# frozen_string_literal: true class Capybara::Selenium::Node < Capybara::Driver::Node def visible_text native.text end def all_text text = driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].textContent", self) text.gsub(/[\u200b\u200e\u200f]/, '') .gsub(/[\ \n\f\t\v\u2028\u2029]+/, ' ') .gsub(/\A[[:space:]&&[^\u00a0]]+/, "") .gsub(/[[:space:]&&[^\u00a0]]+\z/, "") .tr("\u00a0", ' ') end def [](name) native.attribute(name.to_s) rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError nil end def value if tag_name == "select" && multiple? native.find_elements(:css, "option:checked").map { |n| n[:value] || n.text } else native[:value] end end ## # # Set the value of the form element to the given value. # # @param [String] value The new value # @param [Hash{}] options Driver specific options for how to set the value # @option options [Symbol,Array] :clear (nil) The method used to clear the previous value
# nil => clear via javascript
# :none => append the new value to the existing value
# :backspace => send backspace keystrokes to clear the field
# Array => an array of keys to send before the value being set, e.g. [[:command, 'a'], :backspace] def set(value, **options) raise ArgumentError, "Value cannot be an Array when 'multiple' attribute is not present. Not a #{value.class}" if value.is_a?(Array) && !multiple? case tag_name when 'input' case self[:type] when 'radio' click when 'checkbox' click if value ^ checked? when 'file' set_file(value) when 'date' set_date(value) when 'time' set_time(value) when 'datetime-local' set_datetime_local(value) else set_text(value, options) end when 'textarea' set_text(value, options) else set_content_editable(value) if content_editable? end end def select_option native.click unless selected? || disabled? end def unselect_option raise Capybara::UnselectNotAllowed, "Cannot unselect option from single select box." unless select_node.multiple? native.click if selected? end def click(keys = [], **options) if keys.empty? && !coords?(options) native.click else scroll_if_needed do action_with_modifiers(keys, options) do |a| coords?(options) ? a.click : a.click(native) end end end rescue StandardError => e if e.is_a?(::Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementClickInterceptedError) || e.message =~ /Other element would receive the click/ scroll_to_center end raise e end def right_click(keys = [], **options) scroll_if_needed do action_with_modifiers(keys, options) do |a| coords?(options) ? a.context_click : a.context_click(native) end end end def double_click(keys = [], **options) scroll_if_needed do action_with_modifiers(keys, options) do |a| coords?(options) ? a.double_click : a.double_click(native) end end end def send_keys(*args) native.send_keys(*args) end def hover scroll_if_needed { driver.browser.action.move_to(native).perform } end def drag_to(element) scroll_if_needed { driver.browser.action.drag_and_drop(native, element.native).perform } end def tag_name native.tag_name.downcase end def visible?; boolean_attr(native.displayed?); end def readonly?; boolean_attr(self[:readonly]); end def multiple?; boolean_attr(self[:multiple]); end def selected?; boolean_attr(native.selected?); end alias :checked? :selected? def disabled? return true unless native.enabled? # workaround for selenium-webdriver/geckodriver reporting elements as enabled when they are nested in disabling elements if driver.marionette? if %w[option optgroup].include? tag_name find_xpath("parent::*[self::optgroup or self::select]")[0].disabled? else !find_xpath("parent::fieldset[@disabled] | ancestor::*[not(self::legend) or preceding-sibling::legend][parent::fieldset[@disabled]]").empty? end else false end end def content_editable? native.attribute('isContentEditable') end def find_xpath(locator) native.find_elements(:xpath, locator).map { |n| self.class.new(driver, n) } end def find_css(locator) native.find_elements(:css, locator).map { |n| self.class.new(driver, n) } end def ==(other) native == other.native end def path path = find_xpath(XPath.ancestor_or_self).reverse result = [] while (node = path.shift) parent = path.first selector = node.tag_name if parent siblings = parent.find_xpath(selector) selector += "[#{siblings.index(node) + 1}]" unless siblings.size == 1 end result.push selector end '/' + result.reverse.join('/') end private def coords?(options) options[:x] && options[:y] end def boolean_attr(val) val && (val != "false") end # a reference to the select node if this is an option node def select_node find_xpath(XPath.ancestor(:select)[1]).first end def set_text(value, clear: nil, **_unused) if value.to_s.empty? && clear.nil? native.clear elsif clear == :backspace # Clear field by sending the correct number of backspace keys. backspaces = [:backspace] * self.value.to_s.length native.send_keys(*(backspaces + [value.to_s])) elsif clear == :none native.send_keys(value.to_s) elsif clear.is_a? Array native.send_keys(*clear, value.to_s) else # Clear field by JavaScript assignment of the value property. # Script can change a readonly element which user input cannot, so # don't execute if readonly. driver.execute_script "arguments[0].value = ''", self native.send_keys(value.to_s) end end def scroll_if_needed yield rescue ::Selenium::WebDriver::Error::MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError scroll_to_center yield end def scroll_to_center script = <<-'JS' try { arguments[0].scrollIntoView({behavior: 'instant', block: 'center', inline: 'center'}); } catch(e) { arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true); } JS begin driver.execute_script(script, self) rescue StandardError # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions # Swallow error if scrollIntoView with options isn't supported end end def set_date(value) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName return set_text(value) if value.is_a?(String) || !value.respond_to?(:to_date) # TODO: this would be better if locale can be detected and correct keystrokes sent update_value_js(value.to_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) end def set_time(value) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName return set_text(value) if value.is_a?(String) || !value.respond_to?(:to_time) # TODO: this would be better if locale can be detected and correct keystrokes sent update_value_js(value.to_time.strftime('%H:%M')) end def set_datetime_local(value) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName return set_text(value) if value.is_a?(String) || !value.respond_to?(:to_time) # TODO: this would be better if locale can be detected and correct keystrokes sent update_value_js(value.to_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')) end def update_value_js(value) driver.execute_script(<<-JS, self, value) if (document.activeElement !== arguments[0]){ arguments[0].focus(); } if (arguments[0].value != arguments[1]) { arguments[0].value = arguments[1] arguments[0].dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('input')); arguments[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); } JS end def set_file(value) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName path_names = value.to_s.empty? ? [] : value if driver.marionette? native.clear Array(path_names).each { |p| native.send_keys(p) } else native.send_keys(Array(path_names).join("\n")) end end def set_content_editable(value) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName # Ensure we are focused on the element click script = <<-JS var range = document.createRange(); var sel = window.getSelection(); arguments[0].focus(); range.selectNodeContents(arguments[0]); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); JS driver.execute_script script, self # The action api has a speed problem but both chrome and firefox 58 raise errors # if we use the faster direct send_keys. For now just send_keys to the element # we've already focused. # native.send_keys(value.to_s) driver.browser.action.send_keys(value.to_s).perform end def action_with_modifiers(keys, x: nil, y: nil) actions = driver.browser.action actions.move_to(native, x, y) modifiers_down(actions, keys) yield actions modifiers_up(actions, keys) actions.perform ensure a = driver.browser.action a.release_actions if a.respond_to?(:release_actions) end def modifiers_down(actions, keys) keys.each do |key| key = case key when :ctrl then :control when :command, :cmd then :meta else key end actions.key_down(key) end end def modifiers_up(actions, keys) keys.each do |key| key = case key when :ctrl then :control when :command, :cmd then :meta else key end actions.key_up(key) end end end