# parent example # an atome can have multiple parents. (for now, please note that only the last setted parent is the real father, it ll be change i the future) c = circle({atome_id: :c, x: 20}) c.drag(true) e = box({atome_id: :e, x: 160}) t = text({content: 'some texts', atome_id: :the_father_text, x: 96}) t.parent([e.atome_id, c.atome_id]) grab(:view).extract(t.atome_id) t.parent do |father| father.set({ rotate: 36, y: 66}) end t.parent.blur(2) wait 1 do grab(:view).attach(:the_father_text) t.set(x: 33, y: 33, ) t.width(:auto) end #both parent are treated