# Quorum Settings # # ==> General # Quorum initializer safely substitutes %{RAILS_ROOT} with ::Rails.root.to_s. # # ==> NCBI BLAST+ Settings # blast: # remote: true to execute script on remote machine via # Net::SSH. false to execute locally via Kernel#system. # See Net::SSH for more information. # http://net-ssh.github.com/ssh/v2/api/index.html # # ssh_host: Net::SSH.start() host. # # ssh_user: Net::SSH.start() user. # # ssh_options: Net::SSH.start() optional params. # See http://net-ssh.github.com/ssh/v2/api/classes/Net/SSH.html#M000002 # for a complete list of options. # Example Usage: # ssh_options: # password: "secret password" # port: 8888 # # bin: Absolute path to quorum/bin. # # log_dir: Absolute path to log file directory. # # tmp_dir: Absolute path to tmp file directory. # # blast_db: Absolute path to NCBI Blast database directory. # Execute the rake task below to build your Blast DB. # rake quorum:blastdb:build # # blastn: Collection of Blast DBs under the parent blast_db # to use with blastn. # Example Usage: # blastn: # "Display name": blastn_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome # # blastx: Collection of Blast DBs under the parent blast_db # to use with blastx. # Example Usage: # blastx: # "Display name": blastx_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome # # tblastn: Collection of Blast DBs under the parent blast_db # to use with tblastn. # Example Usage: # tblastn: # "Display name": tblastn_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome # # blastp: Collection of Blast DBs under the parent blast_db # to use with blastp. # Example Usage: # blastp: # "Display name": blastp_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome # # blast_threads: Number of Blast threads. >= 1 # Defaults to 1. development: blast: remote: false ssh_host: ssh_user: ssh_options: # Example: # password: "secret password" # port: 8888 bin: "%{RAILS_ROOT}/quorum/bin" log_dir: "%{RAILS_ROOT}/quorum/log" tmp_dir: "%{RAILS_ROOT}/quorum/tmp" blast_db: "%{RAILS_ROOT}/quorum/blastdb" blastn: # Example: # "Display name": blastn_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blastx: # Example: # "Display name": blastx_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome tblastn: # Example: # "Display name": tblastn_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blastp: # Example: # "Display name": blastp_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blast_threads: test: blast: remote: false ssh_host: ssh_user: ssh_options: # Example: # password: "secret password" # port: 8888 bin: "%{RAILS_ROOT}/quorum/bin" log_dir: "%{RAILS_ROOT}/quorum/log" tmp_dir: "%{RAILS_ROOT}/quorum/tmp" blast_db: "%{RAILS_ROOT}/quorum/blastdb" blastn: # Example: # "Display name": blastn_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blastx: # Example: # "Display name": blastx_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome tblastn: # Example: # "Display name": tblastn_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blastp: # Example: # "Display name": blastp_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blast_threads: production: blast: remote: true ssh_host: ssh_user: ssh_options: # Example: # password: "secret password" # port: 8888 bin: log_dir: tmp_dir: blast_db: blastn: # Example: # "Display name": blastn_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blastx: # Example: # "Display name": blastx_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome tblastn: # Example: # "Display name": tblastn_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blastp: # Example: # "Display name": blastp_database_name # "A really cool genome": really_cool_genome blast_threads: