module Plezi module EventMachine # a basic IO listening socket wrapper. class BasicIO # attribute readers attr_reader :io, :params, :protocol # initialize the listener with the actual socket and the properties. def initialize io, params @io, @params, @protocol = io, params, false end # returns true if the socket is closed and the object can be cleared. def clear? @io.closed? end # accepts a new connection, adding it to the IO stack, so that it will be reviewed. def call begin socket = io.accept_nonblock handler = (@params[:ssl] ? SSLConnection : Connection).new socket, @params EventMachine.add_io socket, handler rescue Errno::EWOULDBLOCK => e rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e "Due to an SSL issue, the connection was refused (maybe untrusted certificate)?" rescue => e Plezi.error e end end def on_disconnect true end def close false end alias :disconnect :close end module_function # the IO stack. EM_IO = {} # the IO Mutex IO_LOCKER = # Adds an io object to the Plezi event machine. # # accepts: # io:: an actual IO object (i.e. socket) that can be passed on to # job:: an object that answers to #call. job#call will be called whenever the IO object is flagged by # def add_io io, job IO_LOCKER.synchronize { EM_IO[io] = job } end # the proc for async IO removal, in case of IO exceptions raised by unexpectedly closed sockets. IO_CLEAR_ASYNC_PROC = {|c| c.on_disconnect rescue false } # removes an IO from the event machine. def remove_io io IO_LOCKER.synchronize { queue [(EM_IO.delete io)], IO_CLEAR_ASYNC_PROC; (io.close unless io.closed? rescue true); } end # deletes any connections that are closed or timed out. def clear_connections IO_LOCKER.synchronize { EM_IO.delete_if { |io, c| c.clear? } } end # forces the event machine to forget all the existing connections (they will not be reviewed any longer). def forget_connections IO_LOCKER.synchronize { EM_IO.clear } end # stops all the connections without stopping the lisntener IO's. def stop_connections IO_LOCKER.synchronize { EM_IO.each { |io, c| c.close } } end # set the default idle waiting time. @io_timeout = 0.1 # Plezi event cycle settings: how long to wait for IO activity before forcing another cycle. # # No timing methods will be called during this interval. # # Gets the current idle setting. The default setting is 0.1 seconds. def io_timeout @io_timeout end # Plezi event cycle settings: how long to wait for IO activity before forcing another cycle. # # No timing methods will be called during this interval (#run_after / #run_every). # # It's rare, but it's one of the reasons for the timeout: some connections might wait for the timeout befor being established. # # set the current idle setting def io_timeout= value @io_timeout = value end # hangs for IO data or io_timeout def review_io return false if IO_LOCKER.locked? IO_LOCKER.synchronize do return false unless queue_empty? && EM_IO.any? io_array = EM_IO.keys begin io_r =, nil, io_array, @io_timeout) return false unless io_r io_r[0].each {|io| queue [], EM_IO[io] } io_r[2].each { |io| EM_IO.delete io } rescue Errno::EWOULDBLOCK => e rescue => e EM_IO.keys.each {|io| EventMachine.queue [EM_IO.delete(io)], IO_CLEAR_ASYNC_PROC if io.closed?} raise e end true end end end module DSL module_function # public API to add a service to the framework. # accepts a Hash object with any of the following options (Hash keys): # port:: port number. defaults to 3000 or the port specified when the script was called. # host:: the host name. defaults to any host not explicitly defined (a catch-all). # alias:: a String or an Array of Strings which represent alternative host names (i.e. `alias: ["", ""]`). # root:: the public root folder. if this is defined, static files will be served from the location. # assets:: the assets root folder. defaults to nil (no assets support). if the path is defined, assets will be served from `/assets/...` (or the public_asset path defined) before any static files. assets will not be served if the file in the /public/assets folder if up to date (a rendering attempt will be made for systems that allow file writing). # assets_public:: the assets public uri location (uri format, NOT a file path). defaults to `/assets`. assets will be saved (or rendered) to the assets public folder and served as static files. # assets_callback:: a method that accepts one parameters: `request` and renders any custom assets. the method should return `false` unless it has created a response object (`response =`) and sent a response to the client using `response.finish`. # save_assets:: saves the rendered assets to the filesystem, under the public folder. defaults to false. # templates:: the templates root folder. defaults to nil (no template support). templates can be rendered by a Controller class, using the `render` method. # ssl:: if true, an SSL service will be attempted. if no certificate is defined, an attempt will be made to create a self signed certificate. # ssl_key:: the public key for the SSL service. # ssl_cert:: the certificate for the SSL service. # # some further options, which are unstable and might be removed in future versions, are: # protocol:: the protocol objects (usually a class, but any object answering `#call` will do). # handler:: an optional handling object, to be called upon by the protocol (i.e. #on_message, #on_connect, etc'). this option is used to allow easy protocol switching, such as from HTTP to Websockets. # # Duringn normal Plezi behavior, the optional `handler` object will be returned if `listen` is called more than once for the same port. # # assets: # # assets support will render `.sass`, `.scss` and `.coffee` and save them as local files (`.css`, `.css`, and `.js` respectively) # before sending them as static files. # # templates: # # ERB, Slim and Haml are natively supported. # def listen parameters = {} # update default values parameters = {assets_public: '/assets'}.update(parameters) # set port if undefined if !parameters[:port] && defined? ARGV if ARGV.find_index('-p') port_index = ARGV.find_index('-p') + 1 parameters[:port] ||= ARGV[port_index].to_i ARGV[port_index] = (parameters[:port] + 1).to_s else ARGV << '-p' ARGV << '3001' parameters[:port] ||= 3000 end end #keeps information of past ports. @listeners ||= {} @listeners_locker = # check if the port is used twice. if @listeners[parameters[:port]] puts "WARNING: port aleady in use! returning existing service and attemptin to add host (maybe multiple hosts? use `host` instead)." unless parameters[:host] @active_router = @listeners[parameters[:port]].params[:handler] || @listeners[parameters[:port]].params[:protocol] @active_router.add_host parameters[:host], parameters if @active_router.is_a?(HTTPRouter) return @active_router end # make sure the protocol exists. unless parameters[:protocol] parameters[:protocol] = HTTPProtocol parameters[:handler] ||= end # create the EventMachine IO object. io = defined?(PLEZI_ON_RACK) ? parameters :[:port]), parameters) EventMachine.add_io, io unless defined? PLEZI_ON_RACK @listeners_locker.synchronize { @listeners[parameters[:port]] = io } # set the active router to the handler or the protocol. @active_router = (parameters[:handler] || parameters[:protocol]) @active_router.add_host(parameters[:host], parameters) if @active_router.is_a?(HTTPRouter) Plezi.run_async { "Started listening on port #{parameters[:port]}." } unless defined?(PLEZI_ON_RACK) # return the current handler or the protocol.. @active_router end # Plezi Engine, DO NOT CALL. creates the thread pool and starts cycling through the events. def start_services if @listeners && @listeners.any? # prepare threads exit_flag = false threads = [] Plezi.run_every(5, &EventMachine.method(:clear_connections)) Plezi.run_every(3_600) {GC.start; "Refreshing worker threads."; EventMachine.stop; EventMachine.start Plezi.max_threads} # run_every( 1 , { "#{IO_CONNECTION_DIC.length} active connections ( #{{|k,v| v.protocol.is_a?(WSProtocol)} .length } websockets)." }) # run_every 10 , -> { "Cache report: #{CACHE_STORE.length} objects cached." } # puts "** Deprecation Warning:\n- The current code for default error pages will be changed in version 0.9.0.\n- Default error pages will follow a different naming and location conventions.\n- The updated design will be part of the updated `plezi` helper script.\nPlease review your code before upgrading to the 0.9.0 version.\n" puts "Services running Plezi version #{Plezi::VERSION}. Press ^C to stop" EventMachine.start Plezi.max_threads # set signal tarps trap('INT'){ exit_flag = true; raise "close Plezi" } trap('TERM'){ exit_flag = true; raise "close Plezi" } # sleep until trap raises exception (cycling might cause the main thread to ignor signals and lose attention) sleep rescue true # avoid refreshing the working threads and stop all timed events. EventMachine.clear_timers # start shutdown. exit_flag = true # set new tarps trap('INT'){ puts 'Forced exit.'; Kernel.exit } #rescue true} trap('TERM'){ puts 'Forced exit.'; Kernel.exit } #rescue true } puts 'Started shutdown process. Press ^C to force quit.' # shut down listening sockets stop_services # cycle down threads "Finishing up and running shutdown tasks." end EventMachine.shutdown "Plezi shutdown as requested." puts "Since we're resting, why not practice Tai Chi?" # return exit code? 0 end # Closes and removes listening IO's registered by Plezi using #listen def stop_services 'Stopping services' @listeners_locker.synchronize { @listeners.each {|port, io| EventMachine.remove_io(; "Stoped listening on port #{port}" } ; @listeners.clear } if @listeners true end end module_function # Plezi event cycle settings: how long to wait for IO activity before forcing another cycle. # # No timing methods will be called during this interval. # # Gets the current idle setting. The default setting is 0.1 seconds. def idle_sleep EventMachine.io_timeout end # Plezi event cycle settings: how long to wait for IO activity before forcing another cycle. # # No timing methods will be called during this interval (#run_after / #run_every). # # It's rare, but it's one of the reasons for the timeout: some connections might wait for the timeout befor being established. # # set the current idle setting def idle_sleep= value EventMachine.io_timeout = value end end