)); } else { setText(td, perValue); setTitle(td, absValue, TYPE_ABSOLUTE); addClass(td, prefixClass('percentage', this.config.classPrefix)); } } } }; }; extend(Cohort, { getDefaults: function() { return defaults; }, setDefaults: function(def) { defaults = extend({}, cohortDefaults, def); }, resetDefaults: function() { defaults = cohortDefaults; }, draw: function(options) { var cohort = new Cohort(options); draw(cohort, options.values, options.container); return cohort; } }); if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && jQuery !== null) { jQuery.fn.cohort = function(options) { return this.each(function() { options.container = this; return Cohort.draw(options); }); }; } if (globals.exports) { globals.exports = Cohort; } else { globals.Cohort = Cohort; } })(typeof module === 'function' ? module : window);