# encoding: UTF-8 require 'pathname' require 'tempfile' require 'rtesseract/errors' require 'rtesseract/mixed' # Processors require 'processors/rmagick.rb' require 'processors/mini_magick.rb' require 'processors/quick_magick.rb' # Ruby wrapper for Tesseract OCR class RTesseract attr_accessor :options attr_writer :lang attr_writer :psm attr_reader :processor OPTIONS = %w(command lang psm processor debug clear_console_output) # Aliases to languages names LANGUAGES = { 'eng' => %w(en en-us english), 'ita' => %w(it), 'por' => %w(pt pt-br portuguese), 'spa' => %w(sp) } def initialize(src = '', options = {}) @options = command_line_options(options) @value, @x, @y, @w, @h = [''] @processor = RTesseract.choose_processor!(@processor) @source = @processor.image?(src) ? src : Pathname.new(src) end def fetch_option(options, name, default) options.fetch(name.to_s, options.fetch(name, default)) end def command_line_options(options) @command = fetch_option(options, :command, default_command) @lang = fetch_option(options, :lang, '') @psm = fetch_option(options, :psm, nil) @processor = fetch_option(options, :processor, 'rmagick') @debug = fetch_option(options, :debug, false) # Disable clear console if debug mode @clear_console_output = @debug ? false : fetch_option(options, :clear_console_output, true) options.delete_if { |k, v| OPTIONS.include?(k.to_s) } options end def default_command TesseractBin::Executables[:tesseract] || 'tesseract' rescue 'tesseract' end def self.read(src = nil, options = {}, &block) fail RTesseract::ImageNotSelectedError if src.nil? processor = RTesseract.choose_processor!(options.delete(:processor) || options.delete('processor')) image = processor.read_with_processor(src.to_s) yield image object = RTesseract.new('', options) object.from_blob(image.to_blob) object end def source=(src) @value = '' @source = @processor.image?(src) ? src : Pathname.new(src) end # Crop image to convert def crop!(x, y, width, height) @value = '' @x, @y, @w, @h = x.to_i, y.to_i, width.to_i, height.to_i self end # Remove files def remove_file(files = []) files.each do |file| if file.is_a?(Tempfile) file.close file.unlink else File.unlink(file) end end true rescue => error raise RTesseract::TempFilesNotRemovedError.new(:error => error, :files => files) end # Select the language # ===Languages ## * eng - English ## * deu - German ## * deu-f - German fraktur ## * fra - French ## * ita - Italian ## * nld - Dutch ## * por - Portuguese ## * spa - Spanish ## * vie - Vietnamese ## Note: Make sure you have installed the language to tesseract def lang language = "#{@lang}".strip.downcase LANGUAGES.each do |value, names| return " -l #{value} " if names.include? language end return " -l #{language} " if language.size > 0 '' rescue '' end # Page Segment Mode def psm (@psm.nil? ? '' : " -psm #{@psm} ") rescue '' end def config @options ||= {} @options.map { |k, v| "#{k} #{v}" }.join("\n") end def config_file return '' if @options == {} conf = Tempfile.new('config') conf.write(config) conf.flush conf.path end #TODO: Clear console for MacOS or Windows def clear_console_output return '' unless @clear_console_output return '2>/dev/null' if File.exist?('/dev/null') # Linux console clear end def image (@image = @processor.image_to_tif(@source, @x, @y, @w, @h)).path end def text_file @text_file = Pathname.new(Dir.tmpdir).join("#{Time.now.to_f}#{rand(1500)}.txt").to_s end # Convert image to string def convert `#{@command} "#{image}" "#{text_file.gsub('.txt', '')}" #{lang} #{psm} #{config_file} #{clear_console_output}` @value = File.read(@text_file).to_s remove_file([@image, @text_file]) rescue => error raise RTesseract::ConversionError.new(error) end # Read image from memory blob def from_blob(blob) blob_file = Tempfile.new('blob', :encoding => 'ascii-8bit') blob_file.binmode blob_file.write(blob) blob_file.rewind blob_file.flush self.source = blob_file.path convert remove_file([blob_file]) rescue => error raise RTesseract::ConversionError.new(error) end # Output value def to_s return @value if @value != '' if @processor.image?(@source) || @source.file? convert @value else fail RTesseract::ImageNotSelectedError.new(@source) end end # Remove spaces and break-lines def to_s_without_spaces to_s.gsub(' ', '').gsub("\n", '').gsub("\r", '') end def self.choose_processor!(processor) processor = if MiniMagickProcessor.a_name?(processor.to_s) MiniMagickProcessor elsif QuickMagickProcessor.a_name?(processor.to_s) QuickMagickProcessor else RMagickProcessor end processor.setup processor end end