use crate::ruby_api::component::component_namespace; use crate::ruby_api::errors::ExceptionMessage; use crate::ruby_api::store::StoreContextValue; use crate::{define_rb_intern, err, error, not_implemented}; use magnus::exception::type_error; use magnus::rb_sys::AsRawValue; use magnus::value::{IntoId, Lazy, ReprValue}; use magnus::{ prelude::*, try_convert, value, Error, IntoValue, RArray, RClass, RHash, RString, Ruby, Value, }; use wasmtime::component::{Type, Val}; define_rb_intern!( // For Component::Result OK => "ok", ERROR => "error", IS_ERROR => "error?", IS_OK => "ok?", // For Component::Variant NEW => "new", NAME => "name", VALUE => "value", ); pub(crate) fn component_val_to_rb(val: Val, _store: &StoreContextValue) -> Result { match val { Val::Bool(bool) => Ok(bool.into_value()), Val::S8(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::U8(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::S16(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::U16(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::S32(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::U32(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::S64(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::U64(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::Float32(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::Float64(n) => Ok(n.into_value()), Val::Char(c) => Ok(c.into_value()), Val::String(s) => Ok(s.as_str().into_value()), Val::List(vec) => { let array = RArray::with_capacity(vec.len()); for val in vec { array.push(component_val_to_rb(val, _store)?)?; } Ok(array.into_value()) } Val::Record(fields) => { let hash = RHash::new(); for (name, val) in fields { let rb_value = component_val_to_rb(val, _store) .map_err(|e| e.append(format!(" (struct field \"{}\")", name)))?; hash.aset(name.as_str(), rb_value)? } Ok(hash.into_value()) } Val::Tuple(vec) => { let array = RArray::with_capacity(vec.len()); for val in vec { array.push(component_val_to_rb(val, _store)?)?; } Ok(array.into_value()) } Val::Variant(kind, val) => { let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); let payload = match val { Some(val) => component_val_to_rb(*val, _store)?, None => ruby.qnil().into_value(), }; variant_class(&ruby).funcall( NEW.into_id_with(&ruby), (kind.into_value_with(&ruby), payload), ) } Val::Enum(kind) => Ok(kind.as_str().into_value()), Val::Option(val) => match val { Some(val) => Ok(component_val_to_rb(*val, _store)?), None => Ok(value::qnil().as_value()), }, Val::Result(val) => { let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); let (ruby_method, val) = match val { Ok(val) => (OK.into_id_with(&ruby), val), Err(val) => (ERROR.into_id_with(&ruby), val), }; let ruby_argument = match val { Some(val) => component_val_to_rb(*val, _store)?, None => ruby.qnil().as_value(), }; result_class(&ruby).funcall(ruby_method, (ruby_argument,)) } Val::Flags(vec) => Ok(vec.into_value()), Val::Resource(_resource_any) => not_implemented!("Resource not implemented"), } } pub(crate) fn rb_to_component_val( value: Value, _store: &StoreContextValue, ty: &Type, ) -> Result { match ty { Type::Bool => { let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); if value.as_raw() == ruby.qtrue().as_raw() { Ok(Val::Bool(true)) } else if value.as_raw() == ruby.qfalse().as_raw() { Ok(Val::Bool(false)) } else { Err(Error::new( type_error(), // SAFETY: format will copy classname directly, before we call back in to Ruby format!("no implicit conversion of {} into boolean", unsafe { value.classname() }), )) } } Type::S8 => Ok(Val::S8(i8::try_convert(value)?)), Type::U8 => Ok(Val::U8(u8::try_convert(value)?)), Type::S16 => Ok(Val::S16(i16::try_convert(value)?)), Type::U16 => Ok(Val::U16(u16::try_convert(value)?)), Type::S32 => Ok(Val::S32(i32::try_convert(value)?)), Type::U32 => Ok(Val::U32(u32::try_convert(value)?)), Type::S64 => Ok(Val::S64(i64::try_convert(value)?)), Type::U64 => Ok(Val::U64(u64::try_convert(value)?)), Type::Float32 => Ok(Val::Float32(f32::try_convert(value)?)), Type::Float64 => Ok(Val::Float64(f64::try_convert(value)?)), Type::Char => Ok(Val::Char(value.to_r_string()?.to_char()?)), Type::String => Ok(Val::String(RString::try_convert(value)?.to_string()?)), Type::List(list) => { let ty = list.ty(); let rarray = RArray::try_convert(value)?; let mut vals: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(rarray.len()); // SAFETY: we don't mutate the RArray and we don't call into // user code so user code can't mutate it either. for (i, value) in unsafe { rarray.as_slice() }.iter().enumerate() { let component_val = rb_to_component_val(*value, _store, &ty) .map_err(|e| e.append(format!(" (list item at index {})", i)))?; vals.push(component_val); } Ok(Val::List(vals)) } Type::Record(record) => { let hash = RHash::try_convert(value)?; let mut kv = Vec::with_capacity(record.fields().len()); for field in record.fields() { let value = hash .get( .ok_or_else(|| error!("struct field missing: {}", .and_then(|v| { rb_to_component_val(v, _store, &field.ty) .map_err(|e| e.append(format!(" (struct field \"{}\")", })?; kv.push((, value)) } Ok(Val::Record(kv)) } Type::Tuple(tuple) => { let types = tuple.types(); let rarray = RArray::try_convert(value)?; if types.len() != rarray.len() { return Err(Error::new( magnus::exception::type_error(), format!( "invalid array length for tuple (given {}, expected {})", rarray.len(), types.len() ), )); } let mut vals: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(rarray.len()); for (i, (ty, value)) in { rarray.as_slice() }.iter()).enumerate() { let component_val = rb_to_component_val(*value, _store, &ty) .map_err(|error| error.append(format!(" (tuple value at index {})", i)))?; vals.push(component_val); } Ok(Val::Tuple(vals)) } Type::Variant(variant) => { let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); let name: RString = value.funcall(NAME.into_id_with(&ruby), ())?; let name = name.to_string()?; let case = variant .cases() .find(|case| == name.as_str()) .ok_or_else(|| { error!( "invalid variant case \"{}\", valid cases: {:?}", name, RArray::from_iter(variant.cases().map(|c| ) })?; let payload_rb: Value = value.funcall(VALUE.into_id_with(&ruby), ())?; let payload_val = match (&case.ty, payload_rb.is_nil()) { (Some(ty), _) => rb_to_component_val(payload_rb, _store, ty) .map(|val| Some(Box::new(val))) .map_err(|e| e.append(format!(" (variant value for \"{}\")", &name))), // case doesn't have payload and Variant#value *is nil* (None, true) => Ok(None), // case doesn't have payload and Variant#value *is not nil* (None, false) => err!( "expected no value for variant case \"{}\", got {}", &name, payload_rb.inspect() ), }?; Ok(Val::Variant(name, payload_val)) } Type::Enum(_) => { let rstring = RString::try_convert(value)?; rstring.to_string().map(Val::Enum) } Type::Option(option_type) => { if value.is_nil() { Ok(Val::Option(None)) } else { Ok(Val::Option(Some(Box::new(rb_to_component_val( value, _store, &option_type.ty(), )?)))) } } Type::Result(result_type) => { // Expect value to conform to `Wasmtime::Component::Value`'s interface let ruby = Ruby::get().unwrap(); let is_ok = value.funcall::<_, (), bool>(IS_OK.into_id_with(&ruby), ())?; if is_ok { let ok_value = value.funcall::<_, (), Value>(OK.into_id_with(&ruby), ())?; match result_type.ok() { Some(ty) => rb_to_component_val(ok_value, _store, &ty) .map(|val| Val::Result(Result::Ok(Some(Box::new(val))))), None => { if ok_value.is_nil() { Ok(Val::Result(Ok(None))) } else { err!( "expected nil for result<_, E> ok branch, got {}", ok_value.inspect() ) } } } } else { let err_value = value.funcall::<_, (), Value>(ERROR.into_id_with(&ruby), ())?; match result_type.err() { Some(ty) => rb_to_component_val(err_value, _store, &ty) .map(|val| Val::Result(Result::Err(Some(Box::new(val))))), None => { if err_value.is_nil() { Ok(Val::Result(Err(None))) } else { err!( "expected nil for result error branch, got {}", err_value.inspect() ) } } } } } Type::Flags(_) => Vec::::try_convert(value).map(Val::Flags), Type::Own(_resource_type) => not_implemented!("Resource not implemented"), Type::Borrow(_resource_type) => not_implemented!("Resource not implemented"), } } fn result_class(ruby: &Ruby) -> RClass { static RESULT_CLASS: Lazy = Lazy::new(|ruby| component_namespace(ruby).const_get("Result").unwrap()); ruby.get_inner(&RESULT_CLASS) } fn variant_class(ruby: &Ruby) -> RClass { static VARIANT_CLASS: Lazy = Lazy::new(|ruby| component_namespace(ruby).const_get("Variant").unwrap()); ruby.get_inner(&VARIANT_CLASS) } pub fn init(ruby: &Ruby) -> Result<(), Error> { // Warm up let _ = result_class(ruby); let _ = OK; let _ = ERROR; let _ = IS_ERROR; let _ = IS_OK; let _ = result_class(ruby); let _ = NEW; let _ = NAME; let _ = VALUE; Ok(()) }