require 'capybara' require 'cucumber' require 'sauce/job' require 'sauce/capybara' require 'sauce/utilities' require 'sauce/test_base' require 'sauce_whisk' module Sauce module Capybara module Cucumber extend Sauce::TestBase def use_sauce_driver ::Capybara.current_driver = :sauce end module_function :use_sauce_driver def name_from_scenario(scenario) # Special behavior to handle Scenario Outlines if scenario.instance_of? ::Cucumber::Ast::OutlineTable::ExampleRow table = scenario.instance_variable_get(:@table) outline = table.instance_variable_get(:@scenario_outline) return "#{outline.feature.file} - #{outline.title} - #{table.headers} -> #{}" end scenario, feature = _scenario_and_feature_name(scenario) return "#{feature} - #{scenario}" end module_function :name_from_scenario def file_name_from_scenario(scenario) if scenario.instance_of? ::Cucumber::Ast::OutlineTable::ExampleRow table = scenario.instance_variable_get(:@table) outline = table.instance_variable_get(:@scenario_outline) return {:file => outline.feature.file, :line => outline.feature.line} end return {:file => scenario.location.file, :line => scenario.location.line} end module_function :file_name_from_scenario def jenkins_name_from_scenario(scenario) # Special behavior to handle Scenario Outlines if scenario.instance_of? ::Cucumber::Ast::OutlineTable::ExampleRow table = scenario.instance_variable_get(:@table) outline = table.instance_variable_get(:@scenario_outline) return "#{outline.feature.short_name}.#{outline.title}.#{outline.title} (outline example: #{})" end scenario, feature = _scenario_and_feature_name(scenario) return "#{feature}.#{scenario}.#{scenario}" end module_function :jenkins_name_from_scenario def _scenario_and_feature_name(scenario) scenario_name ="\n").first feature_name = scenario.feature.short_name return scenario_name, feature_name end module_function :_scenario_and_feature_name def before_hook Sauce::Capybara::Cucumber.use_sauce_driver end module_function :before_hook def using_jenkins? # JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE seems to be as good as any sentinel value to # determine whether we're running under Jenkins or not. ENV['JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE'] end module_function :using_jenkins? def around_hook(scenario, block) if[:start_tunnel] Sauce::Utilities::Connect.start(:quiet => true) end ::Capybara.current_driver = :sauce job_name = Sauce::Capybara::Cucumber.name_from_scenario(scenario) custom_data = {} if using_jenkins? custom_data.merge!({:commit => ENV['GIT_COMMIT'] || ENV['SVN_COMMIT'], :jenkins_node => ENV['NODE_NAME'], :jenkins_job => ENV['JOB_NAME']}) end Sauce.config do |c| c[:name] = Sauce::Capybara::Cucumber.name_from_scenario(scenario) end fn = file_name_from_scenario(scenario) config = platforms = config.caps_for_location("./#{fn[:file]}", fn[:line]) test_each platforms, job_name do |selenium, caps| @selenium = selenium Sauce.driver_pool[Thread.current.object_id] = @selenium driver = ::Capybara.current_session.driver # This session_id is the job ID used by Sauce Labs, we're pulling it # off of the driver now to make sure we have it after `` session_id = driver.browser.session_id if using_jenkins? # If we're running under Jenkins, we should dump the # `SauceOnDemandSessionID` into the Console Output for the Sauce OnDemand # Jenkins plugin. # See: output = [] output << "\nSauceOnDemandSessionID=#{session_id}" # The duplication in the scenario_name comes from the fact that the # JUnit formatter seems to do the same, so in order to get the sauce # OnDemand plugin for Jenkins to co-operate, we need to double it up as # well browser = caps[:browser] version = caps[:browser_version] os = caps[:os] job_name = "job-name=#{Sauce::Capybara::Cucumber.jenkins_name_from_scenario(scenario)}" output << job_name puts output.join(' ') puts " (#{browser} #{version} on #{os})" if ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"] end job ='id' => session_id, 'name' => job_name, 'custom-data' => custom_data) unless job.nil? scenario.sauce_public_link = SauceWhisk.public_link(session_id) # This allow us to execute steps (n) times is_example_row = scenario.instance_of? ::Cucumber::Ast::OutlineTable::ExampleRow steps = is_example_row ? scenario.instance_variable_get(:@step_invocations) : scenario.steps steps.each do |step| step.instance_variable_set(:@skip_invoke, false) end # Quit the driver to allow for the generation of a new session_id driver.finish! unless job.nil? if scenario.failed? job.passed = false # Cuke scenarios with 'Pending' steps are marked 'Passed' by Cucumber # So if they're not 'failed' but are excepted, they're 'pending' so we # don't want to change the status. elsif !scenario.exception job.passed = true end end puts "Sauce public job link: #{scenario.sauce_public_link}" end end module_function :around_hook end end end begin Before('@selenium') do Sauce::Capybara::Cucumber.before_hook end Around('@selenium') do |scenario, block| Sauce::Capybara::Cucumber.around_hook(scenario, block) end at_exit do Sauce::Utilities::Connect.close Sauce::Utilities.warn_if_suspect_misconfiguration(:cucumber) end rescue NoMethodError # This makes me sad end begin cucumber_ast_module = Cucumber::VERSION >= '2.0.0' ? Cucumber::Core::Ast : Cucumber::Ast cucumber_ast_module.module_exec do const_get(:Scenario).class_exec do def sauce_public_link @sauce_public_link ||= "" end def sauce_public_link=(link) @sauce_public_link = link end end const_get(:OutlineTable).const_get(:ExampleRow).class_exec do def sauce_public_link @sauce_public_link ||= "" end def sauce_public_link=(link) @sauce_public_link = link end end end end