var Romo = function() { this._eventCallbacks = []; } // TODO: rework w/o jQuery Romo.prototype.doInit = function() { this.parentChildElems = new RomoParentChildElems(); $.each(this._eventCallbacks, function(idx, eventCallback) { $('body').on(eventCallback.eventName, eventCallback.callback); }); this.triggerInitUI($('body')); } // element finders Romo.prototype.f = function(selector) { return this.array(document.querySelectorAll(selector)); } Romo.prototype.find = function(parentElem, selector) { return this.array(parentElem.querySelectorAll(selector)); } Romo.prototype.children = function(parentElem) { return this.array(parentElem.children); } Romo.prototype.parent = function(childElem) { return childElem.parentNode; } Romo.prototype.siblings = function(elem) { return, function(childElem) { return childElem !== elem; }); } Romo.prototype.prev = function(fromElem) { return fromElem.previousElementSibling; } = function(fromElem) { return fromElem.nextElementSibling; } Romo.prototype.closest = function(fromElem, selector) { if (fromElem.closest) { return fromElem.closest(selector); } else { var matchesSelector = fromElem.matches || fromElem.webkitMatchesSelector || fromElem.mozMatchesSelector || fromElem.msMatchesSelector; while (fromElem) { if (, selector)) { return fromElem; } else { fromElem = fromElem.parentElement; } } return undefined; } } // TODO: rework w/o jQuery Romo.prototype.selectNext = function(elem, selector) { // like `$().next()`, but takes a selector; returns first next elem that // matches the given selector or an empty collection if non matches var el =; while(el.length) { if (selector === undefined || { return el; } el =; } return el; } // TODO: rework w/o jQuery Romo.prototype.selectPrev = function(elem, selector) { // like `$().prev()`, but takes a selector; returns first prev elem that // matches the given selector or an empty collection if non matches var el = elem.prev(); while(el.length) { if (selector === undefined || { return el; } el = el.prev(); } return el; } // attributes, styles, classes Romo.prototype.attr = function(elem, attrName) { return elem.getAttribute ? elem.getAttribute(attrName) : undefined; } Romo.prototype.setAttr = function(elem, attrName, attrValue) { if (elem.setAttribute) { elem.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue); } return attrValue; } = function(elem, dataName) { return this._deserializeValue(this.attr(elem, "data-"+dataName)); } Romo.prototype.setData = function(elem, dataName, dataValue) { return this.setAttr(elem, "data-"+dataName, String(dataValue)); } = function(elem, styleName) { return[styleName]; } Romo.prototype.setStyle = function(elem, styleName, styleValue) {[styleName] = styleValue; return styleValue; } Romo.prototype.css = function(elem, styleName) { return window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(styleName); } Romo.prototype.addClass = function(elem, className) { elem.classList.add(className); return className; } Romo.prototype.removeClass = function(elem, className) { elem.classList.remove(className); return className; } Romo.prototype.toggleClass = function(elem, className) { elem.classList.toggle(className); return className; } Romo.prototype.hasClass = function(elem, className) { return elem.classList.contains(className); } = function(elem) { = ''; } Romo.prototype.hide = function(elem) { = 'none'; } Romo.prototype.offset = function(elem) { var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: + document.body.scrollTop, left: rect.left + document.body.scrollLeft }; } Romo.prototype.scrollTop = function(elem) { return ('scrollTop' in elem) ? elem.scrollTop : elem.pageYOffset; } Romo.prototype.scrollLeft = function(elem) { return ('scrollLeft' in elem) ? elem.scrollLeft : elem.pageXOffset; } Romo.prototype.setScrollTop = function(elem, value) { if ('scrollTop' in elem) { elem.scrollTop = value; } else { elem.scrollTo(elem.scrollX, value); } } Romo.prototype.setScrollLeft = function(elem, value) { if ('scrollLeft' in elem) { elem.scrollLeft = value; } else { elem.scrollTo(value, elem.scrollY); } } // TODO: rework w/o jQuery Romo.prototype.getComputedStyle = function(node, styleName) { return window.getComputedStyle(node, null).getPropertyValue(styleName); } // TODO: rework w/o jQuery Romo.prototype.parseZIndex = function(elem) { // for the case where z-index is set directly on the elem var val = this.parseElemZIndex(elem); if (val !== 0) { return val; } // for the case where z-index is inherited from a parent elem var parentIndexes = this.toArray(elem.parents()).reduce($.proxy(function(prev, curr) { var pval = this.parseElemZIndex($(curr)); if (pval !== 0) { prev.push(pval); } return prev; }, this), []); parentIndexes.push(0); // in case z-index is 'auto' all the way up return parentIndexes[0]; } // TODO: rework w/o jQuery Romo.prototype.parseElemZIndex = function(elem) { var val = parseInt(this.getComputedStyle(elem[0], "z-index")); if (!isNaN(val)) { return val; } return 0; } // DOM manipulation Romo.prototype.elems = function(htmlString) { var context = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); // Set the base href for the created document so any parsed // elements with URLs are based on the document's URL var base = context.createElement('base'); base.href = document.location.href; context.head.appendChild(base); context.body.innerHTML = htmlString; return this.array(context.body.children); } Romo.prototype.remove = function(elem) { return elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); } Romo.prototype.replace = function(elem, replacementElem) { elem.parentNode.replaceChild(replacementElem, elem); return replacementElem; } Romo.prototype.replaceHtml = function(elem, htmlString) { return this.replace(elem, this.elems(htmlString)[0]); } Romo.prototype.update = function(elem, childElems) { elem.innerHTML = ''; return { return elem.appendChild(childElem); }); } Romo.prototype.updateHtml = function(elem, htmlString) { return this.update(elem, this.elems(htmlString)); } Romo.prototype.prepend = function(elem, childElems) { var refElem = elem.firstChild; return childElems.reverse().map(function(childElem) { refElem = elem.insertBefore(childElem, refElem); return refElem; }).reverse(); } Romo.prototype.prependHtml = function(elem, htmlString) { return this.prepend(elem, this.elems(htmlString)); } Romo.prototype.append = function(elem, childElems) { return { return elem.appendChild(childElem); }); } Romo.prototype.appendHtml = function(elem, htmlString) { return this.append(elem, this.elems(htmlString)); } Romo.prototype.before = function(elem, siblingElems) { var refElem = elem; var parentElem = elem.parentNode; return siblingElems.reverse().map(function(siblingElem) { refElem = parentElem.insertBefore(siblingElem, refElem); return refElem; }).reverse(); } Romo.prototype.beforeHtml = function(elem, htmlString) { return this.before(elem, this.elems(htmlString)); } Romo.prototype.after = function(elem, siblingElems) { var refElem =; var parentElem = elem.parentNode; return { return parentElem.insertBefore(siblingElem, refElem); }); } Romo.prototype.afterHtml = function(elem, htmlString) { return this.after(elem, this.elems(htmlString)); } // init UI (TODO: rework w/o jQuery) Romo.prototype.onInitUI = function(callback) { this._addEventCallback('romo:initUI', callback); } Romo.prototype.triggerInitUI = function(elems) { elems.trigger('romo:initUI'); } Romo.prototype.initUIElems = function(e, selector) { var elems = $(; if ($( { elems.push( } return $(elems); } Romo.prototype.initHtml = function(elems, data) { elems.each($.proxy(function(index, elem) { var htmlElems = $(data) $(elem).html(htmlElems); this.triggerInitUI(htmlElems); }, this)); } Romo.prototype.initReplace = function(elems, data) { elems.each($.proxy(function(index, elem) { var replacementElem = $(data); $(elem).replaceWith(replacementElem); this.triggerInitUI(replacementElem); }, this)); } Romo.prototype.initPrepend = function(elems, data) { elems.each($.proxy(function(index, elem) { var prependedElem = $(data); $(elem).prepend(prependedElem); this.triggerInitUI(prependedElem); }, this)); } Romo.prototype.initAppend = function(elems, data) { elems.each($.proxy(function(index, elem) { var appendedElem = $(data); $(elem).append(appendedElem); this.triggerInitUI(appendedElem); }, this)); } Romo.prototype.initBefore = function(elems, data) { elems.each($.proxy(function(index, elem) { var insertedElem = $(data); $(elem).before(insertedElem); this.triggerInitUI(insertedElem); }, this)); } Romo.prototype.initAfter = function(elems, data) { elems.each($.proxy(function(index, elem) { var insertedElem = $(data); $(elem).after(insertedElem); this.triggerInitUI(insertedElem); }, this)); } // page handling Romo.prototype.reloadPage = function() { window.location = window.location; } Romo.prototype.redirectPage = function(redirectUrl) { window.location = redirectUrl; } // param serialization (TODO: rework w/o jQuery) Romo.prototype.param = function(data, opts) { var paramData = $.extend({}, data); if (opts && opts.removeEmpty) { $.each(paramData, function(key, value) { if (value === '') { delete paramData[key]; } }) } var paramString = $.param(paramData); if (opts && opts.decodeValues) { paramString = this.decodeParam(paramString); } return paramString; } Romo.prototype.decodeParam = function(string) { return this.decodeParamMap.reduce(function(prev, curr) { return prev.replace(curr[0], curr[1]); }, string); } Romo.prototype.decodeParamMap = [ [/%20/g, '+'], [/%21/g, '!'], [/%24/g, '$'], [/%28/g, '('], [/%29/g, ')'], [/%2A/g, '*'], [/%2B/g, '+'], [/%2C/g, ','], [/%2D/g, '-'], [/%2E/g, '.'], [/%2F/g, '/'], [/%5B/g, '['], [/%5C/g, '\\'], [/%5D/g, ']'], [/%3A/g, ':'], [/%3C/g, '<'], [/%3E/g, '>'], [/%3F/g, '?'], [/%40/g, '@'], [/%5E/g, '^'], [/%5F/g, '_'], [/%60/g, '`'], [/%7B/g, '{'], [/%7C/g, '|'], [/%7D/g, '}'], [/%7E/g, '~'] ]; // AJAX Romo.prototype.ajax = function(settings) { var httpMethod = (settings.type || 'GET').toUpperCase(); var xhrUrl = settings.url || window.location.toString(); var xhrData = ? : null if (xhrData && httpMethod === 'GET') { var xhrQuery = Romo.param(xhrData); if (xhrQuery !== '') { xhrUrl = (xhrUrl + '&' + xhrQuery).replace(/[&?]{1,2}/, '?'); } xhrData = null; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, xhrUrl, true, settings.username, settings.password); if (settings.responseType === 'arraybuffer' || settings.responseType === 'blob') { xhr.responseType = settings.responseType; } xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); for (name in settings.headers) { xhr.setRequestHeader(name, settings.headers[name]); } if (settings.contentType) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', settings.contentType); } xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if ((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status === 304) { if (xhr.responseType === 'arraybuffer' || xhr.responseType === 'blob') {, xhr.response, xhr.status, xhr, settings); } else {, xhr.responseText, xhr.status, xhr, settings); } } else {, xhr.statusText || null, xhr.status, xhr, settings); } } }; xhr.send(xhrData); }, // events Romo.prototype.on = function(elem, eventName, fn) { // var proxyFn = function(e) { // var result = fn.apply(elem, e.detail === undefined ? [e] : [e].concat(e.detail)); // if (result === false) { // e.preventDefault(); // e.stopPropagation(); // } // return result; // } // proxyFn._romofid = this._fn(fn)._romofid; // var key = this._handlerKey(elem, eventName, proxyFn); // if (!this._handlers[key]) { // elem.addEventListener(eventName, proxyFn); // this._handlers[key] = proxyFn; // } // Giant Hack to temporarily support jQuery and non-jQuery triggers // see: $(elem).on(eventName, fn); } = function(elem, eventName, fn) { // var key = this._handlerKey(elem, eventName, fn); // var proxyFn = this._handlers[key]; // if (proxyFn) { // elem.removeEventListener(eventName, proxyFn); // this._handlers[key] = undefined; // } // Giant Hack to temporarily support jQuery and non-jQuery triggers // see: $(elem).off(eventName, fn); } Romo.prototype.trigger = function(elem, customEventName, args) { // var event = undefined; // if (typeof window.CustomEvent === "function") { // event = new CustomEvent(customEventName, { detail: args }); // } else { // event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); // event.initCustomEvent(customEventName, false, false, args); // } // elem.dispatchEvent(event); $(elem).trigger(customEventName, args); } Romo.prototype.ready = function(eventHandlerFn) { if (document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState !== 'loading') { eventHandlerFn(); } else { this.on(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', eventHandlerFn); } } // utils Romo.prototype.array = function(collection) { return; } Romo.prototype.proxy = function(fn, context) { var proxyFn = fn.bind(context); proxyFn._romofid = this._fn(fn)._romofid; return proxyFn; } // TODO: rework w/o jQuery Romo.prototype.toArray = function(elems) { // converts a collection of elements `$()` to an array of nodes return $.map(elems, function(node){ return node; }) } Romo.prototype.nonInputTextKeyCodes = function() { // return [ 9, /* tab */ 13, /* enter */ 16, /* shift */ 17, /* ctrl */ 18, /* alt */ 19, /* pausebreak */ 20, /* capslock */ 27, /* escape */ 33, /* pageup */ 34, /* pagedown */ 35, /* end */ 36, /* home */ 37, /* leftarrow */ 38, /* uparrow */ 39, /* rightarrow */ 40, /* downarrow */ 45, /* insert */ 46, /* delete */ 91, /* leftwindowkey */ 92, /* rightwindowkey */ 93, /* selectkey */ 112, /* f1 */ 113, /* f2 */ 114, /* f3 */ 115, /* f4 */ 116, /* f5 */ 117, /* f6 */ 118, /* f7 */ 119, /* f8 */ 120, /* f9 */ 121, /* f10 */ 122, /* f11 */ 123, /* f12 */ 144, /* numlock */ 145, /* scrolllock */ ]; } // private helpers Romo.prototype._eid = 1; Romo.prototype._fid = 1; Romo.prototype._el = function(elem) { elem._romoeid || ( elem._romoeid = (this.attr(elem, 'data-romo-eid') || this.setAttr(elem, 'data-romo-eid', this._eid++)) ); return elem; } Romo.prototype._fn = function(fn) { fn._romofid || (fn._romofid = this._fid++); return fn; } Romo.prototype._handlers = {}; Romo.prototype._handlerKey = function(elem, eventName, fn) { return 'eid--'+this._el(elem)._romoeid+'--'+eventName+'--fid--'+this._fn(fn)._romofid; } Romo.prototype._deserializeValue = function(value) { try { if (value === "true") { return true; } // "true" => true if (value === "false") { return false; } // "false" => false if (value === "undefined") { return undefined; } // "undefined" => undefined if (value === "null") { return null; } // "null" => null if (+value+"" === value) { return +value; } // "42.5" => 42.5 if (/^[\[\{]/.test(value)) { JSON.parse(value); } // JSON => parse if valid return value; // String => self } catch(e) { return value } } // TODO: rework w/o jQuery Romo.prototype._addEventCallback = function(name, callback) { this._eventCallbacks.push({ eventName: name, callback: callback }); } // RomoParentChildElems (TODO: rework w/o jQuery) var RomoParentChildElems = function() { this.attrName = 'romo-parent-elem-id'; this.elemId = 0; this.elems = {}; var parentRemovedObserver = new MutationObserver($.proxy(function(mutationRecords) { mutationRecords.forEach($.proxy(function(mutationRecord) { if (mutationRecord.type === 'childList' && mutationRecord.removedNodes.length > 0) { $.each($(mutationRecord.removedNodes), $.proxy(function(idx, node) { this.remove($(node)); }, this)); } }, this)); }, this)); parentRemovedObserver.observe($('body')[0], { childList: true, subtree: true }); } RomoParentChildElems.prototype.add = function(parentElem, childElems) { parentElem.attr('data-'+this.attrName, this._push(childElems,; } RomoParentChildElems.prototype.remove = function(nodeElem) { if ('romo-parent-removed-observer-disabled') !== true) { if ( !== undefined) { this._removeChildElems(nodeElem); // node is a parent elem itself } $.each(nodeElem.find('[data-'+this.attrName+']'), $.proxy(function(idx, parent) { this._removeChildElems($(parent)); }, this)); } } // private RomoParentChildElems RomoParentChildElems.prototype._removeChildElems = function(parentElem) { $.each(this._pop(, function(idx, elem) { $(elem).remove(); }); }; RomoParentChildElems.prototype._push = function(items, id) { if (id === undefined) { id = String(this.elemId++); } if (this.elems[id] === undefined) { this.elems[id] = [] } items.forEach($.proxy(function(item){ this.elems[id].push(item) }, this)); return id; }; RomoParentChildElems.prototype._pop = function(id) { var items = this.elems[id]; delete this.elems[id]; return items || []; } // Init window.Romo = new Romo(); // TODO: rework w/o jQuery $(function() { Romo.doInit(); })