jenkins-pipeline-builder ======================== YAML driven CI Jenkins Pipeline Builder enabling to version your artifact pipelines alongside with the artifact source itself. # JenkinsPipeline::Generator TODO: Write a gem description This is how you can bootstrap a pipeline: generate pipeline -d -c config/login.yml bootstrap ./pipeline-archetype ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'jenkins_pipeline_builder' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install jenkins_pipeline_builder brew install libxml2 libxslt [optional] brew link libxml2 libxslt gem install nokogiri ## Usage TODO: Write usage instructions here ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## Job DSL Here's a high level overview of what's available: ```yaml - job: name: nameStr # Name of your Job job_type: free_style # Optional [free_style|multi_project] parameters: - name: param_name type: string default: default value description: text scm_provider: git # See more info on Jenkins Api Client scm_url: scm_branch: master scm_params: excuded_users: user local_branch: branch_name recursive_update: true wipe_workspace: true shell_command: '.' hipchat: room: room name here start-notify: true builders: - job_builder: child_jobs: - job-name-1 - job-name-2 mark_phase: SUCCESSFUL - inject_vars_file: build_job_info - shell_command: | echo 'Doing some work' run command1 - maven3: goals: -B clean wrappers: - timestamp: true - ansicolor: true - artifactory: url: '' artifactory-name: 'key' target-repo: gems-local publish: 'pkg/*.gem' publish-build-info: true - inject_env_var: | VAR1 = value_1 VAR2 = value_2 - inject_passwords: - name: pwd_name value: some_encrypted_password - rvm: "ruby-version@ruby-gemset" publishers: - junit_result: test_results: 'out/**/*.xml' - git: push-merge: true push-only-if-success: false - hipchat: jenkinsUrl: 'https://jenkins_url/' authToken: 'auth_token' room: 'room name' - coverage_result: report_dir: out/coverage/rcov total: healthy: 80 unhealthy: 0 unstable: 0 code: healthy: 80 unhealthy: 0 unstable: 0 - description_setter: regexp: See the build details at (.*) description: 'Build Details: \1' - downstream: project: project_name data: - params: | PARAM1=value1 PARAM2=value2 - file: promote-job-params triggers: - git_push: true - scm_polling: 'H/5 * * * *' build_flow: | guard { build("job_name1", param1: params["param1"]); } rescue { build("job_name2", param1: build21.environment.get("some_var")) } ```