o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1337333318.722563:@value"Ö{I" class:EFI"ProcessedAsset; FI"logical_path; F"wmd/wmd.jsI" pathname; F"g/Users/vincent/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/gems/wmd-rails-0.0.7/vendor/assets/javascripts/wmd/wmd.jsI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI" mtime; FI"2012-05-18T09:39:18+01:00; FI"length; FiŸI"digest; F"%672d55869c88c2856e857201dc9f137aI"source; FI"Ÿ; (function () { WMDEditor = function (options) { this.options = WMDEditor.util.extend({}, WMDEditor.defaults, options || {}); wmdBase(this, this.options); this.startEditor(); }; window.WMDEditor = WMDEditor; WMDEditor.defaults = { // {{{ version: 2.1, output_format: "markdown", lineLength: 40, button_bar: "wmd-button-bar", preview: "wmd-preview", output: "wmd-output", input: "wmd-input", // The text that appears on the upper part of the dialog box when // entering links. imageDialogText: "
Enter the image URL.
You can also add a title, which will be displayed as a tool tip.
Enter the web address.
You can also add a title, which will be displayed as a tool tip.
else {
var newText = text.replace(/&/g, "&");
newText = newText.replace(/" + newText + "
if (wmd.panels.preview) {
// original WMD code allowed javascript injection, like this:
// Ctrl+Q", command.doBlockquote); break; case 'code': addButton("wmd-code-button", "Code SampleCtrl+K", command.doCode); break; case 'image': addButton("wmd-image-button", "Image
Ctrl+G", function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { return command.doLinkOrImage(chunk, postProcessing, true); }); break; case 'ol': addButton("wmd-olist-button", "Numbered List
Ctrl+O", function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { command.doList(chunk, postProcessing, true, useDefaultText); }); break; case 'ul': addButton("wmd-ulist-button", "Bulleted List
Ctrl+U", function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { command.doList(chunk, postProcessing, false, useDefaultText); }); break; case 'heading': addButton("wmd-heading-button", "Heading
Ctrl+H", command.doHeading); break; case 'hr': addButton("wmd-hr-button", "Horizontal Rule
Ctrl+R", command.doHorizontalRule); break; case 'undo': var undoButton = addButton("wmd-undo-button", "Undo - Ctrl+Z"); undoButton.execute = function (manager) { manager.undo(); }; break; case 'redo': var redoButton = addButton("wmd-redo-button", "Redo - Ctrl+Y"); if (/win/.test(nav.platform.toLowerCase())) { redoButton.title = "Redo - Ctrl+Y"; } else { // mac and other non-Windows platforms redoButton.title = "Redo - Ctrl+Shift+Z"; } redoButton.execute = function (manager) { manager.redo(); }; break; case 'help': var helpButton = createButton("wmd-help-button"); helpButton.isHelp = true; setupButton(helpButton, true); buttonRow.appendChild(helpButton); var helpAnchor = document.createElement("a"); helpAnchor.href = wmd_options.helpLink; helpAnchor.target = wmd_options.helpTarget; helpAnchor.title = wmd_options.helpHoverTitle; helpButton.appendChild(helpAnchor); break; case '': addSpacer(); break; } } setUndoRedoButtonStates(); }; var setupEditor = function () { if (/\?noundo/.test(document.location.href)) { wmd.nativeUndo = true; } if (!wmd.nativeUndo) { undoMgr = new UndoManager(wmd, wmd.panels.input, wmd.options.pastePollInterval, function () { previewRefreshCallback(); setUndoRedoButtonStates(); }); } makeSpritedButtonRow(); var keyEvent = "keydown"; if (browser.isOpera) { keyEvent = "keypress"; } util.addEvent(inputBox, keyEvent, function (key) { // Check to see if we have a button key and, if so execute the callback. if (wmd.options.modifierKeys && (key.ctrlKey || key.metaKey)) { var keyCode = key.charCode || key.keyCode; var keyCodeStr = String.fromCharCode(keyCode).toLowerCase(); switch (keyCodeStr) { case wmd.options.modifierKeys.bold: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-bold-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-bold-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.italic: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-italic-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-italic-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.link: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-link-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-link-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.quote: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-quote-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-quote-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.code: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-code-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-code-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.image: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-image-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-image-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.orderedList: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-olist-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-olist-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.unorderedList: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-ulist-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-ulist-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.heading: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-heading-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-heading-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.horizontalRule: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-hr-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-hr-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.redo: if (wmd.buttons["wmd-redo-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-redo-button"]); else return; break; case wmd.options.modifierKeys.undo: if (key.shiftKey) { if (wmd.buttons["wmd-redo-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-redo-button"]); else return; } else { if (wmd.buttons["wmd-undo-button"]) doClick(wmd.buttons["wmd-undo-button"]); else return; } break; default: return; } if (key.preventDefault) { key.preventDefault(); } if (window.event) { window.event.returnValue = false; } } }); // Auto-continue lists, code blocks and block quotes when // the enter key is pressed. util.addEvent(inputBox, "keyup", function (key) { if (!key.shiftKey && !key.ctrlKey && !key.metaKey) { var keyCode = key.charCode || key.keyCode; // Key code 13 is Enter if (keyCode === 13) { fakeButton = {}; fakeButton.textOp = command.doAutoindent; doClick(fakeButton); } } }); // Disable ESC clearing the input textarea on IE if (browser.isIE) { util.addEvent(inputBox, "keydown", function (key) { var code = key.keyCode; // Key code 27 is ESC if (code === 27) { return false; } }); } }; this.undo = function () { if (undoMgr) { undoMgr.undo(); } }; this.redo = function () { if (undoMgr) { undoMgr.redo(); } }; // This is pretty useless. The setupEditor function contents // should just be copied here. var init = function () { setupEditor(); }; this.destroy = function () { if (undoMgr) { undoMgr.destroy(); } if (div.parentNode) { div.parentNode.removeChild(div); } if (inputBox) { inputBox.style.marginTop = ""; } window.clearInterval(creationHandle); }; init(); }; // }}} // command {{{ // The markdown symbols - 4 spaces = code, > = blockquote, etc. command.prefixes = "(?:\\s{4,}|\\s*>|\\s*-\\s+|\\s*\\d+\\.|=|\\+|-|_|\\*|#|\\s*\\[[^\n]]+\\]:)"; // Remove markdown symbols from the chunk selection. command.unwrap = function (chunk) { var txt = new re("([^\\n])\\n(?!(\\n|" + command.prefixes + "))", "g"); chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(txt, "$1 $2"); }; command.wrap = function (chunk, len) { command.unwrap(chunk); var regex = new re("(.{1," + len + "})( +|$\\n?)", "gm"); chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(regex, function (line, marked) { if (new re("^" + command.prefixes, "").test(line)) { return line; } return marked + "\n"; }); chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\s+$/, ""); }; command.doBold = function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { return command.doBorI(chunk, 2, "strong text"); }; command.doItalic = function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { return command.doBorI(chunk, 1, "emphasized text"); }; // chunk: The selected region that will be enclosed with */** // nStars: 1 for italics, 2 for bold // insertText: If you just click the button without highlighting text, this gets inserted command.doBorI = function (chunk, nStars, insertText) { // Get rid of whitespace and fixup newlines. chunk.trimWhitespace(); chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n"); // Look for stars before and after. Is the chunk already marked up? chunk.before.search(/(\**$)/); var starsBefore = re.$1; chunk.after.search(/(^\**)/); var starsAfter = re.$1; var prevStars = Math.min(starsBefore.length, starsAfter.length); // Remove stars if we have to since the button acts as a toggle. if ((prevStars >= nStars) && (prevStars != 2 || nStars != 1)) { chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(re("[*]{" + nStars + "}$", ""), ""); chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(re("^[*]{" + nStars + "}", ""), ""); } else if (!chunk.selection && starsAfter) { // It's not really clear why this code is necessary. It just moves // some arbitrary stuff around. chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^([*_]*)/, ""); chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\s?)$/, ""); var whitespace = re.$1; chunk.before = chunk.before + starsAfter + whitespace; } else { // In most cases, if you don't have any selected text and click the button // you'll get a selected, marked up region with the default text inserted. if (!chunk.selection && !starsAfter) { chunk.selection = insertText; } // Add the true markup. var markup = nStars <= 1 ? "*" : "**"; // shouldn't the test be = ? chunk.before = chunk.before + markup; chunk.after = markup + chunk.after; } return; }; command.stripLinkDefs = function (text, defsToAdd) { text = text.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}\[(\d+)\]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(\S+?)>?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["(](.+?)[")][ \t]*)?(?:\n+|$)/gm, function (totalMatch, id, link, newlines, title) { defsToAdd[id] = totalMatch.replace(/\s*$/, ""); if (newlines) { // Strip the title and return that separately. defsToAdd[id] = totalMatch.replace(/["(](.+?)[")]$/, ""); return newlines + title; } return ""; }); return text; }; command.addLinkDef = function (chunk, linkDef) { var refNumber = 0; // The current reference number var defsToAdd = {}; // // Start with a clean slate by removing all previous link definitions. chunk.before = command.stripLinkDefs(chunk.before, defsToAdd); chunk.selection = command.stripLinkDefs(chunk.selection, defsToAdd); chunk.after = command.stripLinkDefs(chunk.after, defsToAdd); var defs = ""; var regex = /(\[(?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[)(\d+)(\])/g; var addDefNumber = function (def) { refNumber++; def = def.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}\[(\d+)\]:/, " [" + refNumber + "]:"); defs += "\n" + def; }; var getLink = function (wholeMatch, link, id, end) { if (defsToAdd[id]) { addDefNumber(defsToAdd[id]); return link + refNumber + end; } return wholeMatch; }; chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(regex, getLink); if (linkDef) { addDefNumber(linkDef); } else { chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(regex, getLink); } var refOut = refNumber; chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(regex, getLink); if (chunk.after) { chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/\n*$/, ""); } if (!chunk.after) { chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n*$/, ""); } chunk.after += "\n\n" + defs; return refOut; }; command.doLinkOrImage = function (chunk, postProcessing, isImage) { chunk.trimWhitespace(); chunk.findTags(/\s*!?\[/, /\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?(\[.*?\])?/); if (chunk.endTag.length > 1) { chunk.startTag = chunk.startTag.replace(/!?\[/, ""); chunk.endTag = ""; command.addLinkDef(chunk, null); } else { if (/\n\n/.test(chunk.selection)) { command.addLinkDef(chunk, null); return; } // The function to be executed when you enter a link and press OK or Cancel. // Marks up the link and adds the ref. var makeLinkMarkdown = function (link) { console.log(link); if (link !== null) { chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = ""; var linkDef = " [999]: " + link; var num = command.addLinkDef(chunk, linkDef); chunk.startTag = isImage ? "![" : "["; chunk.endTag = "][" + num + "]"; if (!chunk.selection) { if (isImage) { chunk.selection = "alt text"; } else { chunk.selection = "link text"; } } } postProcessing(); }; if (isImage) { util.prompt(wmd_options.imageDialogText, wmd_options.imageDefaultText, makeLinkMarkdown, 'Image'); } else { util.prompt(wmd_options.linkDialogText, wmd_options.linkDefaultText, makeLinkMarkdown, 'Link'); } return true; } }; // Moves the cursor to the next line and continues lists, quotes and code. command.doAutoindent = function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { if (!wmd.options.autoFormatting) return; if (wmd.options.autoFormatting.list) chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]*\n$/, "\n\n"); if (wmd.options.autoFormatting.quote) chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}>[ \t]*\n$/, "\n\n"); if (wmd.options.autoFormatting.code) chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(\n|^)[ \t]+\n$/, "\n\n"); useDefaultText = false; if (/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}([*+-])[ \t]+.*\n$/.test(chunk.before)) { if (command.doList && wmd.options.autoFormatting.list) { command.doList(chunk, postProcessing, false, true); } } if (/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}(\d+[.])[ \t]+.*\n$/.test(chunk.before)) { if (command.doList && wmd.options.autoFormatting.list) { command.doList(chunk, postProcessing, true, true); } } if (/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}>[ \t]+.*\n$/.test(chunk.before)) { if (command.doBlockquote && wmd.options.autoFormatting.quote) { command.doBlockquote(chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText); } } if (/(\n|^)(\t|[ ]{4,}).*\n$/.test(chunk.before)) { if (command.doCode && wmd.options.autoFormatting.code) { command.doCode(chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText); } } }; command.doBlockquote = function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^(\n*)([^\r]+?)(\n*)$/, function (totalMatch, newlinesBefore, text, newlinesAfter) { chunk.before += newlinesBefore; chunk.after = newlinesAfter + chunk.after; return text; }); chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(>[ \t]*)$/, function (totalMatch, blankLine) { chunk.selection = blankLine + chunk.selection; return ""; }); var defaultText = useDefaultText ? "Blockquote" : ""; chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^(\s|>)+$/, ""); chunk.selection = chunk.selection || defaultText; if (chunk.before) { chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/\n?$/, "\n"); } if (chunk.after) { chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^\n?/, "\n"); } chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(((\n|^)(\n[ \t]*)*>(.+\n)*.*)+(\n[ \t]*)*$)/, function (totalMatch) { chunk.startTag = totalMatch; return ""; }); chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^(((\n|^)(\n[ \t]*)*>(.+\n)*.*)+(\n[ \t]*)*)/, function (totalMatch) { chunk.endTag = totalMatch; return ""; }); var replaceBlanksInTags = function (useBracket) { var replacement = useBracket ? "> " : ""; if (chunk.startTag) { chunk.startTag = chunk.startTag.replace(/\n((>|\s)*)\n$/, function (totalMatch, markdown) { return "\n" + markdown.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}>?[ \t]*$/gm, replacement) + "\n"; }); } if (chunk.endTag) { chunk.endTag = chunk.endTag.replace(/^\n((>|\s)*)\n/, function (totalMatch, markdown) { return "\n" + markdown.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}>?[ \t]*$/gm, replacement) + "\n"; }); } }; if (/^(?![ ]{0,3}>)/m.test(chunk.selection)) { command.wrap(chunk, wmd_options.lineLength - 2); chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^/gm, "> "); replaceBlanksInTags(true); chunk.addBlankLines(); } else { chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}> ?/gm, ""); command.unwrap(chunk); replaceBlanksInTags(false); if (!/^(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}>/.test(chunk.selection) && chunk.startTag) { chunk.startTag = chunk.startTag.replace(/\n{0,2}$/, "\n\n"); } if (!/(\n|^)[ ]{0,3}>.*$/.test(chunk.selection) && chunk.endTag) { chunk.endTag = chunk.endTag.replace(/^\n{0,2}/, "\n\n"); } } if (!/\n/.test(chunk.selection)) { chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^(> *)/, function (wholeMatch, blanks) { chunk.startTag += blanks; return ""; }); } }; command.doCode = function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { var hasTextBefore = /\S[ ]*$/.test(chunk.before); var hasTextAfter = /^[ ]*\S/.test(chunk.after); // Use 'four space' markdown if the selection is on its own // line or is multiline. if ((!hasTextAfter && !hasTextBefore) || /\n/.test(chunk.selection)) { chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/[ ]{4}$/, function (totalMatch) { chunk.selection = totalMatch + chunk.selection; return ""; }); var nLinesBefore = 1; var nLinesAfter = 1; if (/\n(\t|[ ]{4,}).*\n$/.test(chunk.before) || chunk.after === "") { nLinesBefore = 0; } if (/^\n(\t|[ ]{4,})/.test(chunk.after)) { nLinesAfter = 0; // This needs to happen on line 1 } chunk.addBlankLines(nLinesBefore, nLinesAfter); if (!chunk.selection) { chunk.startTag = " "; chunk.selection = useDefaultText ? "enter code here" : ""; } else { if (/^[ ]{0,3}\S/m.test(chunk.selection)) { chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^/gm, " "); } else { chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^[ ]{4}/gm, ""); } } } else { // Use backticks (`) to delimit the code block. chunk.trimWhitespace(); chunk.findTags(/`/, /`/); if (!chunk.startTag && !chunk.endTag) { chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = "`"; if (!chunk.selection) { chunk.selection = useDefaultText ? "enter code here" : ""; } } else if (chunk.endTag && !chunk.startTag) { chunk.before += chunk.endTag; chunk.endTag = ""; } else { chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = ""; } } }; command.doList = function (chunk, postProcessing, isNumberedList, useDefaultText) { // These are identical except at the very beginning and end. // Should probably use the regex extension function to make this clearer. var previousItemsRegex = /(\n|^)(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*)(\n.+|\n{2,}([*+-].*|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*|\n{2,}[ \t]+\S.*)*)\n*$/; var nextItemsRegex = /^\n*(([ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*)(\n.+|\n{2,}([*+-].*|\d+[.])[ \t]+.*|\n{2,}[ \t]+\S.*)*)\n*/; // The default bullet is a dash but others are possible. // This has nothing to do with the particular HTML bullet, // it's just a markdown bullet. var bullet = "-"; // The number in a numbered list. var num = 1; // Get the item prefix - e.g. " 1. " for a numbered list, " - " for a bulleted list. var getItemPrefix = function () { var prefix; if (isNumberedList) { prefix = " " + num + ". "; num++; } else { prefix = " " + bullet + " "; } return prefix; }; // Fixes the prefixes of the other list items. var getPrefixedItem = function (itemText) { // The numbering flag is unset when called by autoindent. if (isNumberedList === undefined) { isNumberedList = /^\s*\d/.test(itemText); } // Renumber/bullet the list element. itemText = itemText.replace(/^[ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])\s/gm, function (_) { return getItemPrefix(); }); return itemText; }; chunk.findTags(/(\n|^)*[ ]{0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])\s+/, null); if (chunk.before && !/\n$/.test(chunk.before) && !/^\n/.test(chunk.startTag)) { chunk.before += chunk.startTag; chunk.startTag = ""; } if (chunk.startTag) { var hasDigits = /\d+[.]/.test(chunk.startTag); chunk.startTag = ""; chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n[ ]{4}/g, "\n"); command.unwrap(chunk); chunk.addBlankLines(); if (hasDigits) { // Have to renumber the bullet points if this is a numbered list. chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(nextItemsRegex, getPrefixedItem); } if (isNumberedList == hasDigits) { return; } } var nLinesBefore = 1; chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(previousItemsRegex, function (itemText) { if (/^\s*([*+-])/.test(itemText)) { bullet = re.$1; } nLinesBefore = /[^\n]\n\n[^\n]/.test(itemText) ? 1 : 0; return getPrefixedItem(itemText); }); if (!chunk.selection) { chunk.selection = useDefaultText ? "List item" : " "; } var prefix = getItemPrefix(); var nLinesAfter = 1; chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(nextItemsRegex, function (itemText) { nLinesAfter = /[^\n]\n\n[^\n]/.test(itemText) ? 1 : 0; return getPrefixedItem(itemText); }); chunk.trimWhitespace(true); chunk.addBlankLines(nLinesBefore, nLinesAfter, true); chunk.startTag = prefix; var spaces = prefix.replace(/./g, " "); command.wrap(chunk, wmd_options.lineLength - spaces.length); chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n/g, "\n" + spaces); }; command.doHeading = function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { // Remove leading/trailing whitespace and reduce internal spaces to single spaces. chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\s+/g, " "); chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ""); // If we clicked the button with no selected text, we just // make a level 2 hash header around some default text. if (!chunk.selection) { chunk.startTag = "## "; chunk.selection = "Heading"; chunk.endTag = " ##"; return; } var headerLevel = 0; // The existing header level of the selected text. // Remove any existing hash heading markdown and save the header level. chunk.findTags(/#+[ ]*/, /[ ]*#+/); if (/#+/.test(chunk.startTag)) { headerLevel = re.lastMatch.length; } chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = ""; // Try to get the current header level by looking for - and = in the line // below the selection. chunk.findTags(null, /\s?(-+|=+)/); if (/=+/.test(chunk.endTag)) { headerLevel = 1; } if (/-+/.test(chunk.endTag)) { headerLevel = 2; } // Skip to the next line so we can create the header markdown. chunk.startTag = chunk.endTag = ""; chunk.addBlankLines(1, 1); // We make a level 2 header if there is no current header. // If there is a header level, we substract one from the header level. // If it's already a level 1 header, it's removed. var headerLevelToCreate = headerLevel == 0 ? 2 : headerLevel - 1; if (headerLevelToCreate > 0) { // The button only creates level 1 and 2 underline headers. // Why not have it iterate over hash header levels? Wouldn't that be easier and cleaner? var headerChar = headerLevelToCreate >= 2 ? "-" : "="; var len = chunk.selection.length; if (len > wmd_options.lineLength) { len = wmd_options.lineLength; } chunk.endTag = "\n"; while (len--) { chunk.endTag += headerChar; } } }; command.doHorizontalRule = function (chunk, postProcessing, useDefaultText) { chunk.startTag = "----------\n"; chunk.selection = ""; chunk.addBlankLines(2, 1, true); }; // }}} }; // }}} })(); // For backward compatibility function setup_wmd(options) { return new WMDEditor(options); } ; ; FI"dependency_digest; F"%a3088e057d43464407ec9a40a07ec32fI"required_paths; F["g/Users/vincent/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/gems/wmd-rails-0.0.7/vendor/assets/javascripts/wmd/wmd.jsI"dependency_paths; F[{I" path; F"g/Users/vincent/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/gems/wmd-rails-0.0.7/vendor/assets/javascripts/wmd/wmd.jsI" mtime; FI"2012-05-18T09:39:18+01:00; FI"digest; F"%0801071ca69bb384eede4b31f4846d18I" _version; F"%9f3b95dd7ea3030dc35985c0a8020862