# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at . #++ require 'hexapdf/font/true_type' require 'hexapdf/font/cmap' require 'hexapdf/font/invalid_glyph' require 'hexapdf/error' module HexaPDF module Font # This class wraps a generic TrueType font object and provides the methods needed for working # with the font in a PDF context. # # TrueType fonts can be represented in two ways in PDF: As a simple font with Subtype TrueType # or as a composite font using a Type2 CIDFont. The wrapper only supports the composite font # case because: # # * By using a composite font more than 256 characters can be encoded with one font object. # * Fonts for vertical writing can potentially be used. # * The PDF specification recommends using a composite font (see PDF2.0 s9.9.1 at the end). # # Additionally, TrueType fonts are *always* embedded. class TrueTypeWrapper # Represents a single glyph of the wrapped font. class Glyph # The associated TrueTypeWrapper object. attr_reader :font_wrapper # The glyph ID. attr_reader :id # The string representation of the glyph. attr_reader :str # Creates a new Glyph object. def initialize(font_wrapper, id, str) @font_wrapper = font_wrapper @id = id @str = str end # Returns the glyph's minimum x coordinate. def x_min @x_min ||= @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:glyf][id].x_min * 1000.0 / @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:head].units_per_em end # Returns the glyph's maximum x coordinate. def x_max @x_max ||= @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:glyf][id].x_max * 1000.0 / @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:head].units_per_em end # Returns the glyph's minimum y coordinate. def y_min @y_min ||= @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:glyf][id].y_min * 1000.0 / @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:head].units_per_em end # Returns the glyph's maximum y coordinate. def y_max @y_max ||= @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:glyf][id].y_max * 1000.0 / @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:head].units_per_em end # Returns the width of the glyph. def width @width ||= @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:hmtx][id].advance_width * 1000.0 / @font_wrapper.wrapped_font[:head].units_per_em end # Returns +false+ since the word spacing parameter is never applied for multibyte font # encodings where each glyph is encoded using two bytes. def apply_word_spacing? false end # Returns +true+ since this is a valid glyph. def valid? true end #:nodoc: def inspect "#<#{self.class.name} font=#{@font_wrapper.wrapped_font.full_name.inspect} id=#{id} #{str.inspect}>" end end private_constant :Glyph # Returns the wrapped TrueType font object. attr_reader :wrapped_font # Returns the PDF object associated with the wrapper. attr_reader :pdf_object # Creates a new object wrapping the TrueType font for the PDF document. # # The optional argument +pdf_object+ can be used to set the PDF font object that this wrapper # should be associated with. If no object is set, a suitable one is automatically created. # # If +subset+ is true, the font is subset. def initialize(document, font, pdf_object: nil, subset: true) @wrapped_font = font @subsetter = (subset ? HexaPDF::Font::TrueType::Subsetter.new(font) : nil) @cmap = font[:cmap].preferred_table if @cmap.nil? raise HexaPDF::Error, "No mapping table for Unicode characters found for TTF " \ "font #{font.full_name}" end @pdf_object = pdf_object || create_pdf_object(document) @id_to_glyph = {} @codepoint_to_glyph = {} @encoded_glyphs = {} end # Returns the type of the font, i.e. :TrueType. def font_type :TrueType end # Returns the scaling factor for converting font units into PDF units. def scaling_factor @scaling_factor ||= 1000.0 / @wrapped_font[:head].units_per_em end # Returns +true+ if the font contains bold glyphs. def bold? @wrapped_font.weight > 500 end # Returns +true+ if the font contains glyphs with an incline (italic or slant). def italic? @wrapped_font.italic_angle.to_i != 0 end # Returns +true+ if the wrapped TrueType font will be subset. def subset? !@subsetter.nil? end # Returns a Glyph object for the given glyph ID. # # The optional argument +str+ should be the string representation of the glyph. Only use it if # it is known, # # Note: Although this method is public, it should normally not be used by application code! def glyph(id, str = nil) @id_to_glyph[id] ||= if id >= 0 && id < @wrapped_font[:maxp].num_glyphs Glyph.new(self, id, str || (+'' << (@cmap.gid_to_code(id) || 0xFFFD))) else @pdf_object.document.config['font.on_missing_glyph'].call("\u{FFFD}", self) end end # Returns a custom Glyph object which represents the given +string+ via the given glyph +id+. # # This functionality can be used to associate a single glyph id with multiple, different # strings for replacement glyph purposes. When used in such a way, the used glyph id is often # 0 which represents the missing glyph. def custom_glyph(id, string) if id < 0 || id >= @wrapped_font[:maxp].num_glyphs raise HexaPDF::Error, "Glyph ID #{id} is invalid for font '#{@wrapped_font.full_name}'" end Glyph.new(self, id, string) end # Returns an array of glyph objects representing the characters in the UTF-8 encoded string. # # See #decode_codepoint for details. def decode_utf8(str) str.codepoints.map! {|c| @codepoint_to_glyph[c] || decode_codepoint(c) } end # Returns a glyph object for the given Unicode codepoint. # # The configuration option 'font.on_missing_glyph' is invoked if no glyph for a given # codepoint is available. def decode_codepoint(codepoint) @codepoint_to_glyph[codepoint] ||= if (gid = @cmap[codepoint]) glyph(gid, +'' << codepoint) else @pdf_object.document.config['font.on_missing_glyph'].call(+'' << codepoint, self) end end # Encodes the glyph and returns the code string. def encode(glyph) (@encoded_glyphs[glyph.id] ||= begin raise HexaPDF::MissingGlyphError.new(glyph) if glyph.kind_of?(InvalidGlyph) if @subsetter [[@subsetter.use_glyph(glyph.id)].pack('n'), glyph] else [[glyph.id].pack('n'), glyph] end end)[0] end private # Creates a Type0 font object representing the TrueType font. # # The returned font object contains only information available at creation time, so no # information about glyph specific attributes like width. The missing information is added # before the PDF document gets written. def create_pdf_object(document) fd = document.add({Type: :FontDescriptor, FontName: @wrapped_font.font_name.intern, FontWeight: @wrapped_font.weight, Flags: 0, FontBBox: @wrapped_font.bounding_box.map {|m| m * scaling_factor }, ItalicAngle: @wrapped_font.italic_angle || 0, Ascent: @wrapped_font.ascender * scaling_factor, Descent: @wrapped_font.descender * scaling_factor, StemV: @wrapped_font.dominant_vertical_stem_width}) if @wrapped_font[:'OS/2'].version >= 2 fd[:CapHeight] = @wrapped_font.cap_height * scaling_factor fd[:XHeight] = @wrapped_font.x_height * scaling_factor else # estimate values # Estimate as per https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/os2.htm#ch fd[:CapHeight] = if @cmap[0x0048] # H @wrapped_font[:glyf][@cmap[0x0048]].y_max * scaling_factor else @wrapped_font.ascender * 0.8 * scaling_factor end # Estimate as per https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/os2.htm#xh fd[:XHeight] = if @cmap[0x0078] # x @wrapped_font[:glyf][@cmap[0x0078]].y_max * scaling_factor else @wrapped_font.ascender * 0.5 * scaling_factor end end fd.flag(:fixed_pitch) if @wrapped_font[:post].is_fixed_pitch? || @wrapped_font[:hhea].num_of_long_hor_metrics == 1 fd.flag(:italic) if @wrapped_font[:'OS/2'].selection_include?(:italic) || @wrapped_font[:'OS/2'].selection_include?(:oblique) fd.flag(:symbolic) cid_font = document.add({Type: :Font, Subtype: :CIDFontType2, BaseFont: fd[:FontName], FontDescriptor: fd, CIDSystemInfo: {Registry: "Adobe", Ordering: "Identity", Supplement: 0}, CIDToGIDMap: :Identity}) dict = document.add({Type: :Font, Subtype: :Type0, BaseFont: cid_font[:BaseFont], Encoding: :'Identity-H', DescendantFonts: [cid_font]}) dict.font_wrapper = self document.register_listener(:complete_objects) do update_font_name(dict) embed_font(dict, document) complete_width_information(dict) create_to_unicode_cmap(dict, document) end dict end UPPERCASE_LETTERS = ('A'..'Z').to_a.freeze #:nodoc: # Updates the font name with a unique tag if the font is subset. def update_font_name(dict) return unless @subsetter tag = +'' data = @encoded_glyphs.each_with_object(''.b) {|(id, v), s| s << id.to_s << v[0] } hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data << @wrapped_font.font_name).to_i(16) while hash != 0 && tag.length < 6 hash, mod = hash.divmod(UPPERCASE_LETTERS.length) tag << UPPERCASE_LETTERS[mod] end name = (tag << "+" << @wrapped_font.font_name).intern dict[:BaseFont] = name dict[:DescendantFonts].first[:BaseFont] = name dict[:DescendantFonts].first[:FontDescriptor][:FontName] = name end # Embeds the font. def embed_font(dict, document) if @subsetter data = @subsetter.build_font length = data.size stream = HexaPDF::StreamData.new(length: length) { data } else length = @wrapped_font.io.size stream = HexaPDF::StreamData.new(@wrapped_font.io, length: length) end font = document.add({Length1: length, Filter: :FlateDecode}, stream: stream) dict[:DescendantFonts].first[:FontDescriptor][:FontFile2] = font end # Adds the /DW and /W fields to the CIDFont dictionary. def complete_width_information(dict) default_width = glyph(3, " ").width.to_i widths = @encoded_glyphs.reject {|_, v| v[1].width == default_width }.map do |id, v| [(@subsetter ? @subsetter.subset_glyph_id(id) : id), v[1].width] end.sort! dict[:DescendantFonts].first.set_widths(widths, default_width: default_width) end # Creates the /ToUnicode CMap and updates the font dictionary so that text extraction works # correctly. def create_to_unicode_cmap(dict, document) stream = HexaPDF::StreamData.new do mapping = @encoded_glyphs.keys.map! do |id| # Using 0xFFFD as mentioned in Adobe #5411, last line before section 1.5 [(@subsetter ? @subsetter.subset_glyph_id(id) : id), @cmap.gid_to_code(id) || 0xFFFD] end.sort_by!(&:first) HexaPDF::Font::CMap.create_to_unicode_cmap(mapping) end stream_obj = document.add({}, stream: stream) stream_obj.set_filter(:FlateDecode) dict[:ToUnicode] = stream_obj end end end end