CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION renalware.import_practice_memberships_csv(file text) RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS copied_memberships; CREATE TEMP TABLE copied_memberships ( gp_code text NOT NULL, practice_code text NOT NULL, unused3 text, joined_on text, left_on text, unused7 text ); -- Import the CSV file into copied_memberships - note there is no CSV header in this file EXECUTE format ('COPY copied_memberships FROM %L DELIMITER %L CSV ', file, ','); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_memberships; CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_memberships AS SELECT C.gp_code, C.practice_code, case C.joined_on when '' then NULL else C.joined_on::date end, case C.left_on when '' then NULL else C.left_on::date end, primary_care_physician_id, as practice_id from copied_memberships C INNER JOIN patient_practices on patient_practices.code = C.practice_code INNER JOIN patient_primary_care_physicians on patient_primary_care_physicians.code = C.gp_code; -- Insert any new memberships, ignoring any conflicts where the -- practice_id + primary_care_physician_id already exists INSERT INTO renalware.patient_practice_memberships (practice_id, primary_care_physician_id, joined_on, left_on, active, created_at, updated_at) SELECT practice_id, primary_care_physician_id, joined_on, left_on, case when left_on is null then true else false end, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM tmp_memberships ON CONFLICT (practice_id, primary_care_physician_id) DO NOTHING; -- However we need to ensure the joined_on left_on and active columns are up to date as these -- were recently added UPDATE renalware.patient_practice_memberships AS M SET joined_on = T.joined_on, left_on = T.left_on, active = case when T.left_on is null then true else false end FROM tmp_memberships T WHERE T.practice_id = M.practice_id AND T.primary_care_physician_id = M.primary_care_physician_id; -- Mark as deleted any memberships not in the latest uploaded data set - ie those gps have retired or moved on UPDATE patient_practice_memberships mem SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE NOT EXISTS (select 1 FROM tmp_memberships tmem WHERE tmem.practice_id = mem.practice_id AND tmem.primary_care_physician_id = mem.primary_care_physician_id); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS copied_memberships; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_memberships; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;