require 'spec_helper' require 'python/pickle/deserializer' describe Python::Pickle::Deserializer do describe "#initialize" do it "must initialize #meta_stack to an empty Array" do expect(subject.meta_stack).to eq([]) end it "must initialize #stack to an empty Array" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([]) end it "must initialize #memo to an empty Array" do expect(subject.memo).to eq([]) end describe "#constants" do it "must contain 'copy_reg._reconstructor' for protocol 0 support" do expect(subject.constants['copy_reg']['_reconstructor']).to eq( subject.method(:copyreg_reconstructor) ) end it "must contain '__builtin__.object' for Python 2.x support" do expect(subject.constants['__builtin__']['object']).to be(described_class::OBJECT_CLASS) end it "must contain '__builtin__.bytearray' for Python 2.x support" do expect(subject.constants['__builtin__']['bytearray']).to be(Python::Pickle::ByteArray) end it "must contain 'builtins.object' for Python 3.x support" do expect(subject.constants['builtins']['object']).to be(described_class::OBJECT_CLASS) end it "must contain 'builtins.bytearray' for Python 2.x support" do expect(subject.constants['builtins']['bytearray']).to be(Python::Pickle::ByteArray) end end it "must initialize #extensionsto an empty Hash" do expect(subject.extensions).to eq({}) end context "when initialized with the `extensions:` keyword argument" do end context "when initialized with the `constants:` keyword argument" do end end describe "#push_meta_stack" do before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.push_meta_stack end it "must push #stack onto #meta_stack and set #stack to a new empty Array" do expect(subject.meta_stack).to eq([ [1,2,3] ]) expect(subject.stack).to eq([]) end end describe "#pop_meta_stack" do before do subject.stack << 3 << 4 << 5 subject.meta_stack << [1,2,3] end it "must pop #meta_stack and reset #stack, and then return the previous #stack value" do expect(subject.pop_meta_stack).to eq([3,4,5]) expect(subject.stack).to eq([1,2,3]) expect(subject.meta_stack).to eq([]) end end describe "#execute" do context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::Proto object" do let(:instruction) { } it "must return nil" do expect(subject.execute(instruction)).to be(nil) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::Frame object" do let(:instruction) { } it "must return nil" do expect(subject.execute(instruction)).to be(nil) end end [ Python::Pickle::Instructions::Get, Python::Pickle::Instructions::BinGet, Python::Pickle::Instructions::LongBinGet ].each do |instruction_class| context "when given a #{instruction_class} object" do let(:instruction1) { } let(:instruction2) { } before do subject.memo << 'A' << 'B' << 'C' subject.execute(instruction1) subject.execute(instruction2) end it "must push the value from #memo at the given index onto #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq(['B', 'C']) end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::MARK object" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::MARK } before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push #stack onto #meta_stack and reset #stack" do expect(subject.meta_stack).to eq([ [1,2,3] ]) expect(subject.stack).to eq([]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::POP_MARK object" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::POP_MARK } before do subject.meta_stack << [1,2,3] subject.stack << 'A' << 'B' << 'C' subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push #stack onto #meta_stack and reset #stack" do expect(subject.meta_stack).to eq([]) expect(subject.stack).to eq([1,2,3]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::DUP object" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::DUP } before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push a copy of the last element on #stack back onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([1,2,3,3]) end end [ Python::Pickle::Instructions::Put, Python::Pickle::Instructions::BinPut ].each do |instruction_class| context "when given a #{instruction_class} object" do let(:instruction) { } before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must set the index in #memo with the last element in the #stack" do expect(subject.memo).to eq([nil, 3]) end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::POP" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::POP } before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the last element off of the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([1,2]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::MEMOIZE" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::MEMOIZE } before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push the last element of the #stack onto #memo" do expect(subject.memo).to eq([3]) end end [ Python::Pickle::Instructions::Ext1, Python::Pickle::Instructions::Ext2, Python::Pickle::Instructions::Ext4 ].each do |instruction_class| context "when given a #{instruction_class} object" do let(:ext_id) { 0x42 } let(:instruction) { } context "when #extensions contains the extension ID" do let(:ext_object) { double('extension object') } subject do {ext_id => ext_object}) end before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push the extension object onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([1,2,3, ext_object]) end end context "when #extensions does not contain the extension ID" do it do expect { subject.execute(instruction) }.to raise_error(Python::Pickle::DeserializationError,"unknown extension ID: #{ext_id.inspect}") end end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::NONE" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::NONE } before do subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push nil onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([nil]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::NEWTRUE" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::NEWTRUE} before do subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push true onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([true]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::NEWFALSE" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::NEWFALSE} before do subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push false onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([false]) end end [,,,,,,42),,42),,"ABC"),,"ABC"),,"ABC"),"ABC"),,"ABC"),,"ABC"),,"ABC"), ].each do |instruction| context "when given a #{instruction.class} object" do let(:instruction) { instruction } before do subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push the instruction's value onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([instruction.value]) end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::ByteArray8 object" do let(:bytes) { "ABC" } let(:instruction) {,bytes) } before do subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push a Python::Pickle::ByteArray object onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::EMPTY_LIST" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::EMPTY_LIST } before do subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push an empty Array onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ [] ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::EMPTY_TUPLE" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::EMPTY_TUPLE } before do subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push an empty Python::Pickle::Tuple object onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::TUPLE " do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::TUPLE } before do subject.stack << 4 << 5 << 6 subject.meta_stack << [1,2,3] subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the #meta_stack, convert the items into a Python::Pickle::Tuple object, and push it onto the #stack" do expect(subject.meta_stack).to eq([]) expect(subject.stack).to eq([ 1,2,3, Python::Pickle::Tuple[4,5,6] ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::EMPTY_DICT" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::EMPTY_DICT } before do subject.execute(instruction) end it "must push an empty Hash object onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ {} ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::APPEND" do context "and when the previous element on the stack is an Array" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::APPEND } before do subject.stack << [] << 2 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the last element from the #stack and push it onto the next list element" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ [2] ]) end end context "but when the previous element on the stack is not an Array" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::APPEND } let(:item) { 2 } let(:list) { "XXX" } before do subject.stack << list << item end it do expect { subject.execute(instruction) }.to raise_error(Python::Pickle::DeserializationError,"cannot append element #{item.inspect} onto a non-Array: #{list.inspect}") end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::APPENDS" do context "and when the previous element on the stack is an Array" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::APPENDS } before do subject.meta_stack << [ [1,2,3] ] subject.stack << 4 << 5 << 6 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the #meta_stack, store the #stack, and concat the previous #stack onto the last element of the new #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ [1,2,3,4,5,6] ]) end end context "but when the previous element on the stack is not an Array" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::APPENDS } let(:items) { [3,4,5] } let(:list) { "XXX" } before do subject.meta_stack << [ list ] subject.stack << items[0] << items[1] << items[2] end it do expect { subject.execute(instruction) }.to raise_error(Python::Pickle::DeserializationError,"cannot append elements #{items.inspect} onto a non-Array: #{list.inspect}") end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::LIST" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::LIST } before do subject.meta_stack << [ [1,2,3] ] subject.stack << 4 << 5 << 6 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the #meta_stack, restore the #stack, and push the previous #stack onto the new #stack as a new Array" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::TUPLE1" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::TUPLE1 } before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop one element from the #stack nad push a new Python::Pickle::Tuple onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ 1, 2, Python::Pickle::Tuple[3] ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::TUPLE2" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::TUPLE2 } before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop two elements from the #stack nad push a new Python::Pickle::Tuple onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ 1, Python::Pickle::Tuple[2, 3] ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::TUPLE3" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::TUPLE3 } before do subject.stack << 1 << 2 << 3 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop three elements from the #stack nad push a new Python::Pickle::Tuple onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ Python::Pickle::Tuple[1, 2, 3] ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::DICT" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::DICT } before do subject.meta_stack << [] subject.stack << 'a' << 1 << 'b' << 2 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the #meta_stack, create a new Hash using the key:value pairs on the previous #stack, and push the new Hash onto the new #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2} ]) end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::Global object" do let(:namespace) { '__main__' } let(:name) { 'MyClass' } let(:instruction) {,name) } before do subject.execute(instruction) end context "when the constant can be resolved" do module TestGlobalInstruction class MyClass end end subject do constants: { '__main__' => { 'MyClass' => TestGlobalInstruction::MyClass } } ) end it "must push the constant onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ TestGlobalInstruction::MyClass ]) end end context "but the constant cannot be resolved" do it "must push a new Python::Pickle::PyClass object onto the #stack" do constant = subject.stack[-1] expect(constant).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyClass) expect(constant.namespace).to eq(namespace) expect( eq(name) end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::STACK_GLOBAL" do let(:namespace) { '__main__' } let(:name) { 'MyClass' } let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::STACK_GLOBAL } before do subject.stack << namespace << name subject.execute(instruction) end context "when the constant can be resolved" do module TestStackGlobalInstruction class MyClass end end subject do constants: { '__main__' => { 'MyClass' => TestStackGlobalInstruction::MyClass } } ) end it "must pop off the namespace and name from the #stack, and push the constant onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ TestStackGlobalInstruction::MyClass ]) end end context "but the constant cannot be resolved" do it "must push a new Python::Pickle::PyClass object onto the #stack" do constant = subject.stack[-1] expect(constant).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyClass) expect(constant.namespace).to eq(namespace) expect( eq(name) end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::NEWOBJ" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::NEWOBJ } context "and when the constant on the #stack is a Ruby class" do module TestNewObjInstruction class MyClass end end context "and the second argument is nil" do before do subject.stack << TestNewObjInstruction::MyClass << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements, and initialize a new instance of the constant, and push the new instance onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(TestNewObjInstruction::MyClass) end end context "and the second argument is Python::Pickle::Tuple" do context "but it's empty" do let(:tuple) { } before do subject.stack << TestNewObjInstruction::MyClass << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements, and initialize a new instance of the constant, and push the new instance onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(TestNewObjInstruction::MyClass) end end context "but it's not empty" do module TestNewObjInstruction class MyClassWithArgs attr_reader :x, :y def initialize(x,y) @x = x @y = y end end end let(:tuple) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[1,2] } before do subject.stack << TestNewObjInstruction::MyClassWithArgs << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must call #initialize with the splatted tuple's arguments" do object = subject.stack[-1] expect(object.x).to eq(tuple[0]) expect(object.y).to eq(tuple[1]) end end end end context "and when the constant on the #stack is a PyClass" do let(:namespace) { '__main__' } let(:name) { 'MyClass' } let(:py_class) {,name) } context "and the second argument is nil" do before do subject.stack << py_class << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements and push the new Python::Pickle::PyObject onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyObject) end end context "and the second argument is Python::Pickle::Tuple" do context "but it's empty" do let(:tuple) { } before do subject.stack << py_class << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements and push the new Python::Pickle::PyObject onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyObject) end end context "but it's not empty" do let(:tuple) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[1,2] } before do subject.stack << py_class << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must set the object's #init_args to the tuple's elements" do object = subject.stack[-1] expect(object.init_args).to eq(tuple) end end end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::NEWOBJ_EX" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::NEWOBJ_EX } context "and when the constant on the #stack is a Ruby class" do module TestNewObjExInstruction class MyClass end end context "and the second argument is nil" do before do subject.stack << TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClass << nil << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements, and initialize a new instance of the constant, and push the new instance onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClass) end end context "and the second argument is Python::Pickle::Tuple" do context "but it's empty" do let(:tuple) { } before do subject.stack << TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClass << tuple << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements, and initialize a new instance of the constant, and push the new instance onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClass) end end context "but it's not empty" do module TestNewObjExInstruction class MyClassWithArgs attr_reader :x, :y def initialize(x,y) @x = x @y = y end end end let(:tuple) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[1,2] } before do subject.stack << TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClassWithArgs << tuple << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must call #initialize with the splatted tuple's arguments" do object = subject.stack[-1] expect(object.x).to eq(tuple[0]) expect(object.y).to eq(tuple[1]) end end end context "and the third argument is nil" do before do subject.stack << TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClass << [] << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements, and initialize a new instance of the constant, and push the new instance onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClass) end end context "and the third argument is a Hash" do context "but it's empty" do let(:tuple) { } before do subject.stack << TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClass << [] << {} subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements, and initialize a new instance of the constant, and push the new instance onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClass) end end context "but it's not empty" do module TestNewObjExInstruction class MyClassWithKWArgs attr_reader :x, :y def initialize(x: , y: ) @x = x @y = y end end end let(:hash) { {"x" => 1, "y" => 2} } before do subject.stack << TestNewObjExInstruction::MyClassWithKWArgs << [] << hash subject.execute(instruction) end it "must call #initialize with the splatted tuple's arguments" do object = subject.stack[-1] expect(object.x).to eq(hash['x']) expect(object.y).to eq(hash['y']) end end end end context "and when the constant on the #stack is a PyClass" do let(:namespace) { '__main__' } let(:name) { 'MyClass' } let(:py_class) {,name) } context "and the second argument is nil" do before do subject.stack << py_class << nil << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements and push the new Python::Pickle::PyObject onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyObject) end end context "and the second argument is Python::Pickle::Tuple" do context "but it's empty" do let(:tuple) { } before do subject.stack << py_class << tuple << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop off the two last elements and push the new Python::Pickle::PyObject onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyObject) end end context "but it's not empty" do let(:tuple) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[1,2] } before do subject.stack << py_class << tuple << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must set the object's #init_args to the tuple's elements" do object = subject.stack[-1] expect(object.init_args).to eq(tuple) end end end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::REDUCE" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::REDUCE } context "when the first argument on the #stack is a PyClass" do let(:namespace) { '__main__' } let(:name) { 'MyClass' } let(:py_class) {,name) } context "and the second argument is nil" do before do subject.stack << py_class << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop two elements off of the #stack, create a PyObject from the PyClass, and push the new PyObject onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyObject) expect(subject.stack[-1].py_class).to eq(py_class) end end context "and the second argument is Python::Pickle::Tuple" do context "but it's empty" do let(:tuple) { } before do subject.stack << py_class << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop two elements off of the #stack, create a PyObject from the PyClass, and push the new PyObject onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyObject) expect(subject.stack[-1].py_class).to eq(py_class) end end context "but it's not empty" do let(:tuple) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[1,2] } before do subject.stack << py_class << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must set #init_args" do object = subject.stack[-1] expect(object.init_args).to eq( [tuple[0], tuple[1]] ) end end end end context "when the first argument on the #stack is a Ruby class" do module TestReduceInstruction class MyClass end end context "and the second argument is nil" do before do subject.stack << TestReduceInstruction::MyClass << nil subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop two elements off of the #stack, initialize the Ruby class, and push the new instance onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(TestReduceInstruction::MyClass) end end context "and the second argument is Python::Pickle::Tuple" do context "but it's empty" do let(:tuple) { } before do subject.stack << TestReduceInstruction::MyClass << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop two elements off of the #stack, initialize the Ruby class, and push the new instance onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to be_kind_of(TestReduceInstruction::MyClass) end end context "but it's not empty" do module TestReduceInstruction class MyClassWithArgs attr_reader :x, :y def initialize(x,y) @x = x @y = y end end end let(:tuple) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[1,2] } before do subject.stack << TestReduceInstruction::MyClassWithArgs << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must call #initialize with the arguments of the tuple" do object = subject.stack[-1] expect(object.x).to eq(tuple[0]) expect(object.y).to eq(tuple[1]) end end end end context "but the first argument on the #stack is a Ruby Method" do module TestReduceInstruction def self.func(x,y) x + y end end let(:tuple) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[1,2] } before do subject.stack << TestReduceInstruction.method(:func) << tuple subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the two arguments off of the stack, call the Method with the tuple arguments, and push the result back onto the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to eq(tuple[0] + tuple[1]) end end context "when the first argument on the #stack is not a Class or a Method" do let(:callable) { } let(:tuple) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[1,2] } before do subject.stack << callable << nil end it do expect { subject.execute(instruction) }.to raise_error(Python::Pickle::DeserializationError,"cannot execute REDUCE on a non-class: #{callable.inspect}") end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::BUILD" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::BUILD } context "when the first argument on the #stack is a Hash" do let(:hash1) { {'x' => 1} } let(:hash2) { {'y' => 2} } before do subject.stack << hash1 << hash2 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the last element off the #stack and merge the other Hash into the first Hash" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.stack[-1]).to eq(hash1.merge(hash2)) end end context "when the first argument on the #stack is an Object" do context "and it defines a __setstate__ method" do module TestBuildInstruction class MyClass attr_reader :x, :y def __setstate__(attributes) @x = attributes['x'] @y = attributes['y'] end end end let(:object) { } let(:args) { {'x' => 1, 'y' => 2} } before do subject.stack << object << args subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the last element off the #stack, call the #__setstate__ method on the first element on the #stack" do expect(subject.stack.length).to eq(1) expect(object.x).to eq(args['x']) expect(object.y).to eq(args['y']) end end context "but it does not define a __setstate__ method" do let(:object) { } let(:args) { {'x' => 1, 'y' => 2} } before do subject.stack << object << args end it do expect { subject.execute(instruction) }.to raise_error(Python::Pickle::DeserializationError,"cannot execute BUILD on an object that does not define a __setstate__ method or is not a Hash: #{object.inspect}") end end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::SETITEM" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::SETITEM } let(:key) { 'x' } let(:value) { 1 } context "and the first argument on the #stack is a Hash" do let(:hash) { {} } before do subject.stack << hash << key << value subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop two elements off the #stack, and set the key vand value in the last element on the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ {key => value} ]) end end context "and the first argument on the #stack is not a Hash" do let(:object) { } before do subject.stack << object << key << value end it do expect { subject.execute(instruction) }.to raise_error(Python::Pickle::DeserializationError,"cannot set key (#{key.inspect}) and value (#{value.inspect}) into non-Hash: #{object.inspect}") end end end context "when given a Python::Pickle::Instructions::SETITEMS" do let(:instruction) { Python::Pickle::Instructions::SETITEMS } let(:key1) { 'x' } let(:value1) { 1 } let(:key2) { 'y' } let(:value2) { 2 } context "and the first argument on the #stack is a Hash" do let(:hash) { {} } before do subject.meta_stack << [hash] subject.stack << key1 << value1 << key2 << value2 subject.execute(instruction) end it "must pop the #meta_stack and use the previous stack's values to populate the Hash at the end of the #stack" do expect(subject.stack).to eq([ {key1 => value1, key2 => value2} ]) end end context "and the first argument on the #stack is not a Hash" do let(:object) { } let(:pairs) { [key1, value1, key2, value2] } before do subject.meta_stack << [object] subject.stack << key1 << value1 << key2 << value2 end it do expect { subject.execute(instruction) }.to raise_error(Python::Pickle::DeserializationError,"cannot set key value pairs (#{pairs.inspect}) into non-Hash: #{object.inspect}") end end end end describe "#copyreg_reconstructor" do let(:klass) { double('class') } let(:super_class) { double('super class') } let(:instance) { double('instance of class') } context "when the initialization argument is nil" do it "must call .new on the given class with no arguments" do expect(klass).to receive(:new).with(no_args).and_return(instance) expect(subject.copyreg_reconstructor(klass,super_class,nil)).to be(instance) end end context "when the initialization argument is not nil" do let(:value1) { 1 } let(:value2) { 2 } let(:init_arg) { Python::Pickle::Tuple[value1, value2] } it "must call .new on the given class with the given initialization argument" do expect(klass).to receive(:new).with(value1,value2).and_return(instance) expect(subject.copyreg_reconstructor(klass,super_class,init_arg)).to be(instance) end end end describe "#resolv_constant" do it "must lookup the constant with the given name in the given namespace" do expect(subject.resolve_constant('__builtin__','object')).to eq( subject.constants.fetch('__builtin__').fetch('object') ) end context "when the constant does not exist in #constants" do let(:namespace) { '__main__' } let(:name) { 'object' } it "must return a new Python::Pickle::PyClass instance with the given namespace and name" do constant = subject.resolve_constant(namespace,name) expect(constant).to be_kind_of(Python::Pickle::PyClass) expect(constant.namespace).to eq(namespace) expect( eq(name) end end end end