#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Horizontal Whitespace #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # allow_hard_tabs True to let hard tabs be considered a single space. # Default: false # # allow_trailing_line_spaces # True to skip detecting extra spaces at the ends of # lines. # Default: false # # indentation_spaces The number of spaces to consider a proper indent. # Default: 2 # # max_line_length The maximum number of characters in a line before # tailor complains. # Default: 80 # spaces_after_comma Number of spaces to expect after a comma. # Default: 1 # # spaces_before_comma Number of spaces to expect before a comma. # Default: 0 # # spaces_after_lbrace The number of spaces to expect after an lbrace ('{'). # Default: 1 # # spaces_before_lbrace The number of spaces to expect before an lbrace ('{'). # Default: 1 # # spaces_before_rbrace The number of spaces to expect before an rbrace ('}'). # Default: 1 # # spaces_in_empty_braces The number of spaces to expect between braces when # there's nothing in the braces (i.e. {}). # Default: 0 # # spaces_after_lbracket The number of spaces to expect after an # lbracket ('['). # Default: 0 # # spaces_before_rbracket The number of spaces to expect before an # rbracket (']'). # Default: 0 # # spaces_after_lparen The number of spaces to expect after an # lparen ('('). # Default: 0 # # spaces_before_rparen The number of spaces to expect before an # rbracket (')'). # Default: 0 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Naming #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # allow_camel_case_methods # Setting to true skips detection of camel-case method # names (i.e. def myMethod). # Default: false # # allow_screaming_snake_case_classes # Setting to true skips detection of screaming # snake-case class names (i.e. My_Class). # Default: false # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Vertical Whitespace #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # max_code_lines_in_class The number of lines of code in a class to allow before # tailor will warn you. # Default: 300 # # max_code_lines_in_method # The number of lines of code in a method to allow # before tailor will warn you. # Default: 30 # # trailing_newlines The number of newlines that should be at the end of # the file. # Default: 1 # Tailor.config do |config| config.formatters "<%= formatters.join(', ') %>" config.file_set '<%= file_list %>' do |style|<% style.each do |rule, value| %> style.<%= rule %> <%= value.first %>, <% value.last.each { |k, v| %><%= k %>: :<%= v %><% } end %> end end