1. knife-node(1)
  2. Chef Manual
  3. knife-node(1)


knife-node - Manage the hosts in your infrastructure


knife node sub-command (options)


Nodes are data structures that represent hosts configured with Chef. Nodes have a name, a String that uniquely identifies the node, attributes, a nested Hash of properties that describe how the host should be configured, a chef_environment, a String representing the environment to which the node belongs, and a run_list, an ordered list of recipes or roles that chef-client should apply when configuring a host.

When a host communicates with a Chef Server, it authenticates using its node_name for identification and signs its reqests with a private key. The Server validates the request by looking up a client object with a name identical to the node_name submitted with the request and verifes the signature using the public key for that client object. NOTE that the client is a different object in the system. It is associated with a node by virtue of having a matching name.

By default chef-client(8) will create a node using the FQDN of the host for the node name, though this may be overridden by configuration settings.


The following node subcommands are available:


knife node bulk delete regex (options)

Deletes nodes for which the name matches the regular expression regex on the Chef Server. The regular expression should be given in quotes, and should not be surrounded with forward slashes (as is typical of regular expression literals in scripting languages).


knife node create name (options)

Create a new node. Unless the --disable-editing option is given, an empty node object will be created and displayed in your text editor. If the editor exits with a successful exit status, the node data will be posted to the Chef Server to create the node.


knife node delete name (options)

Deletes the node identified by name on the Chef Server.


knife node edit name (options)

-a, --all
Display all node data in the editor. By default, default, override, and automatic attributes are not shown.

Edit the node identified by name. Like knife node create, the node will be displayed in your text editor unless the -n option is present.


knife node from file file (options)

Create a node from a JSON format file.


knife node list (options)

-w, --with-uri
Show corresponding URIs

List all nodes.


knife node run_list add name run list item (options)

-a, --after ITEM
Place the ENTRY in the run list after ITEM

Add the run list item to the node's run_list. See Run list


knife node run_list remove node name run list item (options)

Remove the run list item from the node's run_list.


knife node show node name (options)

-a, --attribute [ATTR]
Show only one attribute
-r, --run-list
Show only the run list
-F, --format FORMAT
Display the node in a different format.
-m, --medium
Display more, but not all, of the node's data when using the default summary format

Displays the node identified by node name on stdout.


Run list items may be either roles or recipes. When adding a role to a run list, the correct syntax is "role[ROLE_NAME]"

When adding a recipe to a run list, there are several valid formats:

Fully Qualified Format
"recipe[COOKBOOK::RECIPE_NAME]", for example, "recipe[chef::client]"
Cookbook Recipe Format
For brevity, the recipe part of the fully qualified format may be omitted, and recipes specified as "COOKBOOK::RECIPE_NAME", e.g., "chef::client"
Default Recipe Format
When adding the default recipe of a cookbook to a run list, the recipe name may be omitted as well, e.g., "chef::default" may be written as just "chef"


knife-client(1) knife-search(1) knife-role(1)


Chef was written by Adam Jacob adam@opscode.com with many contributions from the community.


This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman joshua@opscode.com. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.


Knife is distributed with Chef. http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home

  1. Chef 10.32.2
  2. April 2014
  3. knife-node(1)