# frozen_string_literal: true require 'English' require 'cl' require 'fileutils' require 'logger' require 'open3' require 'tmpdir' require 'securerandom' require 'dpl/support/version' module Dpl module Ctx class Bash < Cl::Ctx include FileUtils attr_accessor :folds, :stdout, :stderr, :last_out, :last_err def initialize(stdout = $stdout, stderr = $stderr) @stdout = stdout @stderr = stderr @folds = 0 super('dpl', abort: false) end # Folds any log output from the given block # # Starts a log fold with the given fold message, calls the block, and # closes the fold. # # @param msg [String] the message that will appear on the log fold def fold(msg) self.folds += 1 print "travis_fold:start:dpl.#{folds}\r\e[K" time do info "\e[33m#{msg}\e[0m" yield end ensure print "\ntravis_fold:end:dpl.#{folds}\r\e[K" end # Times the given block # # Starts a travis time log tag, calls the block, and closes the tag, # including timing information. This makes a timing badge appear on # the surrounding log fold. def time id = SecureRandom.hex[0, 8] start = Time.now.to_i * (10**9) print "travis_time:start:#{id}\r\e[K" yield ensure finish = Time.now.to_i * (10**9) duration = finish - start print "\ntravis_time:end:#{id}:start=#{start},finish=#{finish},duration=#{duration}\r\e[K" end # Outputs a deprecation warning for a given deprecated option key to stderr. # # @param key [Symbol] the deprecated option key # @param msg [String or Symbol] the deprecation message. if given a Symbol this will be wrapped into the string "Please use #{symbol}". def deprecate_opt(key, msg) msg = "please use #{msg}" if msg.is_a?(Symbol) warn "Deprecated option #{key} used (#{msg})." end # Outputs an info level message to stdout. def info(*msgs) stdout.puts(*msgs) end # Prints an info level message to stdout. # # This method does not append a newline character to the given message, # which usually is not the desired behaviour. The method is intended to # be used if an initial, partial message is supposed to be printed, which # will be completed later (using the method `info`). # # For example: # # print 'Starting a long running task ...' # run_long_running_task # info 'done.' def print(chars) stdout.print(chars) end # Outputs an warning message to stderr # # This method is intended to be used for warning messages that are # supposed to show up in the build log, but do not qualify as errors that # would abort the deployment process. The warning will be highlighted as # yellow text. Use sparingly. def warn(*msgs) msgs = msgs.join("\n").lines msgs.each { |msg| stderr.puts("\e[33;1m#{msg}\e[0m") } end # Raises an exception, halting the deployment process. # # The calling executable `bin/dpl` will catch the exception, and abort # the ruby process with the given error message. # # This method is intended to be used for all error conditions that # require the deployment process to be aborted. def error(message) raise Error, message end # Returns a logger # # Returns a logger instance, with the given log level set. This can be # used to pass to clients that accept a Ruby logger, such as Faraday, # for debugging purposes. # # Use with care. # # @param level [Symbol] the Ruby logger log level def logger(level = :info) logger = Logger.new(stderr) logger.level = Logger.const_get(level.to_s.upcase) logger end def validate_runtimes(runtimes) failed = runtimes.reject(&method(:validate_runtime)) failed = failed.map { |name, versions| "#{name} (#{versions.join(', ')})" } error "Failed validating runtimes: #{failed.join(', ')}" if failed.any? end def validate_runtime(args) name, required = *args info "Validating required runtime version: #{name} (#{required.join(', ')})" version = name == :node_js ? node_version : python_version required.all? { |required| Version.new(version).satisfies?(required) } end def apts_get(packages) packages = packages.reject { |name, cmd = name| which(cmd || name) } return unless packages.any? apt_update packages.each { |package, cmd| apt_get(package, cmd || package, update: false) } end # Installs an APT package # # Installs the APT package with the given name, unless the command is already # available (as determined by `which [cmd]`. # # @param package [String] the package name # @param cmd [String] an executable installed by the package, defaults to the package name def apt_get(package, cmd = package, opts = {}) return if which(cmd) apt_update unless opts[:update].is_a?(FalseClass) shell "sudo apt-get -qq install #{package}", retry: true end def apt_update shell 'sudo apt-get update', retry: true end # Requires source files from Ruby gems, installing them on demand if required # # Installs the Ruby gems with the given version, if not already installed, and # requires the specified source files from that gem. # # This happens using the bundler/inline API. # # @param gems [Array<String, String, Hash>] Array of gem requirements: gem name, version, and options (`require`: A single path or a list of paths to source files to require from this Ruby gem) # # @see https://bundler.io/v2.0/guides/bundler_in_a_single_file_ruby_script.html def gems_require(gems) # A local Gemfile.lock might interfer with bundler/inline, even though # it should not. Switching to a temporary dir fixes this. Dir.chdir(tmp_dir) do require 'bundler/inline' info "Installing gem dependencies: #{gems.map { |name, version, _| "#{name} #{"(#{version})" if version}".strip }.join(', ')}" env = ENV.to_h # Bundler.reset! # Gem.loaded_specs.clear gemfile do source 'https://rubygems.org' gems.each { |g| gem(*g) } end # https://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/7181 ENV.replace(env) end end # Installs an NPM package # # Installs the NPM package with the given name, unless the command is already # available (as determined by `which [cmd]`. # # @param package [String] the package name # @param cmd [String] an executable installed by the package, defaults to the package name def npm_install(package, cmd = package) shell "npm install -g #{package}", retry: true unless which(cmd) end # Installs a Python package # # Installs the Python package with the given name. A previously installed # package is uninstalled before that, but only if `version` was given. # # @param package [String] Package name (required). # @param cmd [String] Executable command installed by that package (optional, defaults to the package name). # @param version [String] Package version (optional). def pip_install(package, cmd = package, version = nil) ENV['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = File.expand_path('~/dpl_venv') ENV['PATH'] = File.expand_path("~/dpl_venv/bin:#{ENV['PATH']}") shell 'virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/dpl_venv', echo: true shell 'pip install urllib3[secure]' cmd = "pip install #{package}" cmd << pip_version(version) if version shell cmd, retry: true end def pip_version(version) version =~ /^\d+/ ? "==#{version}" : version end # Generates an SSH key # # @param name [String] the key name # @param file [String] path to the key file def ssh_keygen(name, file) shell %(ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -C #{name} -f #{file}) end # Runs a single shell command # # This the is the central point of executing any shell commands. It allows two # strategies for running commands in subprocesses: # # * Using [Kernel#system](https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.6.3/Kernel.html#method-i-system) # which is the default strategy, and should be used when possible. The stdout # and stderr streams will not be captured, but streamed directly to the parent # process (so any output on these streams appears in the build log as soon as # possible). # # * Using [Open3.capture3](https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.6.3/libdoc/open3/rdoc/Open3.html#method-c-capture3) # which captures both stdout and stderr, and does not automatically output it # to the build log. Implementors can choose to display it after the shell command # has completed, using the `%{out}` and `%{err}` interpolation variables. Use # sparingly. # # The method accepts the following options: # # @param cmd [String] the shell command to execute # @param opts [Hash] options # # @option opts [Boolean] :echo output the command to stdout before running it # @option opts [Boolean] :silence silence all log output by redirecting stdout and stderr to `/dev/null` # @option opts [Boolean] :capture use `Open3.capture3` to capture stdout and stderr # @option opts [String] :python wrap the command into Bash code that enforces the given Python version to be used # @option opts [String] :retry retries the command 2 more times if it fails # @option opts [String] :info message to output to stdout if the command has exited with the exit code 0 (supports the interpolation variable `${out}` for stdout in case it was captured. # @option opts [String] :assert error message to be raised if the command has exited with a non-zero exit code (supports the interpolation variable `${out}` for stdout in case it was captured. # # @return [Boolean] whether or not the command was successful (has exited with the exit code 0) def shell(cmd, opts = {}) cmd = Cmd.new(nil, cmd, opts) if cmd.is_a?(String) info cmd.msg if cmd.msg? info cmd.echo if cmd.echo? @last_out, @last_err, @last_status = retrying(cmd.retry ? 2 : 0) do send(cmd.capture? ? :open3 : :system, cmd.cmd, cmd.opts) end info format(cmd.success, out: last_out) if success? && cmd.success? error format(cmd.error, err: last_err) if failed? && cmd.assert? success? && cmd.capture? ? last_out.chomp : @last_status end def retrying(max, tries = 0, status = false) loop do tries += 1 out, err, status = yield return [out, err, status] if status || tries > max end end # Runs a shell command and captures stdout, stderr, and the exit status # # Runs the given command using `Open3.capture3`, which will capture the # stdout and stderr streams, as well as the exit status. I.e. this will # *not* stream log output in real time, but capture the output, and allow # implementors to display it later (using the `%{out}` and `%{err}` # interpolation variables. # # Use sparingly. # # @option chdir [String] directory temporarily to change to before running the command def open3(cmd, opts) opts = [opts[:chdir] ? only(opts, :chdir) : nil].compact out, err, status = Open3.capture3(cmd, *opts) [out, err, status.success?] end # Runs a shell command, streaming any stdout or stderr output, and # returning the exit status # # This is the default method for executing shell commands. The stdout and # stderr will not be captured, but streamed directly to the parent process. # # @option chdir [String] directory temporarily to change to before running the command def system(cmd, opts = {}) opts = [opts[:chdir] ? only(opts, :chdir) : nil].compact Kernel.system(cmd, *opts) ['', '', last_process_status] end # Whether or not the last executed shell command was successful. def success? !!@last_status end # Whether or not the last executed shell command has failed. def failed? !success? end # Returns the last child process' exit status # # Internal, and not to be used by implementors. $? is a read-only # variable, so we use a method that we can stub during tests. def last_process_status $CHILD_STATUS.success? end # Whether or not the current Ruby process runs with superuser priviledges. def sudo? Process::UID.eid.zero? end # Returns current repository name # # Uses the environment variable `TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG` if present, or the # current directory's base name. # # Note that this might return an unexpected string outside of the context # of Travis CI build environments if the method is called at a time when # the current working directory has changed. def repo_name ENV['TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG'] ? ENV['TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG'].split('/').last : File.basename(Dir.pwd) end # Returns current repository slug # # Uses the environment variable `TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG` if present, or the # last two segmens of the current working directory's path. # # Note that this might return an unexpected string outside of the context # of Travis CI build environments if the method is called at a time when # the current working directory has changed. def repo_slug ENV['TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG'] || Dir.pwd.split('/')[-2, 2].join('/') end # Returns the current build directory # # Uses the environment variable `TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG` if present, and # defaults to `.` otherwise. # # Note that this might return an unexpected string outside of the context # of Travis CI build environments if the method is called at a time when # the current working directory has changed. def build_dir ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR'] || '.' end # Returns the current build number # # Returns the value of the environment variable `TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER` if # present. def build_number ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER'] || raise('TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER not set') end # Returns the encoding of the given file, as determined by `file`. def encoding(path) case `file '#{path}'` when /gzip compressed/ 'gzip' when /compress'd/ 'compress' when /text/ 'text' when /data/ # shrugs? end end # Returns the current branch name def git_branch ENV['TRAVIS_BRANCH'] || git_rev_parse('HEAD') end # Returns the message of the commit `git_sha`. def git_commit_msg `git log #{git_sha} -n 1 --pretty=%B`.chomp end # Returns the committer name of the commit `git_sha`. def git_author_name `git log #{git_sha} -n 1 --pretty=%an`.chomp end # Returns the comitter email of the commit `git_sha`. def git_author_email `git log #{git_sha} -n 1 --pretty=%ae`.chomp end # Whether or not the git working directory is dirty or has new or deleted files def git_dirty? !`git status --short`.chomp.empty? end # Returns the output of `git log`, using the given args. def git_log(args) `git log #{args}`.chomp end # Returns the Git log, separated by NULs # # Returns the output of `git ls-files -z`, which separates log entries by # NULs, rather than newline characters. def git_ls_files `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0") end # Returns true if the given ref exists remotely def git_ls_remote?(url, ref) Kernel.system("git ls-remote --exit-code #{url} #{ref} > /dev/null 2>&1") end # Returns known Git remote URLs def git_remote_urls `git remote -v`.scan(/\t[^\s]+\s/).map(&:strip).uniq end # Returns the sha for the given Git ref def git_rev_parse(ref) `git rev-parse #{ref}`.strip end # Returns the latest tag name, if any def git_tag `git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null`.chomp end # Returns the current commit sha def git_sha ENV['TRAVIS_COMMIT'] || `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp end # Returns the local machine's hostname def machine_name `hostname`.strip end # Returns the current Node.js version def node_version `node -v`.sub(/^v/, '').chomp end # Returns the current NPM version def npm_version `npm --version` end # Returns the current Node.js version def python_version `python --version 2>&1`.sub(/^Python /, '').chomp end # Returns true or false depending if the given command can be found def which(cmd) !`which #{cmd}`.chomp.empty? if cmd end # Returns a unique temporary directory name def tmp_dir @tmp_dir ||= Dir.mktmpdir end # Returns the size of the given file path def file_size(path) File.size(path) end def move_files(paths) paths.each do |path| target = "#{tmp_dir}/#{File.basename(path)}" mv(path, target) if File.exist?(path) end end def unmove_files(paths) paths.each do |path| source = "#{tmp_dir}/#{File.basename(path)}" mv(source, path) if File.exist?(source) end end def mv(src, dest) Kernel.system("sudo mv #{src} #{dest} 2> /dev/null") end # Writes the given content to the given file path def write_file(path, content, chmod = nil) path = File.expand_path(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)) File.open(path, 'w+') { |f| f.write(content) } FileUtils.chmod(chmod, path) if chmod end # Writes the given machine, login, and password to ~/.netrc def write_netrc(machine, login, password) require 'netrc' netrc = Netrc.read netrc[machine] = [login, password] netrc.save end def sleep(sec) Kernel.sleep(sec) end def tty? $stdout.isatty end # Returns a copy of the given hash, reduced to the given keys def only(hash, *keys) hash.select { |key, _| keys.include?(key) }.to_h end def test? false end end end end