Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do set :app_setup_defaults, %w(app:create:dirs app:create:application_server db:setup) set :app_setup_aditional, [] unless exists?(:app_setup_aditional) set :user, 'app' unless exists?(:user) set :group, 'app' unless exists?(:group) namespace :app do task :setup, :roles => :app do (fetch(:app_setup_defaults)+fetch(:app_setup_aditional)).each do |name| if (t=top.find_task(name)) execute_task(t) end end end namespace :create do task :dirs, :roles => :app do deploy.setup commands = %w(config uploads backup bundle pids tmp/cache public/cache).map do |path| "if [ ! -d '#{path}' ]; then mkdir -p #{path}; fi;" end run "cd #{shared_path}; #{commands.join(' ')}" run "chmod 777 #{shared_path}/public/cache #{shared_path}/tmp/cache" end task :application_server, :roles => :app do # App Server case fetch(:app_server, nil).to_s when 'passenger' passenger.setup when 'unicorn' unicorn.setup unicorn.monit.setup when 'thin' thin.setup else puts "WARNING: set :app_server with (passenger, unicorn or thin) to automatically run the <server>:setup task" end end end namespace :destroy do desc "Remove application directory" task :all, :roles => :app do set(:confirmed) do puts <<-WARN ======================================================================== WARNING: You're about to remove the application directory: "#{ deploy_to }" ======================================================================== WARN answer = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask " Are you sure you want to continue? (Yn) " if answer == 'Y' then true else false end end if fetch(:confirmed) passenger.remove run "rm -Rf #{deploy_to}" else abort end end end end end