# :stopdoc: # Stolen from ruby core's uri/common.rb, with modifications to support 1.8.x # # https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/uri/common.rb # # module URI TBLENCWWWCOMP_ = {} # :nodoc: TBLDECWWWCOMP_ = {} # :nodoc: # Encode given +s+ to URL-encoded form data. # # This method doesn't convert *, -, ., 0-9, A-Z, _, a-z, but does convert SP # (ASCII space) to + and converts others to %XX. # # This is an implementation of # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/forms.html#url-encoded-form-data # # See URI.decode_www_form_component, URI.encode_www_form def self.encode_www_form_component(s) str = s.to_s if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" && $KCODE =~ /u/i str.gsub(/([^ a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)/) do '%' + $1.unpack('H2' * Rack::Utils.bytesize($1)).join('%').upcase end.tr(' ', '+') else if TBLENCWWWCOMP_.empty? tbl = {} 256.times do |i| tbl[i.chr] = '%%%02X' % i end tbl[' '] = '+' begin TBLENCWWWCOMP_.replace(tbl) TBLENCWWWCOMP_.freeze rescue end end str.gsub(/[^*\-.0-9A-Z_a-z]/) {|m| TBLENCWWWCOMP_[m]} end end # Decode given +str+ of URL-encoded form data. # # This decods + to SP. # # See URI.encode_www_form_component, URI.decode_www_form def self.decode_www_form_component(str, enc=nil) if TBLDECWWWCOMP_.empty? tbl = {} 256.times do |i| h, l = i>>4, i&15 tbl['%%%X%X' % [h, l]] = i.chr tbl['%%%x%X' % [h, l]] = i.chr tbl['%%%X%x' % [h, l]] = i.chr tbl['%%%x%x' % [h, l]] = i.chr end tbl['+'] = ' ' begin TBLDECWWWCOMP_.replace(tbl) TBLDECWWWCOMP_.freeze rescue end end raise ArgumentError, "invalid %-encoding (#{str})" unless /\A(?:%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|[^%])*\z/ =~ str str.gsub(/\+|%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/) {|m| TBLDECWWWCOMP_[m]} end end