#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe "the shellquote function" do let :node do Puppet::Node.new('localhost') end let :compiler do Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node) end let :scope do Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(compiler) end it "should exist" do Puppet::Parser::Functions.function("shellquote").should == "function_shellquote" end it "should handle no arguments" do scope.function_shellquote([]).should == "" end it "should handle several simple arguments" do scope.function_shellquote( ['foo', 'bar@example.com', 'localhost:/dev/null', 'xyzzy+-4711,23'] ).should == 'foo bar@example.com localhost:/dev/null xyzzy+-4711,23' end it "should handle array arguments" do scope.function_shellquote( ['foo', ['bar@example.com', 'localhost:/dev/null'], 'xyzzy+-4711,23'] ).should == 'foo bar@example.com localhost:/dev/null xyzzy+-4711,23' end it "should quote unsafe characters" do scope.function_shellquote(['/etc/passwd ', '(ls)', '*', '[?]', "'&'"]). should == '"/etc/passwd " "(ls)" "*" "[?]" "\'&\'"' end it "should deal with double quotes" do scope.function_shellquote(['"foo"bar"']).should == '\'"foo"bar"\'' end it "should cope with dollar signs" do scope.function_shellquote(['$PATH', 'foo$bar', '"x$"']). should == "'$PATH' 'foo$bar' '\"x$\"'" end it "should deal with apostrophes (single quotes)" do scope.function_shellquote(["'foo'bar'", "`$'EDITOR'`"]). should == '"\'foo\'bar\'" "\\`\\$\'EDITOR\'\\`"' end it "should cope with grave accents (backquotes)" do scope.function_shellquote(['`echo *`', '`ls "$MAILPATH"`']). should == "'`echo *`' '`ls \"$MAILPATH\"`'" end it "should deal with both single and double quotes" do scope.function_shellquote(['\'foo"bar"xyzzy\'', '"foo\'bar\'xyzzy"']). should == '"\'foo\\"bar\\"xyzzy\'" "\\"foo\'bar\'xyzzy\\""' end it "should handle multiple quotes *and* dollars and backquotes" do scope.function_shellquote(['\'foo"$x`bar`"xyzzy\'']). should == '"\'foo\\"\\$x\\`bar\\`\\"xyzzy\'"' end it "should handle linefeeds" do scope.function_shellquote(["foo \n bar"]).should == "\"foo \n bar\"" end end