#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: iso-8859-1 #-- # Portions copyright 2004 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org). # Portions copyright 2005 by Sam Ruby (rubys@intertwingly.net). # All rights reserved. # Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution, # and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the # above copyright notice is included. #++ require 'builder/xmlmarkup' require 'benchmark' text = "This is a test of the new xml markup. I�t�rn�ti�n�liz�ti�n\n" * 10000 include Benchmark # we need the CAPTION and FMTSTR constants include Builder n = 50 Benchmark.benchmark do |bm| tf = bm.report("base") { n.times do x = XmlMarkup.new x.text(text) x.target! end } def XmlMarkup._escape(text) text.to_xs end tf = bm.report("to_xs") { n.times do x = XmlMarkup.new x.text(text) x.target! end } end