require 'chargify_api_ares' Chargify.configure do |c| c.subdomain = ENV['CHARGIFY_SUBDOMAIN'] c.api_key = ENV['CHARGIFY_API_KEY'] end ## Listing all of your customer metafields metafields = Chargify::CustomerMetafield.all # => [#] ## Creating a new customer metafield field = Chargify::CustomerMetafield.create name: 'test' # => # field.persisted? # => true ## Updating a persisted metafield = 'new name' field.on_csv_export = true field.on_hosted_pages = 'all' # => true field.on_csv_export? # => true field.on_hosted_pages # => ["all"] ## Listing all of your subscription metafields metafields = Chargify::SubscriptionMetafield.all # => [#] ## Creating a new customer metafield field = Chargify::SubscriptionMetafield.create name: 'internal info' # => #